Comments on: Bill Gates vs. freedom Thu, 11 Jun 2020 12:36:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Meissnitzer (Gladiatoro) Sun, 30 Sep 2018 17:09:16 +0000 Bill Gates will be forgotten alright another globalist lunatic , when all the layers are peeled back all vaccine research goes back to one man Bill Gates , in the end vaccines are about one thing only population control , nothing more nothing less. Let’s call it a SOFT KILL , Microsoft lol… get it .

By: Michael Burns Thu, 27 Sep 2018 18:38:27 +0000 Hey cowboy how are you? Do you have any snow yet, up there where you live? Been snowing the last couple of weeks here, the ice age is upon us — or at the least a Maunder Minimum, all the facts are not in yet.

World food crops are crashing. The only ones who seem to be gaining are the Russians. Wheat is in short supply except for them. Of course Monsanto is outlawed in Russia. I hope you are learning to grow food. Have you learned how to grow sprouts and microgreens yet? Don’t be a slacker, you have a long life ahead. But I digress…

Yes it is interesting how these slimy reptiles fund their bullshit. As the panopticon becomes more apparent, more visual and in your face. More intricate and finely tuned in its oppressive nature. NGO’s and their true purpose is becoming understood to a greater populace. They are not in the charity business.

The old 501(c)(3) — which is in itself a corporation. And of which,

…is starting do its work on the outsiders, the unbelievers, the part of the flock that is beginning to wonder, and wander. And all the sleepy awakening ones. They aim to get them early and shock them back into the trance.

Originally, 501’s were intended as a charitable organization, are now finds greater value in becoming — how should I say…a weaponized tech instrument of a finer brainwashing, and the tattle-tale for the greater ministry of truth: Google and its owners the CIA.

Have you looked at the staffing at DataSociety, of this ever-widening spider’s web of organizations. They are filled to the brim with psychologist specialists and information specialists, analysts, sociologists and marketers and mind-fuckers, and especially the afternoon tea type spooks. This is definitely the modern equivalent of the CIA’s ‘Operation Mockingbird’.

The gas lighting that will go on will be intolerable as they, genuflect and obey and send out their AI, their manipulated algorithms to electronically persecute what ‘THEY’ consider to be fake, alternate facts (sic) and what they believe is plain old mis/disinformation and the rising white extremism.

The noose is tightening, with the advent of a “link tax”, truth is being silenced online, Honest Liberty. Many who speak the truth are moving to the intellectual dark web. 

Gates and Soros have dumped a huge amount of money at this, and money seems to be the catalyst —  they surely have enough of it — young online entrepreneurs are stymied by demonitization, censorship and having to beg for donations to their information websites. Open Data aim to do on the next election what they have accused the Russians of doing, with the election of Donald Trump. You can be guarenteed of that…

I wish I had billions… I would drown these NGO’s organizations in truth, law suite, counter measure and I would fund a vast army from the intellectual dark web to troll every one of them. To pester them into insanity for their evil tasks.
5g and the internet of things will make DataSociety more efficient. 

By: Tony Thu, 27 Sep 2018 12:59:37 +0000 Disturbing insight from China where they’re making progress in hooking up the biological machine to the machine of behaviour modification:

—”The Communist Party’s plan is for every one of its 1.4 billion citizens to be at the whim of a dystopian social credit system, and it’s on track to be fully operational by the year 2020 […] Under the social credit scheme, points are lost and gained based on readings from a sophisticated network of 200 million surveillance cameras — a figure set to triple in 18 months. The program has been enabled by rapid advances in facial recognition, body scanning and geo-tracking.

By: maidinamerica Thu, 27 Sep 2018 05:32:46 +0000 As we speak the Global Vaccine Quality Control Laboratories Network is meeting, Rome, Sept. 25-27, 2018. An open letter will be addressed to The WHO, and those attending the Global Vaccine Quality Control Laboratories Network and to the European Parliament, the European Medicines Agency and the European Directorate for the quality of Medicines. There are 119 signatories, beginning with Robert Kennedy, Jr, 41 names representing health and vaccine organizations from the US (21states), and the remainder include names and organizations around the world.
They make many requests in this letter, emphasizing the lack of proving vaccine safety due to shortcuts, studies cut short before adverse events, post marketing surveillance, no true placebos used, and many conflicts of interest. The icing on the cake includes the mentioning of the high criminal eugenicist, and the highly questionable funding of The WHO, that relies on funding of private donations, such as GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization) which Gates is huge part of along with World Bank.This letter calls into question the funding of the private Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which has an inherent conflict of interest, again requesting for independent studies with a guarantee of safety and liability by The WHO. The footnote to this information states that this foundation is one of the 5 biggest investors in the world. As of Aug 2018 the foundation had (drumroll) 22,114 million $ in stocks according to guru

Other news includes that this fraudster has purchased the Cochrane Collaboration for a mere $1.15 million. (The Death of Scientific Inquiry) This is chilling. This site is one that many use who were looking for true vaccine studies, data that hasn’t been scrubbed and using real placebos. ( Such as Dr. Suzanne Humphries). Dr. Peter Gotzsche has recently been fired and has in the past been a huge critic of big pHARMa. The capper now is one of the sickest low-lifes in the world will have this organization now support the “next generation evidence system”, focusing on “maternal and child health”. (translated deaths).

By: honestliberty Wed, 26 Sep 2018 21:26:30 +0000 and look at the funding… says it all

Bill Gates
Open Society Foundation (Soros)
UN Global pulse
The Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative

I’m sure a bunch of these other funders (contributors and message massagers) have similar anti-human philosophies.

talk about a hit piece by the way. alternative influence?! There wasn’t nary a morsel of fact, just neo-marxist horse hockey smug opinionation. Stefan Molyneux and James Corbett shredded that sack of filth hit piece.

By: Greg Simay Wed, 26 Sep 2018 06:16:07 +0000 The scifi series Continuum is coming true.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 26 Sep 2018 04:56:41 +0000 Jon

Excellent article that resounding contains the issue.

However, I would like to add to your opening statements.

Nietzsche was right. Pavlov and other genre academics had evolved religion so thoroughly, God ceased to be necessary or “valid”.

Here’s a recent Facebook entry of mine which will hopefully resonate:

“In the very beginning God created everything known and unknown. That is because all existence and non-existence combines as one. The summary of the parts are God. Much later a puny though mildly strategic entity chose the form commonly known as human or man. One of man’s first acts of revolt was to recreate god in His image. His determination and lust for control was such that everything had to serve to His tyranny. Many minorities found they could not comply, so each rebranded the original concept to suit their own lust for power. These concepts ultimately grew to become the various corporate (body speaks) religions that torture modern populations.”


By: Michael Burns Wed, 26 Sep 2018 02:55:07 +0000

A new think tank to common core the adults in the room. I have barely scratched the surface of this and it appearing to be a leviathon — it is such a connected network.
These braindead little tea cups have a new network.

By: From Quebec Tue, 25 Sep 2018 21:02:20 +0000 Nah Jon, it is worse than that. They want to kill us all and replace us with robots.

By: Ron Hollis Tue, 25 Sep 2018 19:47:25 +0000 Just like “1984” on steroids.
