Comments on: Where should the power be? Tue, 02 Oct 2018 13:37:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: will iam Tue, 02 Oct 2018 13:37:46 +0000 “And as far as we are concerned, we have a whole lot of self-deception going as well.” Why?
Because we keep falling into collectivist language and thought. We think we can’t talk about power unless we address the great WE, the group, humanity, The People.”

………Isn’t this an example of collectivist language? ,,,, or is that the other WE

By: trishwriter Tue, 02 Oct 2018 01:22:15 +0000 With all due respect, all people have rights, i.e., the right to be left alone if you are not hurting someone else, the right to work and prosper, et al. We have certainly been brainwashed to believe that laws, not natural rights, keep things in order, but they do not. People are currently “killing each other everyday” and I would say that governments kill more people than any individual could even fathom killing. Laws do little if anything to actually stop crime, but they do an excellent job of allowing governments to control the people.

By: From Quebec Mon, 01 Oct 2018 18:45:50 +0000 I also disagree with Jon. We live in a world of 8 billion peoples. We need laws otherwise we would be killing each other everyday. What Jon is promoting is pure utopia.

Sure the individual has great power imagination and creativity, but he has to live in the real world.

Example: An individual invents the train and railroads, Bravo! Still he needs thousand of workers to make it come true. A collective effort.

Another genius invents a car and a collective effort of workers makes it happen. Millions of people buy the cars, Roads are created by collective workers effort and new laws comes along, like street lights, stop signs and speed limits.

Some bad dudes in a country declares wars against us. our military (a collective effort) raise up to defend us.

The way I see it, is that the only true individual power is as an example, what Trump is doing right now. But still, he needs people backing him otherwise it will not work.

So much for the individual power! In my mind it is very limited in this world.

For sure we can do paintings and music and write books and create movies and invent all sort of things, but that is about all. The rest, the big things always need a collective effort in this world.

Sorry Jon, but I think I am right.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 01 Oct 2018 17:07:15 +0000  “I present the modern Jon claims the drug culture of the sixties was about fear of the individual. , a dumbed down and neutered hybrid of sorts..”


The above typo, should read…”I present the modern SJW, a dumbed down and neutered hybrid of sorts..”

By: petergrafstrm Mon, 01 Oct 2018 13:16:50 +0000 Jon claims the drug culture of the sixties was about fear of the individual. I disagree, it was about fear of rationally based organised opposition against the elites agenda of war etc. While individuals may pose a threat to oligarchic power, organised and factbased opposition is a bigger threat. The drug culture is about individualistic pleasure seeking.
