Comments on: Gene therapy and the trans-human agenda Thu, 24 Jun 2021 19:02:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: gladiatoro Mon, 03 Dec 2018 03:06:09 +0000 Mr Overton also said “ don’t worry about dying worry about living” wise words from the worlds oldest living man. So in conclusion longevity is NOT what people think. Think NO mental stress.

By: gladiatoro Sat, 01 Dec 2018 00:01:49 +0000 Typo well , correction ….will.

By: General Maddox Thu, 29 Nov 2018 04:23:53 +0000 Reblogged this on Real News Australia.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 29 Nov 2018 04:00:50 +0000 Jon

I think you need to take a small step back here. There are [alleged] entities that have tampering with genomes similar to human without success for millions of years. Given the blithering-ness of modern day sciences, there is not much to discuss here.

More importantly, as DNA resides in the quantum layer, it is unseen by supposed professionals (even though many remark on the “extraordinary light” generated by acids). I am intrigued by Dr Rupert Sheldrake’s lecture “Is the sun conscious”?

He’s opened up a giant can-o-worms. Maybe they’ll mock him on “Big Bang Theory”.


By: From Quebec Thu, 29 Nov 2018 02:59:01 +0000 What could possibly go wrong???
Those scientists are nuts.

By: gladiatoro Thu, 29 Nov 2018 01:55:54 +0000 Now believed to be the worlds oldest man Mr Overton a WW2 veteran is 112 years old and counting. His secret GOD , whiskey and 12 to 20 cigars per day. At the amazing age of 109 he still drove his truck and passed the drivers test , FACT.

My point is it’s NOT genetics that gets you to 100 and beyond it’s also not diet not exercise. Mr Overton eats non organic ice cream drinks cola , non organic whiskey non organic milk , canned soup etc … he is also the most relaxed man in the world , KEY.

The ones that can handle stress well live the longest. That is the secret.

By: Rixta Francis Thu, 29 Nov 2018 01:01:47 +0000 Here is a scientific theory.

There is a complex molecule that we assume you have in all the cells in your body. Sometimes this molecule spontaneously adds, removes or replaces a few atoms here or there. This molecule with the different atoms now gives you a higher chance of developing a disease in a certain part of your body 30 or more years down the line. We have no idea how that would work, but we assume that this is true.

Sounds pretty silly, doesn’t it? Now replace “complex molecule” with “gene” and “spontaneously adds, removes or replaces a few atoms here or there” with “mutation”. Why does it now sound so scientific? Only because you have been told again and again that this is science. And it’s generally known that if you repeat things often enough most people will accept it as true. Even if it’s nothing but a bunch of weird assumptions and fantasies.

Once you dig into genetics you don’t find much more than wild assumptions, fanciful fantasies and a lot of wishful thinking.

By: middleway Wed, 28 Nov 2018 21:54:40 +0000 It is an interesting ‘clarion call’ for substituting lab rats with humans.

By: joel Wed, 28 Nov 2018 17:09:50 +0000 Your rain analogy is like how 5-g is going to be…There’s nothing wrong with the microwaves its just that we need a little tweaking to accommodate them…Its beyond incredible what dumbing down is expected of us. I am thankful there are still some non-zombies around, peace and best wishes to all you good people…aloha!!!
