Comments on: Donald Trump twenty-four months on… Fri, 03 Jan 2020 16:39:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: messiahbendavid Fri, 22 Mar 2019 00:59:44 +0000 Dude you should put a photo on your blog of yourself. Hey check out this hilarious email I sent to Donald J. Trump:

By: sanderella57 Thu, 28 Feb 2019 22:33:31 +0000 MM59 – you’re the only one making any sense here. Yes, they’re all working together behind the scenes. As a Trump voter the truth is still stronger than his blatant lies he vomits out daily. No offense to you or me, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see this. I’m just happy you do! The Trump cultists will bend over backwards to protect their belief systems.

Trump has the Police State marching right on in under our own two feet, yet the blind can’t see it, the deaf refuse to hear it, and the brainwashed won’t allow the truth to penetrate their belief systems. Little did I know when I voted for Trump that we were going to become the United States of Israel. Zionism infecting our very core with Trump’s welcoming Noahide laws.

When Trump’s finished fast-tracking in every Globalist agenda we’ll all be living in the largest open air prison ever created. It’s great that you see the big picture. Everyone else is still infighting over that circus going on inside that bloody corrupt White House, or protecting Trump. America is in peril. What I’m watching Trump doing inside the Medical field isn’t much different than Nazi Germany. But that’s OK there’s a circus going on and everybody wants to watch. Thank you for your comment. It was a welcome relief.

By: tRuTh_Be_ToLd Sat, 23 Feb 2019 22:43:41 +0000 White-collar FINANCIER (((ZION-ism))) + Blue-collar socialism/(((COMMUNISM))) = .001% “Jew” World Order. (NOTE: Demo-CONS + Republi-CONS = ZIO-cons. It’s all ONE party. (((Soros))) (among many (((others))), FINANCED HITLAR-Y in 2016. (((Adelson))) FINANCED Donald J. Trump-stein in 2016. (((Who))), exactly, sits BEHIND both (((Soros))) & (((Adelson)))? Answer: (((Rothschilds))), (((Warburgs))), (((Schiffs))), (((Goldman Sachs))), etc.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 24 Jan 2019 17:26:39 +0000 “Why the false premise of there are only two choices – Putin or Trump?” —

You think Mob rule is a choice, you think anarchy is a choice, don’t tell me you actually consider the Pussy hats, or Pocahontas Warren, Bernie the socialist or the flood of Socialist-indentity politics parties females, that will inundate the roster like water on an ice-rink, are choices…

We are about to be introduced to 57 flavours of political candidacy/NPC bullshit…they will all have the word socialist somewhere in their description! It will create a power vacuum. That makes a sucking sound that will heard on the moon.

“BTW, did you make a list of all the past executive orders made by evil prior Presidents that Trump revoked since taking office? Please post it.”

Ah well that is surely pertinent in this ‘DEBATE’ –why stop there?…while your building strawmen why not put to them.

You and I are performing theater right now, that’s what the physical existence is; its theater inside this meat suit that most confuse as self…behind the curtain — veiled secrets lie unknown to you and most. You’re an illusion even to yourself…

You think you are born onto a planet autonomous of no outside control…you have a lot of waking up to do…this fake fucking place is a bus stop on the way to your own thing. I think you are confused about what a human is…

“Why is Trump – who you believe is our liberator – pushing 5G? Just one example.A mini cell tower in front of every home. For what? Faster downloads? Not on your life. Its your electronic fence going up before your eyes.”

First off, I don’t think Trump is “OUR” and I are not compadres in a fight for freedom amigo. I don’t believe in your kind of freedom. I am already free…that why I talking to you, I am trying to get you to wake up. You are still asleep. I outside what you believe is real.

You, for me, are likened to some ruble-paid troll in a factory in India, paid to hunt me down and gaslight the shit out of me, if possible — or capture me in some Asch conformity Internet bubble that I carelessly created for myself — and my cyber war against SFB in Russia, you know?.. the punk with blue eyes and botoxed face, the bling meister, the buggered son of Yuri Andropov…the child of a lesser god. The real fly in the ointment.

Or maybe, I am alone here in this bardo talking to my illusions about my state of mind which is fleeting and having trouble paying attention to OUR conversation. That is the wonder of me, I entertain so my realities…all the same time.

5G, are you serious — their in your mind as we speak you dumb fuck — or course you could be Russian AI — and you don’t even know that too — are you keeping up?… and have always been there 59.

There’s an interesting book by Colin Wilson a early sixties English writer –all over map kind of thinker, had a great head, a awsome imagination…anyway he wrote this fictional account of thinking — it’s a metaphor; a synopsis of his whole life thinking about whats going on. It is called the “Mind Parasites”. It might bring you to understanding your own thoughts.

The active measures that have allowed you to think that what has gone on all your life… you have been suckled on a fondle slab and are really only a Stockholm syndrome victim. Your suffering amnesia about a catastrophe that working its way out of you… until you achieve a state of uniqueness.

You really are only an intellectual eunuch that thinks he has an original thought. You don’t…you can’t even convince me you are alive, if I give you a chance. So really what is this…but fucking theater..isn’t it?

Trump, I couldn’t care less, I think he is bound for impeachment, he should have told that he knew — and his weak responses to Kremlin aggressions will be his downfall…I have known for long time. I been lying to myself, for my own reasons, which I will admit here. But versus Putin the war criminal and punk gangster. I’ll take Donald. The active measures that he has been party to and maybe in some cases naive to… Will sink his whole ship.  

But I don’t feel that was the plan any way, his plan was to try to wake you fuckers up at any cost…I bet you believe that global warming exists and Julian Assange and Edward fucking Snowden are heroes. Am I right? And that we really need a woman in the White House…

Have you ever studied the Iroquois? they are a microcosm of true power, we live under many layers of illusion…and really you cannot have a socialist bee hive without a queen.

” […] “liberation of our planet” […]’  

“[…] debate […]”

Ok focus now, push out all other thoughts, out of your head and listen carefully. I’ll say it for the last time…THOSE-ARE-NOT-MY-WORDS…this planet does not need liberation. And I am not having a debate…

I don’t think your awake yet troll 59…

By: MM59 Wed, 23 Jan 2019 15:58:35 +0000 Neither.

Why the false premise of there are only two choices – Putin or Trump?

I think what saderella57 was saying they are all working together on one plan (Agenda 21 now called agenda 2030).

BTW, did you make a list of all the past executive orders made by evil prior Presidents that Trump revoked since taking office? Please post it.

The point many are making (and you can disagree with) is that there is a lot of “theater” going on in front of the cameras for our amusement (brainwashing). But behind the curtain, the controllers and plan stays on course.

Why is Trump – who you believe is our liberator – pushing 5G? Just one example.A mini cell tower in front of every home. For what? Faster downloads? Not on your life. Its your electronic fence going up before your eyes.

I do agree with your points on using BS language like “liberation of our planet”. Drama should be avoided in this debate.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 23 Jan 2019 04:08:07 +0000 “Your article failed to show any support for the liberation of our planet.”

You are being vague, do you think these are my words? These are billjcush words.
“[…] demise of the entire world.”………………

You mean, ” […] demise of the entire human race.”

The world will do find, you would amazed how many catastrophe’s have bombarded, frooze, burned entire continent and fast thawed vast area of the laurentide ice shelf and caused tusnami’s that released billions of gallons of glacier water in ta matter of hours. Which scoured this continent to the garanite wiping out megafauna that once roamed a lush and thriving North America.
This planet has been through a lot worse that than what man can dish out, it will be around a lot longer than we will, I guarentee that…

Your preaching to the choir!
My immediate fight is a dance with devil, Vladimir Putin and the spread of the Socialist mindset; not socialism — the mind set.

This is redundant, but I’ll ask anyway…Who would you have, control those technologies, Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin or America?.

By: sanderella57 Tue, 22 Jan 2019 23:51:33 +0000 jacobite2015, I loved your honest description, welcomed it, embraced it! [Mine] resembles your’s to a T! And I didn’t even read yours until afterward. I’ve been keeping track of what Gottliebs been doing inside that FDA, and out, and the rest of Trump’s big pharma picks. FDA Commissioner Gottlieb’s going after Kratom hard trying to clear the shelves while FDA admits to spying on people’s Facebook accounts to ‘monitor what they’re saying their taking for pain & opioid withdrawal’. I save every piece of documentation proving that what I’m watching take place in the Medical Field under Trump is nothing more than one massive Genocide Program. My God it was good to read your comment. Keep screaming from the roof-tops. If Jon allows my comment to post, you may want to take a look at it.

By: sanderella57 Tue, 22 Jan 2019 23:39:57 +0000 “Your article failed to show any support for the liberation of our planet.” – you didn’t see it because it doesn’t exist. Trump & BRIC’s nations are all pushing Agenda 20-30, 5G, IoT, AI, robots, massive surveillance, facial recognition, ‘social credit score’ is on it’s way here along with our National ID card that Trump already approved that we’ll need to collect our Universal Basic Income. Trump pushed for micro-chips on the campaign trail and what a coincidence ‘Lucent Technologies operates and does research into RFID chips meant to be implanted into your right hand’ at Jared Kushners 666 5th Avenue building. Trump and all these countries are fast-tracking in the demise of the entire world. It’s called the new world order, and it’s not coming, it’s already here.

By: sanderella57 Tue, 22 Jan 2019 23:27:05 +0000 bleak, […] good to see and read!

By: sanderella57 Tue, 22 Jan 2019 23:23:06 +0000 Every time Israel bombs Syria, we’re paying for it. We give Israel $38 billion dollars for their defense fund while cutting off ALL funding to the Palestinian’s forced to live under conditions you can’t even imagine, including humanitarian aid. I can smell the blood on Trump’s hands all the way from Michigan. He’s allowing Israel to strangle our Freedom of Speech, he signed that ‘secret’ pledge with Bibi to ‘never question their nuclear arsenal’, and it’s massive, while demonizing Iran & N.Korea for having theirs. I’m glad I can see the Zionist take-over of this country. And If I ever need a reminder, I can just ask one of Trump’s cozy circle of friends:

‘November 30, 2018 Israeli-American Council to host conference in South Florida – Keynote speaker Vice President Mike Pence hailed the Trump administration as the most pro-Israel in American history… In attendance, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Pence joins presenters from Israel and America, Congressional Democrats and Republicans, Speaker of the Israeli Knesset Yuli Edelstein, Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, Nachman Shai of Israel’s Zionist Union Party, Jewish Agency for Israel Chairman Isaac Herzog, Israel’s U.S. Ambassador Ron Dermer, Israel Prize Winner Miriam Peretz and philanthropists Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson as well as Haim Saban’ It’s quite obvious why Trump was selected President. Israel and the New World Order needed him.
