Comments on: The night the world recovered its sanity Wed, 17 Oct 2018 11:12:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: JB Wed, 17 Oct 2018 11:12:03 +0000 Wow, this one brought out the rancid nuts in the peanut gallery.

By: freetorun34 Sat, 13 Oct 2018 17:03:01 +0000 My question is, why do we need other human beings to make laws for us, to make us decent human beings?…
With individual freedom comes individual responsibility..

Notice the ‘state’ with all it’s laws, has reduced the need for personal responsibility…’the state will take care if us, and tell us how to live’..

I am a decent human being or not with or without the state enforcing it’s laws, and may I point out, those who are not decent human beings tend not to follow the laws anyway.

What laws do is restrict the freedom of decent human beings, they do not in effect reduce harm caused by those that intend it

By: truth1 Sat, 06 Oct 2018 01:48:21 +0000 Tony, as I would see it, We are neither fully an individual or fully part of the crowd. we can not avoid people. its not possible. Smart individuals know full well that tho they reject much of society and its beliefs, that they can not fully avoid that society. Society will not let them avoid Society. its a matter of balance. Sometimes, a philosopher or prophet will be come a victim and some will just have close calls. Life doe not guarantee anything. Socrates love and preferred Athens but he was too outspoken about the rulers and was executed. Its something any individual has to live with and sometimes die by.

By: Michael Burns Fri, 05 Oct 2018 20:42:47 +0000 Q:
You are wrong.
Your mind is not that souund, and you have lost track of some the details — or?
You’ve added something to it to suit your bias — whatever that may be, its irrelevent more it is inapplicable.
My wife never knew about that conversation that I had with my dealer in 1990…
She only learned about it, a few years ago.
I made that choice freely — I love them and didn’t go because I didn’t want to be that prick.
I would have had to be really cold to make that free choice and leave them. In the end I choice not to damage myself.

By: Tony Thu, 04 Oct 2018 23:45:26 +0000 True enough… but Krishnamurti wasn’t talking about forced cookie cutter slavery. He spoke of the dissolution of all identities in the mind. It is quite different to enforced ideas of togetherness and the authoritarian control that our political and ideological powers would constrain us with.

This turns out in actuality to be an intensely individual realisation, and not equivalent with false ideas of ‘one-world’ thinking… but I do see how it sounds paradoxical.

I think it has some similarities with the approach Jon ultimately espouses, since it is the cessation of ANY internal boundaries or constraints. (Krishnamurti referred to it many times as “freedom from the known”).

By: From Quebec Thu, 04 Oct 2018 19:58:16 +0000 You have a terrible sense of humor — that statement was in jest, it was not a fact. I can, make it with or without my wife and family. (Michael Burns.)

I did not think it was humor and I will tell you why: I have a great memory, so I remembered in one of your posts a few years ago, that you have sacrificed a great career to become a famous painter in New York, because your wife did not want to move to New York. and you sort of felt regretful about your decision. This is why I said that you cannot live without your wife.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 04 Oct 2018 17:58:17 +0000 You have a terrible sense of humor — that statement was in jest, it was not a fact. I can, make it with or without my wife and family. I rarely see my children and that’s not a bad thing.
When I drive I use my common sense, if I come to a big stop sign out in a country road, I rarely stop unless, I see an appraoaching vehicle. I never obey speed limits.
If I didn’t have to pay a single dollar of tax, without getting the reprecussions from the tax department, I would never ever pay tax, or license fees, registration fees, or all those other fees.
Laws create stupidity, that is the purpose. Or the other main purpose for laws is to gain refenue.

By: truth1 Thu, 04 Oct 2018 13:13:26 +0000 Among you best comments, Que! There real realities in being human. Opposites do not attract, nor do they even remain passively neutral. There will be trouble when society tried to go 3 different ways or even more. We have hundreds now. Buy some insurance, and and dig a burial plot, as we will all soon need one.

By: truth1 Thu, 04 Oct 2018 03:04:19 +0000 No, it is not violent, Tony. when someone or a groups someones, wants to live together in an agreed upon fashion, then they should be able to. But those that rule the world want to eliminate uniqueness and variety in favor of forced cookie cutter slavery. You’re a mad man walking blind and supporting the evil agenda.

By: From Quebec Thu, 04 Oct 2018 02:26:00 +0000 I gotta get back to t(his smoke thing on the ceiling before the wife gets home. Dunno what I’m gonna do about the…: (Michael.Burns)

And you think you are free? You cannot make it without your wife.and your family.

I have being living alone since 1969 and I just turn 74 years old this year..

I choose to live alone. with no husband an no kids, because I do not want. anybody to tell me what to do, what to think or to control me. I enjoy living alone and I am never bored.

But when I take my car, I respect street lights, stop signs and speed limits, because I think this is a smart. thing to do. Whatever makes sense, I agree with. Whatever does not make sense to me I ignore it.

Believe it or not, I am for taxes as long as they are not too high, because who else would build roads and bridges and water supply and sowers and hospitals and so on. We all need those things It takes a lot of money to build these things.

I do not live in the woods like you do, because as a woman I would not appreciate it at all.

I am not either a misanthrope. I Like people, I have many friends, mostly men friends, I seem to get along better with men than women. Why? I don’t know. I have no clue.

But friends cannot come to my house unexpectedly They have to call me before otherwise, I do not open the door.I make my own laws,

But, I think there should be laws because there are so many stupid and evil people in this world. Have you not figured this out, Michael?
