Comments on: What if television news disappeared and we invented ourselves? Mon, 19 Nov 2018 14:27:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Watchman_on_the_Wall Mon, 19 Nov 2018 14:27:50 +0000 Our two views contradict each other. So one of us HAS to be dead wrong. YHWH (God) is not the least bit silent. Clearly, you were not created to hear Him. But I was and I have.

No one in his right mind could ever claim that this era is a great time to be alive. Only if you serve and worship the devil does it seem so. But all the world is an illusion. So what is objective reality? Only that which God reveals to be true. So without God, you are pretty well reduced to fantasies and illusions. Have at it, because it doesn’t last much longer…

By: Juckett Sat, 10 Nov 2018 05:12:07 +0000 If Donald trump had not been born, the news would still be fake. It has been fake for decades, if it ever wasn’t. The spawn of Edward Bernays are what are paraded as “Journalist”. It is criminal what they do. They incite, instigate and exclude issues that NEED to be addressed. They do all of this intentionally, and that is criminal. What kind of human being with a soul would willingly participate in this? These are your narcissists. Unfortunately, so is their audience. The United States is devoid of morality and their “news”, government and society reflect all of this. The FAKE news would have evaporated long ago if not for the voracious appetite of the vacuous audience of self-absorbed undeveloped minds. Critical thinking would have put an end to the corporate propaganda mouthpieces put in place by a corrupt and devious government.

By: Henry Sat, 10 Nov 2018 03:47:31 +0000 Actually they are not doomed, there has never been a better time to be alive.

That is the correct perception.
The Supreme Silence makes objective reality look like two cents.

By: Watchman_on_the_Wall Fri, 09 Nov 2018 13:44:31 +0000 Consider this: what if life is not all about man and his creative forces at all?

Man does not create his own reality. Objective reality is absolute and universal to us all. How we perceive that single objective reality is the issue of our time: the final days of the end times of Bible prophecy.

The simple truth is that the Bible is 100% true. Man wants to be his own god. From our birth, we pursue the illusion that we can be masters of our own destinies and that there is no over-arching, predestinated plan with which our lives will inevitably conform, whether we like it or not. But six and a half decades of living have proven to me that foolish notion to be absurd. The simple truth is that we all have very little control over the things that really shape our lives, our futures and our destinies.

The world is on the brink of being burned up in scorching fire and searing heat. There is an owners’ manual to all of life, but few have any interest in reading or understanding it, nor do they have the capacity to do so. The vast majority of humanity is doomed. They do not have the capacity to “reinvent themselves.” As such, the notion itself is absurd.

By: Henry Fri, 09 Nov 2018 02:58:08 +0000 All of these newcasts are interupted by commercial breaks. That’s one thing they have in common. Whether fake or real news.

All this “news” and stories are the wrong kinds of silence (passive/deception/aggression) and easy to ignore. Picture a newscaster on TV sitting at a desk silhouetted in the dark and reading his news off his pages and a huge flat screen next to him showing a woman throwing a punch at you with her fist.

Something like that. Screens within screens.

People are turning away.

By: Trypillian Fri, 02 Nov 2018 21:12:04 +0000 Journalists have learned corruption well from censoring. Canadian premier journalists Pamela Wallin and Mike Duffy retired and were then appointed as Senators, in the Canadian equivalent of the British House of Lords. They proceeded to adjust their expense accounts to the tune of roughly $250,000 each before being caught. No charges were forthcoming, natually.

Civil servants routinely adjust self-indulgent projects. In roadway engineering they ignore sight lines, placing trees to obscure proper traffic views. The Humboldt hockey team crash a year ago, killing 20 or so young athletes was caused by sight line interference of trees. They scrunch trees to one 80 m area whilst 300 m of naked right of way on the other side and around the corner, I might add, is left with next to nothing in relation to a vast eyesore of industrial wasteland. The scrunched trees provides for added diseases according to arborists and trees very near adjacent properties provides for root damage. Pedestrian hazards because of a lack of sight lines on walkways are conveniently ignored. The obfuscation of the rest of the story is self-evident in ‘municipal planning’, which of course is a misnomer. These petty civil servants copy and quote from traditional genuine works to pretend to be clever with no common sense or best practices rationale.

By: John Fri, 02 Nov 2018 00:32:32 +0000 Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar with a Ph.D. in politics from Oxford, with focus on LGBT issues. She is one of key players in the propaganda matrix, and it is inconceivable that she would say or do anything that would actually “liberate” the zombies.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 31 Oct 2018 20:53:02 +0000 @Adaline

You call what they do, criticism — I get so tire of this BOM rhetoric. You should look up that definition, for criticism, and correct your thinking on it — bullying is what it called, from were I stand.

There is, a well-developed propaganda campaign under way — financed from within the Kremlin — amongst other places.. Financed by the St Petersburg Cliche’ of oligarchs centering on the KGB President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin who hates America. And wishes to see it fall.

One major networks of Russian trolls, works out of a factory in France. These paid propagandists issue out stories on a daily basis to an, all to welcoming MSM, and left socialist media.

SOTT News Services; RT; Sputnik; Russia today; SouthFront; The Saker; and I am now suspecting Paul Craig Roberts…unless he is a willing dupe. Veterans Today; Global, and the latter I find has run thousands of stories by the above parties, and finally the individual trolls who are paid to write pro-Russian and Anti-Trump/Anti-American bullshit, and run obnoxious YouTube channels, using each other as sources…All take a shots at Trump and his decisions, and are Anti-American. All print lies and feed the NPC’s. I can understand the president being careful who he would speak to..

The media is the enemy of the people of America and Canada.

What is irritable is that the misinformed like yourself, are caught up inside this false matrix of Trump hate and Anti-Americanism, and that Trump is a bad orange man. Who is making us all get back to work on making the Nation, a sovereign nation, great again —  of pulling it back from the edge of a Russia/China World Island dominated globalism…too many lazy asses in mommy’s basement angry at the orange man because Russian media online has their heads all pumped full of vitriol and lies. And that there are no borders and everybody should get a Universal wage, and free weed her in Canada.

You are all NPCs (Non Playable Characters) in a cyber war that is escalating out of control. And most of you don even know you are part of it…

This nonsense, you regurgitate after the force feeding, does nobody any good. It’s a lie repeated so many times, that it is not questioned anymore by you..

How do you know he only listens to Fox news? Proof ?

How do you know he is a FASCIST? Proof? Do you know what a Nationalist is…Do you know what a Fascist is? Do you know what a ‘pathological narcissist’ is..?

These buzz words and weaponized phrases — this squalid thought form that you all have been taught has become so boring to fight. Face it, now, you have never really had an original thought by yourself, you do not think of yourself as separate from what you squawk constantly? 

If Trump calls the left, fake news, he is right. Because the left is socialist, manipulated by Russian think tanks, and NGO’s in England, France and throughout the EU country side. And, the Russian media, and I suspect, besides American MSM many more in America and throughout the Western world.

For instance..

The Independent, a British online newspaper — is owned and operated by the Russian oligarch, Alexander Lebedev, an ex-KGB officer. And Putin is the head of that secret society (KGB). It still operates even though the Soviet Union does not exist anymore — and that newspaper? It works world-wide. Mainly in Cyberwar online and within other newspapers and leftist YouTube sites…what does it squawk, Trump, Ant-America, Syria, pro-Muslim, bad white people.

This ugly beast that slouches towards world Socialism is driven by Russia and China, and the other BRICS nations. Pouring millions into it…You think Russia/China are going to be kinder, gentler masters if they gain control? If Trump is over thrown, and America falls. That will be a shit storm to end all shit storms.

China alone has been the greatest killer of humans on the planet, with 150 million dead alone in the twentieth century — second only to the Russia, and as its former self, the Soviet Union, probably in the range of thirty million dead in the twentieth century. 

So Adaline…keep up the good work towards driving us to that dystopian future. Because if Trump fails, we have the likes of the Hillarys of the world to gain his position. And make it better? And her and Bill managed to sell Russia via the back door, 20% of U.S. uranium. What do you think Russia wanted that uranium for? And people squawk because Trumps cries foul and wishes to negotiate a better INF treaty. Who has planted S-300’s in Syria, who has sold S-400 and 500 systems, to BRICS nations. Who is taking orders for S-600 and 700 systems which are hypersonic, and easily componented to nuclear warheads…RUSSIA the propagandist.

Who will run America? And keep North America from the locust like hordes, that wish to do her in…crash her borders and take what they need.

Oprah?…Joe Biden?…How about Bernie, the ardent Socialist?…how about the one, forty six part indian, Lizzie Warren. Will Hillary be alive or in jail by then?

Who will run Adaline? Who is better…

By: Happy Halloween! Wed, 31 Oct 2018 16:25:40 +0000 America suffers from IGNORANCE, plain & simple.

Zombies = Low-Information Americans

Why No Information Should Be Off Limits

Be sure to read the COMMENTS section. JUST SAYIN’.

By: From Quebec Tue, 30 Oct 2018 21:21:40 +0000 Oh boy! Are you on opioids or what?
If you hate Trump and your country so much, why don’t you leave and move somewhere else?

Trump is the best thing that ever happened to the USA..

Trump is right, The Fake News Media,is the true Enemy of the People,

Trump creates his own reality, he makes great and fair deals all over the world, he fixes broken system, he imagines a better world where people have all the power.

He exposes the corruption going on in all governments and intend to crush them. all.
He is his own media with his rallies and twitter.

If there is a model of someone who best uses his imagination and creativity in this world, he is the one.

Now, Adaline, you say Trump is an elitist and a racist, how about you watch this video:

???? President Trump AMAZING Speech at Young Black Leadership Summit – October 26, 2018. It might change your mind.
