Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: The trick behind Occult systems Mon, 03 Sep 2018 09:20:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: ByTheCross Mon, 03 Sep 2018 09:20:31 +0000 Well, there is an ‘X’, and co-incidentally, it is the ‘X’ or the cross ‘+’.
It is a simplification of the Zodiac.
It is the two towers, Isis & Osiris, Sirius & Sol, our two suns that give rise to it.
And at the heart of the Zodiac is the yin & yang, the cycle of mankind.
And here we are at one of the yin/yang crossings.
And the Matrix is the harnessing of an unwitting/deceived civilisation, to prepare for this crossing.
So, X is indeed the big secret, but it’s everywhere, for all to see, who have eyes to see it.

By: Keanu Sat, 01 Sep 2018 19:31:28 +0000 There were times I was asked to join an occult system. I recall one person in particular wanted me to join his occult system and how it expects that I go through an “initiation” process, which I refused to do. I already mentioned that I choose to walk my own path of Spiritual Self Development. He did tell me something along the lines that it is not the right path, or not how that works in this reality. It made me a little suspicious of him after that.

Anyway, I’ve considered walking down a path of spiritual development that I made. It was not made for me and I won’t walk down an ‘already-made’ path as if I didn’t create and choose my own path or destiny to spiritual development. Like I said, I AM A SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL. I will develop in my own way and without any form “guidance” from “The Universe” 🙂
