Comments on: Why medically caused deaths continue to be ignored Tue, 11 Sep 2018 18:27:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: katharineotto Tue, 11 Sep 2018 18:27:03 +0000 Thanks for the reply. I wasn’t addressing how things should be. I was referring to how things are. I’m no fan of pharma, as my wordpress blog, “Drugs, Drugs, and More Drugs” explains. I would contend the medical establishment does not want to annihilate its market but keep it hanging on, and to keep expanding it, as long as possible.

By: truth1 Tue, 11 Sep 2018 02:49:23 +0000 Thank you for your support Sue. sometimes a persons support is in it self a refutation of those who promote drugs, which about the same as promoting death in my book.

By: Sue Mon, 10 Sep 2018 20:06:05 +0000 Absolutely, truth1. Drugs attack and do damage while suppressing symptoms. People have been TAUGHT (i.e. brainwashed) into believing they are the answer to everything – the ‘magic bullet.’ And, the first crucial step in getting people to board that health-destroying merry-go-round is vaccinations, which is why those shots are the medical mafia’a sacred cow, pushed to be mandated (forced). They ensure repeat business; more “tests,” more drugs, and more hospitalizations added to the docket.

By: truth1 Mon, 10 Sep 2018 13:05:23 +0000 I sure will. Drugs are not the answer to anything but death. We need to stop drugs altogether. Nutrition (supplements, diet) and lifestyle are the real solutions, as well as electronic devices such as magnetic pulsars and Multiple wave oscilators first made by Lahovsky, with the help of Nikola Tesla. Complexity? Its not complex. the medical establishment wants us all dead. Its pretty simple, actually. did that help?

By: katharineotto Mon, 10 Sep 2018 01:02:38 +0000 truth1,
Could you elaborate?

By: truth1 Mon, 10 Sep 2018 00:40:08 +0000 BS!

By: katharineotto Sun, 09 Sep 2018 20:57:05 +0000 Much as I agree with the article and the comments above, I would like to add that the situation is more complex than anyone here has recognized. The medical literature is beginning to report that medical error and over-medication is a significant cause of death. We also have the mix of prescription, over-the-counter, illegal drugs and alcohol. Americans are sadly under-educated about the medicines they take. Sometimes, they don’t even know the names, dosages, or intervals the prescriptions call for. And they don’t want to know. They take them when they ‘feel they need them.”

Also, many people believe that if one pill doesn’t produce the desired effect, a second one will. Then there are all the different doctors prescribing different medications and changing prescriptions at each visit. Many don’t know what other doctors have prescribed, and patients don’t know to tell them. I guarantee many of the deaths are due to over-medication or drug interactions. It’s not unusual, especially in the VA, to encounter veterans who are on between ten to twenty different medications and refuse to consider reducing any of them. They have an ever-shifting set of different doctors with no one in charge of their long-term care.

The pharmaceutical and insurance companies, and the government, all contribute to this medical over-kill. Pre-paid medical care, as with insurance or the government, leads people to believe more medicine is better medicine, so they expect and demand the latest and most expensive, which is presumed to be the best.

It takes a lot of time for doctors to educate their patients about the risks and benefits of their medicines, and many don’t care to know. They just assume the doctors knows their bodies better than they do, and wouldn’t prescribe something that would do more harm than good. They don’t realize that doctors are not mind-readers or fortune-tellers, and they don’t have x-ray vision.

The TV ads help perpetuate and spread the fantasy that there’s a pill (or will be soon) for everything. Direct-to-consumer advertising for medications was approved by the FDA around 1997, I believe, and that’s now where much of “pharmaceutical research” money goes.

By: truth1 Wed, 05 Sep 2018 16:29:59 +0000 J. D, I just have to tell you how much I liked and appreciated you deep insight evident in your comment. The biggest problem, by far, is cowardice and timidity. Perhaps much of it could be traced back to parents not giving enough attention/affection to infants in the pre-language years, up to 5, to calm the young and give them the feeling of support and protection that allows them to face the world with less fear and more confidence. A lack in infancy, will be a lack forever, in all likelihood. The consequence is that we run from dreadful truths and seal our own doom. I would can that a bad strategy. But what do I know? Thank you for your time posting!

By: John Dunlap Wed, 05 Sep 2018 04:30:19 +0000 There’s another reason the media doesn’t pursue this, and a dozen other issues. A couple of people have already touched on it. Their audience doesn’t want to know. The Herd ( my pet name for the majority of people) does not want to know. MSM or no MSM, it’s a simple matter today to see the truth. It’s easy to trace the Rockefeller empire, easy to understand that Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Amazon and their ilk dominate their sectors for no reason other than the Washington/Silicon Valley/Langley good ol’ boy network, easy to discover that it wasn’t Trump that Putin was colluding with, easy to see that the CFR and Agenda 21 are real (they have their own websites!). It just takes ten minutes with your favorite search engine. They don’t want to know. And they vote.

By: sundancer55 Tue, 04 Sep 2018 00:26:22 +0000 All of those drug ads are geared towards an elderly audience because they’re the only ones who don’t mute the tv when those stupid ads are played.

Cracks me up how the ads I end up having to listen to when I’m away from the remote and can’t mute the crap, always say “don’t take xarelto (for instance) if you’re allergic to xarelto or any of its ingredients”…..well, unless you actually take the xarelto, how would you KNOW that??! It’s just ridiculous. And at the end of the commericial they always say “ask your doctor about” yada yada – because they know every single old person out there watching will do just that.

One thing they don’t get into is that a side effect and an adverse reaction are two different things. A side effect can also be whatever (possible) benefit you might get from a drug. Remember when antibiotics actually used to help a few people with serious infections? Well, no more, because of the overuse of them for every little thing. But an adverse effect is always a bad effect, and they don’t talk about that on tv. Oh no! Can’t do that. But few doctors ever report the adverse effects their patients tell them about, and the patient usually doesn’t want to take on the task themselves because it’s complicated. The drug companies, of course, are the ones who made it complicated.

The people are in a losing position here, and it’s a problem that’s only going to get worse.
