Comments on: Finally, the Truth about Symbols Wed, 23 Oct 2019 17:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keanu Sat, 08 Sep 2018 06:28:54 +0000 This may sound bizarre to all of you, even you Jon. But I do believe there are more to certain symbols than we are lead to believe. In other words, it’s not just about ‘looking fancy’ or to display, but I do believe there’s more spiritual use of these symbols. Take the ‘Horus Eye’ in example. It’s said to symbolize an organ that we know as the pineal gland, though I believe there is more to it than that.

From my take, it’s also meant to be used as an ‘Interdimenaional Gateway’ that spirit entities from different realms and realities use to pass through into realities such as this. I do recall a person mentioned that ‘hanging’ that symbol on your wall keeps certain entities out, but my suspicions suggest it does the opposite. And I am sure we’ve all heard about the star sign we know as an Inverted Pentagram, and how it is used by occultists to practice rituals.

So I do believe there are symbols that do carry a special purpose behind them. It’s not just for looks or for display, but something that many of us are unaware of, but the elitists know it.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 05 Sep 2018 03:44:07 +0000 Jon

The advent of surrealism preceded the rise of “anything’s possible”. The tragedy is here. If everything is limited to symptoms “contained within” perception, then science merely has to rationalise that which is “real” to substantiate out the “surreal” (which, by extension, isn’t real).

The gaping issue, routinely ignored by science, is PERCEPTION. Would it be possible to expand perception in order solidify “elements of” surrealism? This question you haven’t answered beyond the assurance that great things can be achieved by potent mindset.

The timing of this piece is remarkable (how often do I say that?). My latest article presents a very different “take” on symbols. Here’s a paragraph or two”:

“Perhaps it was a “joke”? Did the Babylonians ever favour the surreal? In answer to these questions, they certainly upheld a tradition of accountability which meant specific attributes were sometimes presented as “spiritual metaphors”. I cannot personally fathom the poignant specific symbolism of reptilian humanoid holding baby as it makes no obvious contextual spiritual sense to me. This considered, there are two prominent oddities. Firstly, the statue is an unmistakable fusion of reptile and human woman perhaps some might say in same the way “Marvel Comics” could have envisaged subject matter. In that respect it is the only Babylonian icon of its kind to my knowledge. The next point is a crucial one. The baby is suckling. I have no intimate understanding of reptilian birthing culture, but the way the (rather disproportional) infant is held and method used seems identically human?

Therefore, it seems to me, that the statue stands out more as an experiment with surrealism if it is to be evaluated in purely symbolic terms. Taking into account that this would have been a mesmerizingly beautiful feature lamp in full operation (though the illustrated photograph may be of a cheap copy); might not the figurine most logically attest celebration of a very special event? If it is “surreal” it is one of a kind that arrogantly defies contemporary artistic culture. Even so having no details on reflective politics that might credibly place thematic content puts me in an academically ambiguous position. My only option is to attribute pragmatic guesswork that promotes valid considerations so stable in resolve, reconstruction will forge a watertight case with sufficient spectral basis as to prelude the full decoding of this enigma.”

I give you a plug here too:

“Perhaps we need to look farther afield for alternatives. Have there been other alien cultures whose legacies are able to provide insight as to how to construct utopian existence? A symptom of the perilous human course has encapsulated an ongoing contest between “group think” colonists against (largely a feature of devoted oppression) “sovereign” individuals. The psychology of this is well argued by Jon Rappoport. I recommend investigation of his extensive writings. It is also a subject that made a brief appearance last article. By that vein, I was given the opportunity to introduce the Pleiadians. These enigmatically loveable “aliens” are arguably evidence of ancient attempts to “bridge” Martian and ape.”


By: artemisix Wed, 05 Sep 2018 02:42:49 +0000 Sigils? Burning Man? none of this is fantasy….

By: From Quebec Wed, 05 Sep 2018 02:03:32 +0000 This video takes the cake;

Zina Bash Denies Using White Power Symbol at Kavanaugh Hearing

Left brands half Mexican woman with Jewish grandparents who survived Holocaust a white supremacist
Kelen McBreen | – SEPTEMBER 4, 2018

By: Michael Burns Wed, 05 Sep 2018 00:23:52 +0000 ” The music, the snoring, the hypnotic ceremony, the closed symbols. They really love those closed symbols. ”

We are in the midst of symbol storm — I don’t know if you have been paying attention. Are you? Are you paying attention. In fact Jon, its a world wide epidemic.

You speak of open and closed symbols —  reminds me of computer binary language, switch on, switch off — how about living or dead symbols instead. They are either alive and informing new consciousness or flat dead, useless and in corner in a big scrapped heap, piled high. Like heads after Mohammed passed through.

Since the ribbon cutting and opening of the Internet, we are awash in symbols. Emoticons are symbols, symbols of our emotions. Or pretended emotions, or emotions we wish we could experience or don’t know the definition of quite yet.

Good symbols are a red octagonal, simple, straight to the fact — Jesus Christ is a good symbol of the “self” or “the individual”.

I am getting off my point — my point is so many symbols are now born dead, right from the start. They don’t have the normal life-span of a symbol. In fact, I think symbols today are genetically modified.

In the old days a symbol was born in a new truth — of course it doesn’t have to be — it informs the ignorant and inspires consciousness. Artists do this all the time, at least painters do/did. They are constantly — or should be, creating symbols. And the symbol runs a life course and then dies and nobody uses it anymore. A symbol can have a short fiery life, comet like — or a long life over centuries and centuries, like a crucifix — but there is a logic to it.

It has come to my mind, the idea that modern symbols can be born dead and meaningless, in your word, Inert. Right from the start. No motion or energy, flat and stale to begin with, as air coming out of King Tut tomb.

The new world of Slacktivism brings up such instances. Slacktivism is one of those, ah..whatcha callem. A portmanteau. A blending of the words, slacker and activism. Slacktivist is a symbol really. Flat, monotone, spotty, easily micro-aggressed. They are diet evangelists.

Now what does a ‘Slacktivist do? Well this piece of sheep tripe will use the like button (thumbs up or down) symbol on Facebook, to support the social cause of the day. To some other dead head Slacktivist or Clicktivist over there on the other side of the Internet.

Now there is difference, off course, between Slack and Click. A click does minimum amount of work, but he is clicking that mouse.

These  retards will use the dead fucking ‘like’ BUTTON/SYMBOL to virtue signal their homies that this is the ego booster of the day.

Now these symbols — these still-born symbols are used to Like, Tweet, Retweet and share, among other things, it a form of Clicktivism. Actually its clicktivism in action. 

These mutant symbols are for instance, the ribbon tied in a bow. The yellow ribbon for troops coming home from war.

“Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree.”

The pink ribbon for Breast cancer — Pink Inc is a multi-million dollar enterprise capitalizing on hope– the rainbow ribbon to represent the LGBT ..XYZ movement crowds, likes and dislikes..

In fact there is a color chart for all the ribbon colors.

A black ribbon is for Melanoma; Blue for addiction and Ankylosing Spondylitis; then there is the two-tone blue ribbon for Hydrocephalus, off course not to be confused with the blue/grey ribbon with a single blood drop for diabetes. The blue jean ribbon for genetic disorder awareness. Which a lot of you lot should be wearing, I’m almost positive the are a genetic mishaps present in this very room we are all in…

Then, without further disruption, there is the Indigo ribbon for stalking and electronic harassment. And they are having a scrap with the new-age Indigo people for the rights of use with this symbol. The Indigos have a gripe that the ribbon suits there cause more perfectly, as stalking and electronic harassment is not Indigo blue, but invisible, and so the stalker crowd should use a clear ribbon. So now the indigo have started a new ribbon against the stalker crowd, and that ribbon is a piece of copper electric wire with an alligator clip on it.

 There is a light blue ribbon for your prostate or your thyroid and Shprintzen Syndrome. Blue ribbons: they come in robins egg, royal, pale, and sea-foam. And then there is, Sky, navy…

Then we move on to the brown ribbon for anti-tobacco — I can see a smile on your face, because it can also be used for Colon cancer and colorectal  cancers. I thought was a little off-color, personally.

We have red ribbons, burgundy, copper, and cream, grey and green, oh and lime green, jade, light green and mint, sea, turquoise and teal green.  

The yellows, orange and whites, and for that concern the other million colors of ribbon would take up far too much of this journey of the pen. In the final, there is not much room left if you wish to start your own ribbon campaign. They are mosaic, they have ballooons on them, they are two-tone with cow print, zebra. They have a puzzled ribbon for Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome — it is my favorite, but I think they should be used it for Alzheimer’s — oh well, I wasn’t on that committee. And then there is quilted, and multicolored ribbons…the red and black and white ribbon has two red and black  and white ribbons, one has the B12 Deficiency on it for Pernicious Anaemia and the other is just white, black and red.

But the virtue signaling Slacktivist needs these symbols to tell them that they are alive and engaged. But art imitating life, here I would have to say ‘they’ are indeed dead.

I think in end some kind of symbol virus has taken hold and we are in for a doozie of a ribbon symbol epidemic.

*the stoning may commence*

By: Greg C. Tue, 04 Sep 2018 23:38:20 +0000 I like the spirit of what you are saying, though after you get rid of the attachment to external ideals and beliefs, you need to invent something satisfying to do and have the guts to stick with it without explaining why to anyone. Two people I admire in that regard. The first is Wim Hof, who one day just decided to go for a swim in an icy canal, and built a whole life around showing the world how to do impossible things, like climbing Everest in his shorts. The other is Philippe Petit, the high wire artist, who said, after a reporter asked him why he walked a wire between the Twin Towers, said, “There is no why – it just makes me happy – happy – happy.” That’s all I really wanted to do when I was young, but I noticed that people got really upset with me when I couldn’t explain the purpose of what I was doing. It’s never too late.

By: MrDuncmck Tue, 04 Sep 2018 21:21:19 +0000 Sonny Rollins is preforming a gig in japan..One of his fans records one of his solos. transcribes the solo and runs into sonny a few months later .shows sonny the transcription of the solo..sonny looks at it and says “I CAN’T PLAY THAT” true story ..imagination .!!! thanks jon .you the man.!!

By: Larry Tue, 04 Sep 2018 18:52:09 +0000 I’m In…..but only if I get to wear purple robes and THERE’S NO GENUFLECTING!!!

And oh yeah….vestal virgins….DON’T forget the vestal virgins.
