Comments on: The taboo against paranormal experience is a taboo against freedom Wed, 06 Feb 2019 04:19:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: truth1 Wed, 06 Feb 2019 04:19:12 +0000 Meg, you might really like this one:
Its the FBI Analysis of the JBR case. Its hot! 😉

I’ll have more coming along, but not sure of the time scale. Probably several weeks.

By: Meg Fri, 12 Oct 2018 04:28:51 +0000 Wow, thanks truth1! I’ll check it out and email with any questions. Good luck with the move, a miserable task, in my opinion.

By: truth1 Thu, 11 Oct 2018 16:38:36 +0000 Meg, my site in the category you seen to refer to:
Straight off, Lawrence Schiller’s book, Perfect Murder, Perfect Town is so comprehensive with Jon Benet. I can not imagine another book even coming close to it. Tom Smart’s book give lots of info on the Elizabeth Smart case.

The Jon B book is well over 600 pages. I am near the end at 469, But I hit the mother lode already. but there is bit of discernment required. Most people do not give any regard for the paranormal aspects.

The following is far from done yet, but it has some stuff. Sadly, I have none of the photo comparisons of Elizabeth, before and after uploaded. And there are a lot of photos and vid grabs of E before she was taken and after, too. This is the start of an article I began. but Priorities dictate what gets attention and what get temporarily shelved.

I am also in the process of moving, which is no small hassle.

Feel free to email. My address is at the bottom of my front page of me site. It would be great for more attention brought to these cases. But ancient history reveals an extreme consideration and devotion to the “gods” in all things. None more than Spartans. There is a fair short video on their observances and government, of fairly recent publishing on Youtube. But many other account Like Herodotus on Croesus and Cyrus the Persian also show the gods off. it was everywhere, although it was the Greeks who began Atheism, too, if not a primitive form of evolution.

I could be of more help but Till moving is done, no chance.Give me 2 months. or email.

By: Meg Thu, 11 Oct 2018 03:17:32 +0000 I would like to hear more about this, can you point me in the direction as to where you have this intriguing information published? I’ve had some paranormal experiences, and I’m interested in the cases you mentioned. Thank you!

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 05 Oct 2018 03:26:48 +0000 This explanation is “perfect” in the sense it expresses the correct words any human could relate. I describe rather different way. The only suggestion of an error incurs with “prison reality”. Human (via the transcendental mind) is absolutely capable of breaking free. Altered states are the best evidence of this. However, imagination is the key. I am convinced that even JR fully comprehends the power of that “Aladdin’s” scope. Imagination is the simultaneous harmonisation of all dimensions (atomic and astral). Reality obfuscates “natural” processing and that’s why gobble-de-gook can be the result (as in “output”).

By: petergrafstrm Wed, 03 Oct 2018 15:27:36 +0000 Leibniz argued that matter consisted of spiritual monads without physical extension, (freely expressed by me).
Since my favourite physics theory is intended to cover the nature of so called elementary particles like the stable ones, electrons and protons, I outline it briefly without being too technical. The electron is seen as a phaselocked aspect of an underlying wave phenomen. It is like a turning point in an otherwise more extended wave. But that turning point is synchronised with our mind. All electrons are like frosen instances of spacetime.
From which we presumably cannot escape. We ourselves exist in this phaselocked relation to the universe.
The particles dont really exist more than in a relative sense with respect to our own synchronisation with the apparent physical universe.
Another way of approaching the same idea is to say that the future acts back on the past thus forming an interference pattern with the opposite process. That kind of feedback is unlike everything in what is normally called established physics. However physics equations do have that kind of solutions. Waves converging on the sources instead of diverging outwards. There is no consensus about when and how to include such solutions.
A corollary to the above is that there must be a phase region of the wave phenomenon in question which normally lies outside of our reach but yet may influence us. That phase region might be much more extended than the part which expresses itself as discernible material phenomena.
It could be that the universe consists of two fixed phases with the intermediate parts of the phase inaccessible. Or alternatively it might be the case that we have access to a finite range of phases between two fixed end points consisting of proton and electron. And that ‘inside’ these particles or beyond there would be a continued range of inaccessible phases. As if they constituted pores pointing out of spacetime.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 03 Oct 2018 04:47:58 +0000 You are thinking on the right lines, but consider this.

Ancient Atlanteans were reputed (by the Gnostics) to have been able to change the constitution of an atom using mind only. Therefore they could efficiently direct intent to LITERALLY turn wood into gold (didn’t Plato call this “real” alchemy?). There are no mathematical equations on Earth that will do justice to that paradigm. It also devalues your interpretation of the efficient origined (interesting – not a “real” word, another flaw of “science”?) purpose of mind. Atoms are phenomenal transistors, conduits that turn divinity into reality.

By: petergrafstrm Tue, 02 Oct 2018 14:27:39 +0000 My favourite physics idea is that the wave particle duality may be represented by waves in phase-locked mode. When it is assumed that our mind is in such a mode with respect to matter, matter itself is like fixed phases with respect to some background wave which we cannot see precisely because we are in that phaselock.
This notion is directly connected with feedback in spacetime.
Feedback is connected with eigenvalues(just like the forward and backward waves in a musical instrument define a resonance frequency) and the quantum equations may be seen as a representation of that feedback.
Classical physics + feedback in spacetime~quantum physics
With that background one may try to elaborate on your question.
What was sketched above was actually a physics theory where our mind as well as all matter is tied to a phase function. That mysterious function when more deeply understood might amend itself to some tampering.
Dangerous perhaps, realitydissolving perhaps, yet there might be a way at least philosophically if not physically to travel along that phase function.
I’ll spare you the threephase model of the electron 🙂
Regarding nuclear power: remember the petrodollar. Nuclear energy was a threat to the dollar hegemony. France and the USSR were prepared to build reactors for the developing world. Then the AAs found an excuse to oust the shah of Iran who was a natural representative of those nations which intended to industrialise using nuclear power. The backward Khomeini ,the stooge of the AAs finished all those plans. Chernobyl finished the mentioned french and Soviet plans. Among the few who protested the official narrative were the french engineers.
More: Europe the USSR and Japan were moving towards their own petrocurrency combined with modernisation programs for the developing world. This all faded away after the shah was ousted and the whole idea has been thrown into the memory hole. I think the AAs must have used carrot and stick to make that happen.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 02 Oct 2018 08:19:59 +0000 You are the first to accuse me of being “politically correct”. That deserves a “like”! Your original criticism deserves a response too. Here is the pre-edit paragraph of my article:

“There is only one truth whereas the potential for propagandas is near limitless. Scientists have been compelled to use complexity for the disregard of wisdom. That is why the record has been subject to one spectacular failure after another. Science view on the fundamentals that permit the identification of radiation, for instance, has not altered one iota from day one. Environmental conditions do regularly change and this forces remedial adjustments to theories. In some cases apparently associated symptoms dance the pas-de-pas elevating definitive causes. Of course, most prognoses are incorrect and that is predominantly why science continually trips itself up. Personally, I am fascinated by the concept “cloud nine”. Nothing will encourage me to travel Huxley’s brave but tainted discovery path, but I am intrigued as to the physical value of altered states. Is this one (or perhaps the only) method of discerning the keys to the mechanics of the quantum layer?”

By: truth1 Mon, 01 Oct 2018 15:36:01 +0000 Oh, I forgot, Slave aren’t allowed to vote. and I is a slave.
