Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: Waking Up To Infinity Sat, 01 Sep 2018 19:55:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keanu Sat, 01 Sep 2018 19:55:46 +0000 A little of what you mentioned reminds me of the past few days I was thinking about the idea of an afterlife, and what the religious beliefs of “heaven” are like.

One of these “heavens” I took notice due to how dull and repetitive they seem.

The one I’m going to point out is the Christian “heaven” and why I think it is that way. I did read an article about how this heaven is not as fun and a paradise as it seems. I’m not allowed to eat or drink or sleep, or smoke weed or have fun with cute angel women in bed 😀

Also, I have to sing and praise day and night to “god” and that everything is just streets of gold and that there’s lots of babies and embryos in it. And who in the right mind would take delight in seeing people eternally tortured and burning for eternity? What if half of the people in there were people who lived good, moral lives despite being non-believers?

But the worst part that got me was I’m not allowed to be ‘different’ or an Individual, and everything goes on forever and ever, not even a slight change. I apologize if this offends anyone in this site who is a Christian, but to me that sounds totally asinine.

Here is the site where I got the information from.

Interestingly enough, the one thought that crossed my mind is, why not create the universe or the world of your dreams? As a matter of fact, why not create your own heavenly abode where you get to do whatever you want and create it in a way it never ceases to make you happy? And because Imagination expands and changes instead of staying dull and repetitive, you can always make any different things happening according to what your imagination now desires.

Its a heaven or reality that changes and goes in what you want or what you desire next. That to me is what I call True Paradise, a place where your imagination can embark on new journeys and fit to anything you can wish for and nothing stays the same. Because if it were to stay the same, there is nothing to embark on and you will never get to experience and learn anything new.

By: Larry Sat, 01 Sep 2018 19:45:53 +0000 “I SPENT THE DAY IN BED” by Morrissey.
( interesting lyrics)

By: Bob Juniper Sat, 01 Sep 2018 15:51:52 +0000 I agree with everything Jon says!
