Comments on: Government-Pharma collusion in mass deaths by opioids Sat, 04 Aug 2018 00:00:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: DaveM Sat, 04 Aug 2018 00:00:24 +0000 Jon,
I beg you to not attempt to throttle the availability of Opiates completely, or to make them even more difficult to obtain Legally.
Prescription Oxycodone is the ONLY Pain Med that stops my Back Pain.

I had a stroke in 2010, somehow a Vertebrate Disk slipped out of place and is rubbing on some Nerves (I have the Films and the Doctor’s Write-up), and the result (w/o a Pain Blocker) is constant Pain.

Why did that happen?? I don’t know. Perhaps it was caused by relaxed muscles that had been holding the disk in place.
I recovered most of my Functionality slowly but surely, but the Disk did not – and COULD NOT – slip back into place. It had slipped out too far to slide back in with any Physical Therapy, Devices, or Posture improvements.

(Not to mention a curved Spine due to my poor Posture all these years.
Maybe the Slipped Disk was partly my own fault. And I’m paying a rather
High Price for it. You were probably right, Mom and Teachers!! I should have listened to you!!)

I’ve tried EVERY alternative including Aleve, a TENS Unit (ugh!!), Aspirin, a Cortisone Shot in my Back at the Pain Site, etc, etc. None of them worked very well, and some not at all. And they all had bad Side Effects and Dangers. (The TENS Unit was a Primitive JOKE, and it didn’t even work!! Even the Cortisone Shot did NOTHING to block the Pain.)

For me, Oxy has almost NO side effects, and deadens the Pain to about the 95 Percent level. Nothing else comes close.

I’m not addicted to Oxy, and I don’t crave it or even think about it, but I do NEED it in order to have a nearly normal, almost Pain-Free Life.
They had to keep increasing the dosage for me over the years due to
“Tolerance”, but I think the Tolerance level has finally plateaued.
That’s probably true of other Patients, and it also implies increased Production of Opiates to handle the increased National need.

Please keep us Medically Needy Folks in mind when trying to fix the Opiates “Problem”. I need Opiates as much as Food and Water, Vitamin C, Eye Glasses, Shoes, visits to the Dentist, Dental Novocaine, Blood Pressure Meds, Seat Belts, Air Bags, etc, and if cutoff, I would not have any kind of Normal Life.

Don’t make us Good Guys suffer without Opiates or in obtaining them because of some Junkies.
It’s not Fair, and it would ruin my Life.

Thank you.
And Thank You, Jon, for all you do!!


By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 02 Aug 2018 07:41:37 +0000 Correct MB. That rolling stone keeps on rollin’….

By: Confederate miner Wed, 01 Aug 2018 10:57:43 +0000 This is whole opioid epidemic is ridiculous. 2 million addicts! That is way less than 1 percent of the population! Around 2000 deaths per Yeah? Statistically insignificant and I’m pretty sure those deaths were from heroin. There really is no hope for this country. We will take a stand on something as long as it’s not in any way connected to our real problems. Opios epidemic. Hahaha!

By: Michael Burns Tue, 31 Jul 2018 16:31:56 +0000 Good points Ozzie.

Really this talks about an age old devise to control/manipulate/eliminate populations.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 31 Jul 2018 16:28:21 +0000 Can anyone say Raymond and Mortimer Sackler and the Purdue Corporation.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 31 Jul 2018 07:25:21 +0000 Jon

I get your point, but you need to look beyond “sensation” to find the root causes, which [actually] in this case don’t implicate big pharma at all.

The issue began with the British Crown who opened the door to forbidden fruits in their colonisation of China. Presumably locals had been efficiently chuffing away on opium products for millennia. Put into the hands of “Westerners”, all hell breaks loose.

The first “legitimate” assault was laudanum and then a more refined morphine made its way to strategic chemists. Again, the “fault” wasn’t Pharma or enterprise specifically. The fault was the people’s ignorance and subsequent dependence.

I ask you this. Did none of the 300,000 “alleged” deaths “from” opiates understand the dangers? Were they all that THICK? Or is there more to this story than you care to acknowledge?


By: Not So Free Mon, 30 Jul 2018 21:18:18 +0000 Could this be just one more way to “Thin the herd”?

By: paschnn1 Mon, 30 Jul 2018 19:48:31 +0000 Most didn’t make the connection between Afghanistan/Taliban/poppy fields/kosher pharmaceuticals.
the “Evil” Taliban had virtually eliminated the poppy as an export from Afghanistan, then voila! Shabbos Goi from D.C. to the rescue! In go “our boys” for mom, apple pie and AIPAC. Roughly 5 years later we see an increase of (if I recall) 500% in cheap/accessible/”our boys” protected poppy.
Then the opioid deaths begin to sky rocket and here we are.

All AIPAC et al had to do was convince their tools in D.C. that all this slaughter/engineered impotence/murder by vaccine et al was GOOD ‘cuz we need to “go green”. Now, all the bought off feel really good about themselves because, they’re simply helping save the planet.
But when you consider the enormous amount of effort BY CORPORATIONS/GOVERNMENT in destroying/collapsing RENEWABLE energy sources, effective ORGANIC ways to not only CURE but PREVENT disease, it doesn’t take a PhD in physics to see the scum have shifted the responsibility off of themselves and ON TO the common man.

Like most investigative journalists have always believed, to find those responsible, simply follow the money.

“Thanks to the terrible power of our international banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, Since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest, The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100 million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars and the end is not yet.”

Rabbi Reichorn 1869

By: dogg Mon, 30 Jul 2018 15:39:27 +0000 Jon, I still would like to get your take on this question I have. If there really is such an opioid crises, why is the media, who are in the pockets of big pharma with billions of dollars in advertising, hammering on it so much? This doesn’t follow the dots or the cash. It seems there is some weird twist going on somewhere, and you’re the kind of guy that can figure those kind of things out!

By: kennyalligood Mon, 30 Jul 2018 14:39:04 +0000 I believe Jon has missed the real point of that war in Afghanistan. Maybe talking about how the US military is now the muscle protecting those poppy fields and production has skyrocketed since the invasion may clear it up.
