Comments on: Social media censorship—here are the deep basics Sat, 25 Aug 2018 04:14:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 25 Aug 2018 04:14:35 +0000 PJ London….the “fault” is everyone feels empowered by “freedom of choice” to do as they please, yet, ultimately, for most there is only one choice…..WORK. Because most work generates some form of remuneration, people are now fully complacent. Rather than being slave fodder, they have “careers”. Yet, just about everyone would drop their career dead if the remuneration dried up.

1865 (or 1837) emancipation was a GIANT CON. That’s when social security ended and real enslavement commenced….

By: Robert Graf Fri, 24 Aug 2018 20:33:25 +0000 You left out the the key piece: the school system, to tell the children that everything used to be perfect, thanks to the founding ‘fathers’.

By: PJ London Thu, 23 Aug 2018 13:28:47 +0000 Hi, extract from Saddam’s Sister (Chapter 10) PJ Lang :

“….. If we look at Human resources for a moment. America became great built on the labour of a well educated workforce. People walked into a job with a motor company, electrical manufacturer or commercial distributor, and could become almost immediately productive. You could give them a manual or a set of instructions and they could read, understand and carry out those instructions. They did not need a long apprenticeship to operate a harvester or a metal press, they simply read the manual. Manual dexterity and strength was reserved for a relatively few occupations but education, ability to learn quickly and adapt, was much more important. Because the incredible speed and improvements in developing machines for industry and agriculture meant that a new method was being introduced every few years. The ability to design, build and operate large machinery, locomotives, trucks, bulldozers, metal presses, printing presses, steel mills was what drove progress for all the world.

With the introduction of transistors and electronics everything shifted again. Dexterity became the major skill that was required. Ability to handle very small items, place them exactly right and solder a tiny wire without melting the backplate. Dexterity became a valuable skill, and the low cost workforce of Asia became the engine that moved the world forward. The next transformation, which is already taking place is the robotic manufacture. Much stronger than the black workforce, better at learning than the educated workforce, more dexterous than the Asiatic workforce, and much much cheaper. Each time there was a change, there was a huge dislocation of wealth and power, it will happen again.
Paraphrasing what Buckminster Fuller in the 1930s said, “We must do away with the idea that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact that one in ten thousand of us, can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory, he has to justify his right to exist. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.”
What we have to do is find a way for our Malundi human resources to thrive and live whilst the rest of the world transitions into not having enough work. We are fortunate, we have never had any work.
In any society, the ability to produce exceeds the necessities of living except in very harsh environments. We are in Eden, spit out grape pits and next year you have a vineyard.
The Egyptians used the excess to build Pyramids, the Mayan, the Khmer, the Europeans built great cathedrals and religious centres. Thousands, maybe millions of man-hours poured into piling rocks on top of each other. Even in Zimbabwe, they stacked rocks to create temples or tombs. The Greeks and the Romans built arenas and theatres. Imagine designing and building, by hand, a swimming pool the size of the Coliseum, just so that you can have ‘Naval Battles’, to entertain the mobs.
In the current Western society, the excess has two places to be stored. Either in the excessive wealth of a very few people or in weapons, bombs, planes, ships and missiles. Both are a ridiculous use of resources. These methods have been used over and over again and in every case have caused the downfall of the nation. Temporary wealth, over indulgence and catastrophic decline. …. ”

Smashwords (set price to $0 for free read)

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 23 Aug 2018 07:23:52 +0000 PJ London…a paragraph from my most recent Ozzie Thinker article

“The reason (under this system) ownership will never be abolished (although it may be restricted) is governments would have to rescind their slave master statuses in order to transform into arbitrators that truly work “for the people”. Currently populations are effectively forced to toil to survive. Those privileged enough to “own” sufficient land holdings supported by interest bearing investments probably haven’t the skills to become entirely self-sufficient. Thus, without government society would naturally function through the formation of brokered relationships that would need to leverage and harness social parasitism. According to today’s popular press (sponsored by corporate interests and governments who are in themselves giant corporations), people only want good jobs. People, by the same rose tinted reasoning, will do anything to keep their good jobs. Commerce needs labour to function. Indeed, for those that were (in society) to ever become self-sufficient, commerce would cease to be necessary. That lack of functional necessity could only be defeated by interest in collectables and other objet d’art which, though arguably functionally irrelevant, fuel a potentially ever-accruing “need for more”. I guess that is why we have collectors.”

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 23 Aug 2018 07:18:45 +0000 ROFLAO….

What about the freakin’ Indians, imperialist?

You forget the tyrannies and blood upon which your “great” (sic) national was built. Why would a philosophical “land of the free” have immigration? Those woeful double standards are currently being politically played out using “Mexicans”. Nothing new there.

By: Robert Graf Thu, 23 Aug 2018 03:00:25 +0000 You can’t be held accountable for another person’s posts. This is ridiculous.

By: Robert Graf Thu, 23 Aug 2018 00:12:08 +0000 Looks like I really hit a sore spot. You drama queens sure are hypersensitive.

“Having the attention span of gerbil is nothing to brag about Robert — your knowing is limited to sounds bits it seems. That’s ok maybe you’ll catch up soon…”

What part of my response did you interpret as being boastful? Looks like you have some comprehension issues. Also, some serious grammar problems. Not to mention that this insult is really only effective until the point you start writing with something other than crayons. This is laughable for even a junior high student. Seriously weak, sissy boy.

“Moderation is maintaining the site, not allowing other commentators to be abused by some nut who wanders in and starts shooting up the place, starts taking shots at the commenters.”

That’s still censorship. By that standard, your reply to the original poster should have been ‘moderated’, since you took a shot at him.

“Censorship is you, Robert having an original thought for once,…”

Which dictionary did you get this from? Or, maybe I should ask, do you speak English?

” and writing it out here in long form for us to agree or disagree with — you set down the logic of your argument, against the authors article, or another commenters argument.”

Learn some grammar. This alphabet soup of a run-on sentence just makes you look stupid. Trying to insult me while you’re obviously foaming at the mouth just shows how short your attention span is.

“And the owner this site, or his moderator CENSOR that comment.
Should I explain it more to you, or is that simple enough Robert.”

You’ll need to learn English, first. Then formal logic. You sure are stupid.

“You twat…lol”

LOL? You sissyboys just don’t get how stupid you look. I bet you got slapped around by the girls in 5th grade, didn’t you?

By: bob klinck Wed, 22 Aug 2018 23:26:00 +0000 If Jon is potentially legally liable for remarks that his site puts in the public domain, which I’m quite certain is the case, then it’s normal that he would reserve the right to moderate same. In my experience, the scope he allows for discussion is exemplary.

By: truth1 Wed, 22 Aug 2018 22:13:10 +0000 I am not suggesting that we allow threats or scams or calls to violence or anything like that. nor even the breaking of laws like Satanic ritual abuse. But what goes on on say CIA-tube or CIA-Book, or Google CIA is blatant government censorship since the CIA is the funding and support for those supposed privately owned CIA dummy corporations. I want transparency. Yeah, I know, that is right there with the Easter bunny, but that is how it should be.

By: dectiri Wed, 22 Aug 2018 20:00:53 +0000 Your comment said quite plainly that we were CIA slaves that only voted in a fantasy land, and clearly we did NOT elect the CIA’s chosen one this time, so take your insults and attack yourself
