Comments on: Not in our genes/the imagination machine Thu, 20 Sep 2018 17:01:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Liberty Is Peace Thu, 20 Sep 2018 17:01:43 +0000 Some people live as a false self, not particularly intentionally. For example, a child may have been molested or abused and represses the emotional trauma. That repression results in the individual perceiving things in life differently than one otherwise would. Some people become overprotective of others, not knowing that their “inner child” is the one who really needs protection and understanding. And others unwittingly take on the identity of the abuser, and become authoritarian adults (and politicians!). That is what I have come to learn.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 20 Sep 2018 06:27:32 +0000 Jon

I never cease to be amazed by the synchronicity of your writings. We have a mutual distrust of “science” which expresses itself differently. If you knew where REAL genes were located, I feel sure you would alter the title of this essay.

It has taken me two years to drum up the courage to tackle “Coming Clean on Cancer” and, in the preliminary script I have already managed to give you a couple of plugs:

“Fantasy it must be said also transcends reality. Though I feel he doesn’t fully appreciate the scope or power of imagination, Jon Rappoport has made a career from scripting exercises geared to coaxing make-believe into being. I make no secret of the fact I enjoy his writing and his extraordinary intellect. When not distracted by corporate alliances, he is one of the best journalists on the net. Jon takes a very special interest in the manipulation of healthcare, but he tends to follow the shady “statistics” path. Accountability is the first weapon of propagandists. Who could possibly dispute “official figures”? ”

Here’s what I say about “science”:

“Many teachers are press ganged into feigning expert status. Were any to tackle the volatile topic “cancer”, I feel sure that, instinctively, condemned-in-waiting would be lulled in to pretending they were serious hobby doctors or technicians on the fringes of medical science. Astute Disraeli was prophetically poignant in his muse “there’s lies, there’s damned lies and then there’s statistics”. You see, the problem is that science uses statistics to cultivate determinism. Statistics are meaningless without plans of attack. Scientific goals are brought to life with data. Of course, any discovery tour would do more to impede conclusions than amplify them. That is why a thesis is written for investigation to exclusively source “proof”. A modern, blustering vicious cycle of ignorance bungles science bluff. That is until prior valued methods or products mysteriously “fail”. How could the statistics be wrong? Maybe we should ask Mr Disraeli.

Personally not intending to fall for vanity, if ideas and explanations presented this article don’t resonate because they do not concur with established norms, I don’t care. I will not pretend to be an adjunct of the system or some loopy alternative “quack” simply to foster moronic popularity. It is abhorrently clear to me that conventional sciences, applicable medical strategies and, indeed, physicians themselves have no understanding of what cancer is. Ignorance is deep rooted. They do manage to incessantly admonish uncontrollable, ever present symptoms with such fervent zeal, I feel sure the Papacy is brought to shame by their candour. Such is the momentum, the vacuum precipitates with ceaseless and often dishonourably prejudicial accusations supporting “causes” to the detriment of reason. Whether that be specifically anti-vaccines, cigarettes or generally against ambiguous “carcinogens” depends on the vigour of focused political interests.”


By: Michael Burns Wed, 19 Sep 2018 17:19:05 +0000 Michael:
Ah Macbeth’s monologue — I had to do this for an acting class, when I at one time aspired as an artist to be a thespian — ‘a beggarly account of empty boxes’ — a million years ago when I was young and Irish, and full of piss and vinegar. lol

“She should have died hereafter. There would have been a time for such a word. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day. To the last syllable of recorded time. And all my yesterdays have lighted fools. The way to dusty death. Out out , brief candle! Life is but a walking shadow…”

Plato didn’t take poison, it was Socrates his master. Plato was his favorite student.

Plato was not there to see him die. The old man (Socrates) took the poison at/as his execution — calming the imploring of Crito to escape. He was instructed to walk around to move the Hemlock through his veins. His legs became numb, and he had to lay down, he lost his eyesight, his face was covered. He died there, and in the last words, spoken to Crito… “Can you pay a chicken to Asclepius, don’t forget to pay the debt.” The old man felt that all philosophy was simply training for one’s own death.

Plato his greatest student added nothing to the truth. But was amongst others who wished to bribe the guards to let Socrates go…he refused. Socrates was accused of corrupting youth, and would not run because, those youths who admired him greatly would have paid the price, and gladly would have done it. He had agreed to live by the city’s laws, and he would not have been greeted any differently in other countries. It seems those in control secretly wanted him to escape. His guards were open to bribe. Did the old man want to commit suicide? That is the question in modern times. 

By: Tracy Kolenchuk Tue, 18 Sep 2018 21:20:46 +0000 re: “We’re going to discover the genes for everything.” It’s easy to pretend that genes are the cause of everything, but take note.

The best proof of cause of any illness is a cure. A cure proof is not perfect of course, but it’s the best we can do.

Causes of illness is personal. Causes of disease, on the other hand is generally statistical. Genetic causes of disease are statistical unless they can lead to cures. Each cure is specific, an anecdote, not a statistic.

Statistical genetic causes cannot lead to a cure, only a specific genetic cause can result in a cure.

By: michaelzfreeman Tue, 18 Sep 2018 21:01:24 +0000 Reminded me of … “Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”. Why did Plato have to take the Hemlock ? (Not a trick question, I actually don’t know).

By: The Hinoeuma Tue, 18 Sep 2018 18:08:41 +0000 Fun to watch someone take off the self-imposed mask and just BE.
