Comments on: The State weaponizes education to create ignorance Wed, 14 Nov 2018 04:21:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Wed, 14 Nov 2018 04:21:58 +0000 I am not debating screening times for children, you are perfectly right. I am saying that, the propaganda machine sees anything that is against America, and then exploits it to no ends. Making sure it stays in the public eye..
Russian trollism is to put a bad taste in the mouths of Internet users in America. Why?
Because it supplies answer to important Russian questions
Okay, so yeah, cut back, monitor your child. That has always been wise.
I said, ‘don’t trust The Independent, the rag is a Russian mouthpiece.

By: KenshoHomestead Tue, 13 Nov 2018 14:55:38 +0000 Larry, I don’t doubt it and I love CAF. That was decades ago like I said, not long after ‘the wall’ came down. I had NO idea what our own factions were doing, I was a Peace Corps volunteer and deep in the propaganda machine, as was everyone I knew.

By: Larry Mon, 12 Nov 2018 22:01:26 +0000 A list of various websites carrying the same story regarding limiting screen time for children in Silicon Valley

So there, MB! ????

By: Larry Mon, 12 Nov 2018 21:51:55 +0000 PJ London, you and MB should really put your heads together (no pun intended) and write a book or a screenplay …it would be a hoot!

By: Larry Mon, 12 Nov 2018 21:42:53 +0000 Sorry guys, but the Russians are rank amateurs when it comes to embezzlement by certain factions in our corporate-controlled government right here in the good ol’ US of A.

Check out over at Catherine Austin Fitts’ website.

By: KenshoHomestead Mon, 12 Nov 2018 13:31:04 +0000 MB, fascinating info! I’d like to follow your research but it looks like your blog is canceled/not working? Do you have another one somewhere? The Russians have always fascinated me, not sure why. “The Russian federation is a very large mob Larry.” I had a friend decades ago who was a pretty shrewd guy and worked in Moscow from the Czech government and he told me the same thing. He said it’s corruption that we in the West can hardly fathom, worse than any 3rd world country he knew b/c the $ was so huge.

By: E.S.Fair Sun, 11 Nov 2018 20:32:36 +0000 Michael, does your physical / natural body have a constitution? is your self not the first “body politic”? yes here on North America all People are apparently rendered into chattel as persons and thus legally corporate with a 9 digit pecuniary number for tracking… but, i, a man, am NOT corporate thank you. I do require my employees to register and swear oaths of fealty to an constitution (s) in spite of their apparent unwillingness to comply

just a bit of food for thought


By: PJ London Sun, 11 Nov 2018 08:32:51 +0000 Michael deary,
I don’t mind looking a little Wilde but really, ‘being bound and …’, ‘Tie me kangaroo down …. mate….’ I am just not that into Masoch or Sade (although Candide was quite amusing), and when I say ‘My word is my bond’ I am referring to financial matters not romantic.
As for Robin Hood, well really; Little john, Merry Men, who does he think he is fooling?
‘Sherlock Holmes and Rolf Harris, down all on the same day.’ Going down is now the ‘In’ thing of Western ‘Civilisation’ don’tcha know. (PS ‘Getting down’ is quite different to ‘Going down’ and should never be confused.)
If you have ever contemplated a ‘Didgeridoo’ it is quite obviously a substitute male appendage. Even the word itself exudes connotations, said very slowly and to the right audience it is an invitation to play with the grasping and blowing that accompanies the instrument. There was the clue about little Rolf, we should have realised.
and as for me?
Well, It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one’s back, that are absolutely and entirely true.
–Oscar Wilde

By: Michael Burns Sat, 10 Nov 2018 22:45:17 +0000 God almighty PJ:

Are you bound and determined to bring down western civilization.

“Tie me kangaroo down sport..” has taken on a completely new meaning me for me now PJ. I’m beside myself now…well a little closer than that…

Do you realize you are ruining precious child hood memories…that song, introduced me to the Didgeridoo, and the wobbleboard, for God’s sakes.

I once heard Mozart’s Requiem in D minor on the Didgeridoo and wobbleboard.

Volfgang would have been amused, and amazed…you haven’t heard Mozart Requiem Mass till you hear it on a Didgeridoo mate…

It helps to have a good stiff one, preferably Jameson’s, just before. Its made, ya know — and I heard this straight from the horses mouyh by eunuch Irish catholic priests as a penance for all the buggery.

Sherlock Holmes and Rolf Harris, down all on the same day. What next Robin Hood ‘liked’ tights, Ivanhoe was a cis-knight….aw the humanity.

By: PJ London Sat, 10 Nov 2018 19:40:08 +0000 Surely it is true, Sherly had a french grandmother (Vernet) and as such he is suspect.
“They were roommates before Watson’s 1888 marriage and again after his wife’s death.”
He was a user of Cocaine, Morphine and tobacco probably as a result of his French ancestry with an “aversion” to women.
In the current PC climate his “Baker Street Irregulars” would have led to sharing accommodation with Rolf Harris.
To deduce his proclivities is elementary my dear fellow.
