Comments on: Mental disorders do not exist Mon, 26 Nov 2018 20:43:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: nmartinez1938 Mon, 26 Nov 2018 20:43:45 +0000 Thanks again. It is very clear we must clean up the poisons whatever they are in our bodies, trauma from injuries, that cause the mental conditions mental health professionals thrive on. Makes since to me. Vaccine toxins certainly lead the list when you see the change in a healthy child almost within hours. Head injury or whatever causes a troubling mental onset must be determined. It is not, on size fits all. I’ve been exposed to artistic children in the past and see the possibilities of what is stated in this posting. There is a constantly shrill screaming of a child just a few doors from me. You’d think some one was torturing him. He is no more than four I’d guess. Enough of this for now…

By: Mooeing Thu, 08 Nov 2018 15:22:35 +0000 Jon, i have friends and family that are therapist and psychiatrist. Many of these people are compassionate and caring and also still hurt from whatever traumatic experiences. I try to point out these realities of the lack of actual diagnosis. After objections its a pretty simple argument. Who have you actually healed? Not just medicated or helped them cope. Who actually gets off the drugs and becomes healthier after getting the medical cocktails. Why is there so much failure from the mental health treatment? Simply because they don’t offer a solution. Those stuck in the academia and career of mental health miss the point of their work which is to actually help people. Pray and crystals is better than zoloft. No adverse drug reactions or dependency issues and probably have better results.

By: Tracy Kolenchuk Wed, 07 Nov 2018 17:22:49 +0000 Officially, technically, the DSM-5 is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. So we should not say that mental disorders do not exits. They’re in the book. We might suggest that mental diseases do not exist, but the rest of world uses the ICD10, the International Classification of Diseases for mental illnesses.

However, the DSM-5 clearly has a technical issue with mental illness, disorders, diseases – or whatever word they use. The problem is “mental”, which is not defined and cause, which is not pursued.

The cause problem creates a catch-22 situation. If a mental (disorder, disease,…) is caused by nutrition, and can be cured by nutrition, then it’s not a mental disorder, it’s a nutritional disorder. If a mental disorder is caused by physical, emotional, or mental abuse, and cured by addressing the abuse, then it’s not a mental disorder, it’s a consequence of abuse. If a mental disorder is caused by a poison, and cured by removing the poison, then it wasn’t a mental disorder, it was poisoning.

If a mental disorder can be cured, then it wasn’t a mental disorder. Cures are accomplished by addressing the cause. If the cause is addressed – then the disorder was a consequence of the cause, so it wasn’t a mental disorder.

It’s a great definition if you are selling “treatments for signs and symptoms”, because nobody expects a cure for any mental disorder. The word cure only appears once in the DSM-5, in hope for “future cures” because cures in the present are not allowed.

By: Bly Tue, 06 Nov 2018 23:14:47 +0000 What are your thoughts on the fact that every single mental illness in the DSM is based more or less on the opinion of the administering doctor/s and not on any verifiable science, yet we are lead to believe otherwise? You may be a solid doctor comparatively speaking, but your still practicing make believe medicine based on no real science which should make you consider changing career paths.

By: gladiatoro Tue, 06 Nov 2018 02:08:47 +0000 Excellent post as usual but Jon you forgot one thing STRESS , it’s linked to not only mental disorders but cancer as well.

By: henry Mon, 05 Nov 2018 01:55:08 +0000 If you could speak but then had a stroke and now you can’t, that would be a mental illness. Would a chemical imbalance be the cause of this illness?

By: Tom_12 Fri, 02 Nov 2018 14:17:33 +0000 Thanks Ozzie for this interesting info.

By: Elisa Fri, 02 Nov 2018 10:11:10 +0000 Yes, we could see clearly that beneficial effects. And also development in drugs for example in the case of the Germane Wings catastrophe… not just the depressed pilot but all of passengers died.
According to info available on internet many mass shootings also can be linked to the use of psychiatric drugs.
Those people (wouldn’t call them doctors) who prescribed these frogs are simply murderers in my eye. And I highly doubt they are simply stupid to see effects clearly…. rather hungry for money / power … maybe fear but some people do things because of money/ fear but some just don’t…

By: Blackcat Mendoza Thu, 01 Nov 2018 23:49:59 +0000 I rarely re-read a book as soon as I’ve completed it, but this guy’s rational testimony had me gobsmacked and sitting on the edge of my seat. I have now read it three times.

To contextualize the lies, hypocrisy, and manipulations of the International Criminal Drug Cartels it’s a must-read!

By: Blackcat Mendoza Thu, 01 Nov 2018 23:38:45 +0000 Hey Bud, this well-researched guy has shown that he probably knows more of this issue than you ever could…

You live in a closed box that severely limits your perspective, while he’s open to experiencing the whole World! Letters after your name only mean that you’ve been indoctrinated into a secret mystical school that must remain closed to outsiders so that you can peddle your “specialist ” mumbo-jumbo and sound important to the ignoratti.

You social engineers and controllers are a pox on society, and the sooner you are publicly exposed as lying manipulators and corrupt drug dealers the better for the whole Planet’s “mental health”.
