Comments on: Genetically modified people: what could go wrong? Thu, 24 Jun 2021 19:04:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: johnbarleycorn12 Fri, 30 Nov 2018 09:00:35 +0000 Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:
Good article. More can go wrong than we could ever imagine. What nature has perfected over millions of years should not be tampered with. What arrogance on the part of mankind.

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 30 Nov 2018 05:50:20 +0000 Jon

You said it all in the first line. The rest confuses the issue.

Materialist human gravitate towards “symptoms” which “justify” (sic) “causes” to “blame”. In effect that is how science is run. Vaccines are “us versus them” politics, for instance.

Some things, such as genetics, such as cancers, transcend reality. The immaterial comes into play. Therefore scientists, medical practitioners and armchair “experts” don’t know what cancer is.

I write about it here


By: Sue Fri, 30 Nov 2018 02:10:53 +0000 Cancer is very much affected by nutrition, but the same corporations which poison our food, water, and environment, are also injecting known disease and death causing poisons in the form of vaccinations:

New York Press, January 26, 1909 publishes a report by W.B. Clark, who states, “cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.”

Dr. Supperrat, Chief doctor at St. Louis Hospital (1940’s) wrote, concerning the anti-diphtheria and anti-smallpox vaccine: “It produces an explosion of leukemia.” (“Slaughter of The Innocent” by Hans Ruesch, first published 1978)

“It is necessary only to read on the dials of a physical measuring apparatus the ratings of the 3 characteristics of the blood. The pH, the rH2, and the electric resistance. The Findings are that all vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukemia. Vaccines do predispose to cancer and leukemia.” – Prof. L.C. Vincent, founder of Bioelectronics


“The third case was a 5-year-old boy with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, whom I happened to see in August of 1978, while visiting an old friend and mentor, a family physician with over 40 years’ experience. Well out of earshot of the boy and his parents, he told me that the leukemia had first appeared following a DPT vaccination, that he had treated the child successfully with natural remedies on two previous occasions, when the blood picture improved dramatically, and the liver and spleen shrank down to almost normal size, but that full relapse had occurred soon after each DPT booster.” Richard Moskowitz, M.D.


“Without going into technical detail on this subject it is, nevertheless, important to show the relationship of the lymphatic glands to vaccinal cancer. The lymph vessels form a fine network that interpenetrates the connective tissue and covers the entire body. The continuity of these lymph vessels “is interrupted by interposed nodular aggregations of lymph tissue which are known as lymph glands.” (Textbook of Anatomy — Cunningham) One of the functions of the lymph glands is to filter the poisons from circulation before they reach the cells. When an excess of poison is generated in the body or is introduced from the outside as in vaccination, the lymph glands become enlarged in an effort to collect and hold in abeyance, the accumulation of poison. A protective coating of tissue is formed around the gland to protect the body from collected poisons. It is this wonderful defense mechanism that the body provides against the ignorance and willfulness of the individual, that the doctors attack as an enemy. They call it a wild growth of tissue — a cancer or tumor.” E. McBean PhD, ND, introducing the following information from J. Morrison, MD:

Dr. J. Morrison, former Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology in the Medical Department of the National University at Washington, D. C., formerly a member of the Medical Council and Examiner in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, (Ontaria, Canada):

“Cancer can only attack the organs and tissues moderately or abundantly supplied by the lymphatic circulation . . . Therefore, cancer is a disease of the lymphatic system “per Se” in the same sense that tuberculosis is regarded as a disease of the lungs or respiratory system.”
Two well-known causes of this fatal malady are, (1) nicotine (tobacco) poisoning and (2) vaccination, which is certainly the most prolific cause of both external and internal cancer. . . Vaccine virus poisons the lymphatic system, impairs its function and lays the foundation for internal cancer, for which there has hitherto been no (successful medical) treatment or relief.” (The Poisoned Needle, published 1957 – Chapter V, “Cancer Caused by Vaccination”).

Vaccine Injection site cancers:
Castrow and Williams, “Basal-Cell Epithelioma Occurring in a Smallpox Vaccination Scar”, J Derm Surg, 2:2, May 1976, p 15-19
Dorsey, et al, “Skin Cancer in Smallpox Vaccination Scars”, Ca Med, Vol 92, No 5, May 1960, p 353-354.
Goncalves, J C A, “Malignant Change in Smallpox Vaccination Scars”, Arch Derm, Vol 93, Feb 1966, p 229- 230.
Hazelrigg, DE, “Basal Cell Epithelioma in a Vaccination Scar”, Int J Derm, Nov 1978, 17(9): 723-725.
Marmelzat, et al, “Malignant Melanomas in Smallpox Vaccination Scars”, Arch Derm, Vol 89, June 1964, p 823- 826.
Marmelzat, WL, “Malignant Tumors in Smallpox Vaccination Scars: A Report of 24 Cases”, Arch Derm (Chic), Apr 1968, 97:400-406.
Morman, R, et al, “Dermatofibroscaroma Protuberans Arising in a Site of Multiple Immunizations”, Arch Derm, Vol 115, Dec 1979, p 1453.
Lokich, J J, “Malignant Melanoma Arising de novo Within a BCG Scarification Site”, Lancet, Feb 8, 1975, 1 (7902):331-332.

Vaccines … Cancer in a Syringe! | The Truth About Cancer

Simian virus 40 in humans | Infectious Agents and Cancer ……

By: petergrafstrm Fri, 30 Nov 2018 00:16:16 +0000 Spot on

By: Bruce K. Thu, 29 Nov 2018 19:13:16 +0000 I don’t know much about cancer or medicine but suspect as do many researchers dating back over the past century that cancer, as many other diseases, are actually the result of nutritional deficiencies. In the case of cancer, rather than earning hundreds of billions of uninformed dollars futilely and profitably searching for the cause of cancer, honest effort should be expended examining what’s missing in our diets. Granted, the cellular distress is caused by environmental stresses, but if cancer cells are basically trophoblastic in nature, then cancer is likely an autoimmune deficiency response resulting from over-healing as the immune system attempts to deal with injury, inflammation and so forth, but lacks the molecular tools to do so. Lack of essential nutritional elements weaken our immune systems while glucose feeds the trophoblast cells. Surgery, radiation and chemo-therapy all worsen the injury, spread the injury and ultimately the patient dies, not from the cancer itself, but from profitable, though failed treatment protocols. Research on nitriloside-rich foods is one obvious research area – but wait – I forgot; naturally occurring nutritional sources strengthening our immune systems aren’t patentable are they? Forget everything I just babbled about and follow the genocidal money trail tp perfect health and longevity!

By: tindertender Thu, 29 Nov 2018 16:04:49 +0000 Reblogged this on opensenseme and commented:
Love this blog.

By: petergrafstrm Thu, 29 Nov 2018 15:56:10 +0000 From what I have read cancer is often the result of damaged transcription of the buildingblocks constituting the DNA. The damage may be caused by unhealthy chemicals. Removing the unhealthy substances makes the transcription go back to normal.
Jon of course knows this but I bring it up because some reader might be new to that.
Damaged transcription apparently concerns the operation of the ribosomes.
I am no expert I just commented in order to summarise my own limited understanding of the subject matter.
It appears as if changing the genes would have to be about making the ribosomes less vulnerable. But why bother when it is rather a matter of detoxing the body.
