Comments on: Erased history: how Rockefeller bankrolled Soviet Russia Sat, 20 Mar 2021 23:41:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom_12 Wed, 08 Aug 2018 08:44:19 +0000 Excellent information !!!

By: John Denny Wed, 08 Aug 2018 01:01:22 +0000 what?

By: maidinamerica Tue, 07 Aug 2018 23:33:52 +0000 Amen!

By: maidinamerica Tue, 07 Aug 2018 23:11:58 +0000 Great movie! Another piece of the globalist puzzle unraveled.

By: maidinamerica Tue, 07 Aug 2018 23:10:36 +0000 Yes, Theodore, I also was going to suggest reading “The Killing of Uncle Sam”, for the continuing saga of the cabal, with over 1000 documentations, and co-authored by Paul Williams ( Operation Gladio). This tidbit from that book is one reason why we the public “educated” people don’t know this stuff. In 1905, 2 foundations were formed with big-time propaganda titles: Carnegie’s CFAT – Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and Rockefeller’s GED – General Education Board. These titles have nothing to do with their desired ends – which is the rewriting and editing of history. Another misnomer was indicated by CFAT becoming the national unofficial accrediting agency for colleges and universities. It created curricula, and had oversight over the faculty. Soon colleges would be reflecting Carnegie’s agnostic, socialist, globalist beliefs. Those institutions that complied with the foundation’s dictates would receive massive benefactions and who would-could turn that down? New subjects included anthropology, comparative religions and social science. This soon crushed out individuality and independence and the abandoning of the faith of their fathers. Meanwhile, Rockefeller put in his 2c – well actually $182.8 millions into the GED and found that their limitless resources and molding hands had created a complete docile people. They did all they could to ensure the students would not achieve highly into men of philosophy, of learning, or science.They would not raise up artists, musicians, lawyers, doctors, preachers or statesmen. This foundation also funded lobbying for tariffs on imported oil, increasing their monopolization and power and of course tax free $$$$, where their wealth was hidden. Thanks to Jon Rappoport and you other contributors this globalist smokescreen is getting penetrated with holes, soon too many to be plugged.

By: voza0db Tue, 07 Aug 2018 12:57:17 +0000 Yep… In some places even a single spit can cause you a lot of problems!

By: Theodore Tue, 07 Aug 2018 12:45:42 +0000 Wow. I had heard not heard that before.

Hilter’s failed Munich Beer Hall putsch (which took place in November 1923) is dramatized in Dinesh’s “Death of a Nation” documentary.

By: Darkwing Tue, 07 Aug 2018 10:49:45 +0000 Prescott Bush in the early 1930’s loan Hitler 2 MILLION dollars to start his group.

By: Tom_12 Tue, 07 Aug 2018 06:28:49 +0000 Lets not forget how they did this one. Again, all in the same time frame.

“In brief, the unlikely and puzzling picture that emerges is that Charles Crane, a friend and backer of Woodrow Wilson and a prominent financier and politician, had a known role in the “first” revolution and traveled to Russia in mid-1917 in company with the American Communist Lincoln Steffens, who was in touch with both Woodrow Wilson and Trotsky. The latter in turn was carrying a passport issued at the orders of Wilson and $10,000 from supposed German sources. On his return to the U.S. after the “re-revolution,” Crane was granted access to official documents concerning consolidation of the Bolshevik regime: This is a pattern of interlocking — if puzzling — events that warrants further investigation and suggests, though without at this point providing evidence, some link between the financier Crane and the revolutionary Trotsky.”

Today’s best example of the same is Ukraine and the highjacked Majdan Protests. Lots of dirty money was used to pay criminals to risk life in throwing bricks and bottles to raise the temperature sufficiently to bring down a ELECTED president.

By: Tom_12 Tue, 07 Aug 2018 06:23:48 +0000 Exactly !!!!

One of many many examples of this. You and I would be thrown in jail if we didn’t pay a parking fine.
