Comments on: The capture of Health Freedom Thu, 11 Oct 2018 11:10:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mooeing Thu, 11 Oct 2018 11:10:34 +0000 Makes a lot of sense now. There has been only one ND that i’ve met who is willing to be openly against all vaccines. Most ND’s i’ve seen and know personally are either delayed or reduced vaccination schedule like you said. I’ve wondered how is that the common man can be more aware of the dangers of vaccination than the ND’s. I get it now. It comes down to taking payment from the insurance mafia and not wanting to anger your don. I even saw a ND’s website that said “we are NOT against vaccination” i laughed at that because if you aren’t against vaccination and you don’t have all the powers of a MD then whats the point of seeing you? They will be cleaning up after the MD’s and probably making twice as much to feel good about it.

By: Larry Wed, 10 Oct 2018 21:42:31 +0000 New Cloud of Love ….Oh man, that was my favorite 60’s rock group!!!

groovy …..

By: Fool Me Once... Wed, 10 Oct 2018 19:04:40 +0000 Mars is taking over veterinary medicine and pet nutrition.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 10 Oct 2018 05:20:08 +0000 Well that was a supreme article, Jon.

I will take things from a slightly different trajectory in my next article “Coming Clean on Cancer”. Nevertheless there are gaping similarities in underlying messages: Here are a few representative paragraphs:

“….Political “chess moves” that design information flows have corrupted all sciences by some means, including those apparently devoted to medical research. Quintessential technicians’ priority aim is to debunk any anomaly contradicting political etiquette. Mainstream primary healthcare used to branch into two distinct paths: pharmaceutical and butchery, but now a few alternative remedial techniques (such as acupuncture) are creeping in mainly to satisfy burgeoning traditional Chinese markets for that economy’s nouveau riche. On current course, there is nowhere near enough momentum for transition to kinetic healing. Supposed extra-terrestrial methods will not be adopted by the mainstream unless that hand is forced. Scientists seem much better adapted to deliver confusion that scorns honest debate (geared to keeping the riff-raff out, of course). Consequentially quantum determinations are a disaster area. Beyond vague conceptualisation of string theory, physicists are clueless. Quantum, suffice to say, has no current bearing on healthcare at all, when it should. ….

….In respect to cancer, current mainstream tradition is to either poison (chemo) or butcher (cut out) malignant tumours. Nevertheless, when thinking laterally, electric microscope innovation is no different than the occurrence of x-ray scanners, which have opened up visibility of the internal body. The microscopic approach allows professionals to drill down and inspect the detail. The more detail, the greater the clarity and drill down some more to the ultra-microscopic, well then absolute detail and the discovery of a canopy of complaint root causes waits. Of course this lends to interpretive skills and diagnosis needing to become radically intuitive. Surely that is a small price to pay for the cessation of all disease?….

…It should be abruptly clear that comparable political strategies used by the filthy oil industry to oust clean energy solutions are casually applied to healthcare. This fact is more than amply alerted by the narcissistic Cancer Council’s determined rebuke of any solution that defies authoritative “status-quo”. The “system” (defining the forked path) is limited to contributions that should only butcher or poison. Chinese remedial medicine is dressed as nothing more than a “fad” in my opinion, which generally mimics how spectral social “solutions” are handled by government. Approaches, where possible, are limited to acts of war. Eradication is the permanent ideal and the staple for “problem, reaction, solution”. Attributed laws act as corresponding vanguard for that apex of control. …

….Given the overwhelming significance of environment and attitude towards life, hints that the underlying cause of all illness is mind are already in plain sight. What can be achieved from hypnosis should baffle conventional sciences. However, from the microscopic perspective, there are distinct differences that distinguish different types of body invaders. One of the great medical establishment deceits is to foster the myth that some illnesses might be the result of airborne delivered complaints. I can confirm possibly all micro-particles causing illness are received by air. Why the medical establishment is specifically deceitful here, I can explain. …”


By: truth1 Wed, 10 Oct 2018 02:19:29 +0000 Health care! Merchants of death!

By: Sean Tue, 09 Oct 2018 22:50:53 +0000 good one!

By: appliedspirituality Tue, 09 Oct 2018 18:47:18 +0000 Yesterday I fulfilled my patriotic mission and filed my 2017 income taxes at nearly the last minute…I wonder why I procrastinate this every year. That year I spent a large sum on alternate health care healing my hips. It came to over $10,000 not including the $1340.00 paid for the medicare premium which I used for exactly $8.00 for Rx for Diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory. Of that sum almost none of it was deductible. As I was driving home reflecting on this, a brilliant thought came to me. If we could just show ‘them’ that good clean, organic food was the quickest way to population health, that food was the original and best medicine, that treatments in alignment with Source Energy (Nature) would service most cases and that tax breaks to individuals and corporations for following these protocols are rewarded, we could put in place programs returning all the farmland back to organic, decrease the healthcare load on the tax payers, and restore health to the citizenry. Like I’d had a brand new idea. Well, it was for me. Seems so clear this path, maybe it’s time we made another run at it…especially after the midterms. You see there’s this shadow vice grip on every aspect of our lives. They have controlled and governed it all for millennia. We are in the time now of the ascension of planet Earth from 3-4th dimension into 5th. More and more people – We the People – worldwide are awakening and rubbing the sand from their eyes. I think the time is here or very quickly approaching where We the People will be creating New Earth, not them. Get our your quill and parchment and start typing. Dust off your Birkenstocks. Our time is now and going forward. Take heart.

By: Erika Tue, 09 Oct 2018 17:53:59 +0000 The only reason alt-med was “illegal” was because the medical mafia and the insurance cartel were not getting their cut.
I hate the word “integrative” as well…and yes it is co-opting.

The other area of medicine they are busy co-opting is VETERINARY MEDICINE.
I happen to be a deeply devoted animal lover who adores my animal companions…i have become truly shocked at the rapid expansion of insurance into vet practice and the new “cutting edge” techniques in veterinary medicine which will not save your pets life, but will ensure he suffers greatly while lightening you savings.

I am thinking of one beloved pet who had a tunmor, and had to have a very very expensive surgery…naturally they did not test for cancer until AFTER the which poiont i was callously informed by them that the surgery would cause the cancer to grow faster and tough cheese there was nothing they could do, they had their money and that is all they cared about.
These were young incoming who did not give a damn about anything but gaining money and showing off their expertize..their callous disregard for their patients well being has been noted by many of us…they are also branching into veterinary alt med.
Be very wary.
These jackasses get offended when you question them; but you have very very good reason not to trust them or any medical authority.

This has been proven to me over and over again in personal experience.

The other area these charlatans flock to is “Spirituality” and we ALL know about that..

By: Michael Freeman Tue, 09 Oct 2018 15:47:02 +0000 Wow. Did you take a degree in Sardonic, Sir ? I’ve seen the same “play the game” here in Britain with my campaigning to inform on the truth about what goes on in British psychiatric wards. When I phoned a major figure in the field, I won’t name him or his organisation, to inform him that I’ve discovered a crucial antidote to psych drug poisoning (using original sample of drug that caused the damage to create a Homeopathic treatment) he went into this monolithic waffle about how it takes decades of testing to prove a treatment (Homeopathy is already well proven to be safe) blah blah blah. Playing THEIR game. This is an organisation that claims to be fighting for the rights of hundreds of thousands of people damaged by psych drugs, as well as for the rights of those who can no longer speak for themselves, those killed, murdered, by psych drugs. This also in a situation where … how can I say it .. ?; Do we really think its *any* coincidence that doctors in psychiatry STILL use drugs proved to be lethal ? This is so called “mercy killing” cynically passed over as “poor so and so committed suicide”. Assisted suicide. For comparison see Law & Order episode – Burden – (1990) – – based on actual Kevorkian cases (cited in the episode) –

Thanks for the article Jon. Really saved my bacon today !

By: thetinfoilhatsociety Tue, 09 Oct 2018 15:23:49 +0000 And from your blood.
