Comments on: The war to destroy Alex Jones, Part 3 Mon, 31 May 2021 13:56:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theodore Mon, 20 Aug 2018 12:55:21 +0000 it is a very good debate to have.

the notion of ‘defacto and ubiquitous communication networks built by private enterprise’ — say, post-1840 in Western Civilization countries.

should they by regulated.


for example,…

“If Big Tech won’t respect our First Amendment, then to paraphrase Hillary Clinton [on shutting down coal], ‘we need to put a lot of Big Tech companies out of business.'”

By: JB Mon, 20 Aug 2018 11:57:32 +0000 Unbelievable myopia.

The 1st Amendment is about “CONGRESS shall make no law”

The Constitution and the BofR does not govern people nor businesses nor institutions in their private affairs. What is written there is what THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT can/cannot do. Many of the Amendments are a violation of the original declarations.

The distortion of the Constitution’s contents and purpose is why this country is sinking deeper into political correctness and social chaos.

Businesses, churches, associations, can do what they please with their membership; discriminate on any basis they want. The Constitution does not govern the PEOPLE, it govern the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

By: Todd Fri, 17 Aug 2018 16:54:40 +0000 Great writing and analysis as usual Jon!I have a feeling this censorship is going to backfire at some point. By the way it’s happening as well to redice with paypal, Jay Dyer on wordpress, and no doubt there are other casualties. Support the artists directly. It might not be long before Jon’s triple mega matrix collection is considered subversive hate speech. Aloha!

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 16 Aug 2018 05:16:06 +0000 If that is “waking people up”, God help the living.

By: britinara Tue, 14 Aug 2018 13:21:55 +0000 Here it is. Here we are. “1984” two minutes of hate:

By: westcoastliberal Tue, 14 Aug 2018 02:06:21 +0000 The one world gov types are trying to cause a shift toward socialism in our society. This is part of that and it’s a naked attempt at silencing dissent and killing off anything but the “official” version. Free Alex Jones! Break Google, Apple, Fbook into small pieces.

By: Doreen Agostino Mon, 13 Aug 2018 22:45:36 +0000 Something wicked this way cometh … censorship is about lust for power

By: From Quebec Sun, 12 Aug 2018 17:09:44 +0000 Do I want Jones wiped off Google? No way. I want people to wake up.(Ozzie Thinker)

And this is precisely what Alex Jones has done: WAKE UP PEOPLE.
He is probably the champion on that issue.

As for you, who reads you?

So, it seems to me that you do not like competition.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 12 Aug 2018 05:02:59 +0000 MB, you are losing your touch….

“Conspiracy theories”…me? I think not. I am one that questions and deconstructs to reconstruct. You have me very wrong there.

You also have misread my criticism of Jones. Yes, he supports many individuals that offer poor/loaded arguments as their “case” for truth. There lies the problem. His visceral objective is to sensationalise. This is clear. That’s why the deluded throngs flock to him. Think of the pied piper. No throngs visit “Ozzie Thinker” because I don’t sensationalise. My information doesn’t attract because it is pure.

Do I want Jones wiped off Google? No way. I want people to wake up.

As for “Racism” (that ADL abomination). I compliment good Jews and disparage bad ones. I am not a “truth crusader”, but I have been passionate about certain issues (that are invariably not) which, I feel, should be forefront of human concern.

Truth is impartial and non-negotiable, Michael. To label something “extreme”, in this context, is merely a cute way of attempting to censor wider “thoughts”/considerations. There are no topics off intellectual limits. Finally, I both love and hate at the same time. If my speech is generally regarded as “hateful” it is being read the wrong way. Real love, true love is always tough. Lessons in life are harsh, but, reflectively, those that pass the tests, do so well from the consequence.

I hope that helps 🙂

By: Michael Burns Sun, 12 Aug 2018 01:03:44 +0000 So Ozzie, in conclusion…you believe he (Alex Jones) should be banned on Google’s YouTube. His channel should be silenced. His universal right to free speech on a public media is not the issue, he should be censored?

In your Ozzie Thinker four-part articles Israel, Zionist Ambition, Isis and the US Affiliated Connections, you profess to — considered by many people to be a conspiracy theory —  that psychiatric medications seem to be a cause of murder, massacre…

“It is an open secret that medications proscribed by psychiatry seem to be the cause of the majority of US social massacres which weren’t negotiated by professional hit men. There is also undeniable evidence that suggests master planners are behind all the global terrorist movements (Forgive the “suspect” source but information “checks”).”  –OzzieThinker

You go on to say that ‘master planners are behind all Global terrorist movements’…

“So much so, swelling groups of proud misinformation givers parading as news streams even pledge their allegiance to Zionist ambition in the open.” –OzzieThinker

interestingly you also state that…

“We know why they (the powers) are behind the fake alternative news. Ultimately, they intend to create standards, outlawing alternative information sources (backed by the lies they created), to impose universal censorship for the benefit (sic) of the people.” — OzzieThinker

…in short Ozzie I am left in confusion? Clearly in your last quote you are astute to their (the powers) foreboding censorship. But distaste of that is obvious within your speech. Are you against censorship or for it? Why is it a ‘kettle calling the pot black situation”.

Alex Jones is accused of being a conspiracy theorist. Accused of putting information out on his YouTube channel; saying similar things as yourself. The real difference is he has 3 and half million subscribers. Whereas you seek a greater audience.

You claim that a few friends have caught the wrong end of Jones’ wrath and so therefor, it is fine, and he deserves a greater bite in the ass. I can understand your dislike of him, but should he be censored because of that? Did you get AJ’s twist on those accusations, the cause for his rage towards them (mild friends). Is this the reason for your opinion, are you prone to one-sidedness as a writer? You dislike someone so it is okay to censor him. Or do you search out facts and the truth. Does that outcome regardless of truth, warrant his censorship. And is it self censorship that guides and informs your comment?

If WordPress decided that your above quotes were “Hate Speech” — if your copious writings and articles, specifically; Israel, Zionist Ambition, Isis and the US Affiliated Connections the rather lengthy four-part article as ant-semitic would you be as amiable to his censorship then… If they in fact censored you and your websites. Would your vitriol towards him be as sharp?

If they (the powers) placed your book on a censored list, would you be as ardent to express such opinions. You are a journalist, a writer, a good one, I would say — you also hold extreme views on aliens and extraterrestrials and your position as a Exo-politician. You hold extremes and eccentric views Ozzie, on many current topics and subjects, including vaccination, psychiatric medications, the Australian government, Jews, Zionism and religion to state a few.  Many of these can be considered extreme and conspiratorial. Your views on Jews and Zionism could be considered anti-semitic. Do you practice hate speech.

