Comments on: Washington Post-CIA connections: back to basics Fri, 03 Aug 2018 22:12:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theodore Fri, 03 Aug 2018 22:12:02 +0000 “I heard that someone was developing a hand-held gadget that could scan produce, instantly giving you a reading of what chemicals were in it. Would love to own one of these.”

me too.

By: NaturalWoman Fri, 03 Aug 2018 14:37:35 +0000 I have doubts about their organic meat. Grass-fed meat should have a different taste and texture than grain-fed, and I suspected that theirs was not truly 100% grass-fed, after several tries a few years back. I can’t say more than that as I do not have solid facts. My store is some miles away and very expensive. It has lots of organic vegetables, but it is harder to be sure of vegetables. So I garden as much as I can, have done so all my life, and always had an orchard, but even so worry about what is in the air and the water. I heard that someone was developing a hand-held gadget that could scan produce, instantly giving you a reading of what chemicals were in it. Would love to own one of these.

By: truth1 Fri, 03 Aug 2018 05:16:23 +0000 I hate Whole Foods. they sold raw milk in 2006-7 and then stopped. Far too healthy for their liking. They were outrageously priced compared to Trader Joe’s. Most everything they sell is in boxes and packages. They never carry organic produce. Perfect match for Amazon.

By: maidinamerica Fri, 03 Aug 2018 02:32:50 +0000 History repeats itself?

By: Theodore Fri, 03 Aug 2018 00:26:34 +0000 me, too. i’m not trying to get into any debate.

but, i am distrustful of Bezos, and, the Chinese communists.

curious what made you distrustful of Whole Foods in the pre- Amazon Bezos days? for example, were they selling stuff as ‘organic’ when it was not?

By: NaturalWoman Thu, 02 Aug 2018 23:46:57 +0000 I don’t want to get into a debate, here. You naysayers could be right. On the other hand, Bezos could be a good guy who is getting smeared by the mainstream media. I was distrustful of Whole Foods long before Amazon acquired it, and that hasn’t changed.

By: maidinamerica Thu, 02 Aug 2018 20:19:31 +0000 Very interesting, Michael. I was wondering about the CFR-CIA Graham saga. Years ago I had read the autobiography of Katherine Graham autobiography, because of all things our pastor had quoted from her book, (also before I had awakened to the D S coup), and questioned this suicide and then read her obituary, and she had tripped on a sidewalk while attending meetings in Idaho, went to the hospital and died. That sounded suspect to me.

And what about the beneficent Bezos’ Whole Foods? Do you suppose these are organic or at what point do they become plastic? Im certainly not contributing to any of his megalopolies.

By: Theodore Wed, 01 Aug 2018 22:29:07 +0000 🙂


AMAZON employee rages at Bezos after work injury forces her to live in car park…

‘He’s a billionaire!’

By: Michael Burns Wed, 01 Aug 2018 21:49:47 +0000 Thank you very much Theo…I love books. This should be fun.

Have I got that correct.

Wow sinks, bed bugs, bums, MIGRANTS, Satan and Marx..I microaggressed to every one of those words.
Time for my safe place and a big Maui Wowie.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 01 Aug 2018 21:34:31 +0000 Hm..closet not libertarian.

What do you think of his facial recognition system that he is selling to every law enforcement agency in the world, and to everyone who wishes to purchase that plus the data attached to it. He is selling the image of your face, and all your family members faces — his employees faces without their permission. He is taking that face and connecting it to so many pieces of information. Past, present and future.

He is making money of your image. Connecting that image to products you buy or sell, are intersested in, your ideas, your comments and writings, your POV, even this interaction with me, the list goes on and on — why don’t you think about that for a while. Think about what this SOB will connect your face to in the future…restauraunts, your health, your secret rendezvouses, your phone, all your little smart devises you own in your home. And they will tattle. All the phones that have your image on it, and for what reason.

Did you know that the image of your face is not your property, that, that is his intellectual property when it used in that specific way that he does.

Ah you say, no, he can’t own the image of my face. Well it depends on how you think about it. And it depend on how you look at it. Remember now, consensus will rule the day. And if you have nothing to worry about why worry if he uses your image…right?

Welcome to 1984.

This guy is the slimmest of the slimy. Your friend knows him and so…your friend knows nothing of what this bastard will become in the future. This fucker sold his soul.

Amazon has plans for towers of drones, the size of skyscrapers. And these towers will put millions out of work –they will deliver everything from soup to nuts. we are talking about the logistical control of goods through North America. Do you know what that means.

When you actually contemplate what the ramification are of this awesome power that he is gaining.

By the time he is finished, these pesky annoyances will be everywhere. Landing in special places set up between Amazon and the buyer. And each drone will have a camera, and will make money for him recognizing faces on the way to delivering your pizza or what ever it is you order from there.

Did you know Amazon censors books, now how did this little libertarian get that kind of power. Arn’t libertarians for liberty above all things. 
