Comments on: The Monolith: How I put together The Matrix Revealed Mon, 07 Jan 2019 22:22:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: gladiatoro Mon, 07 Jan 2019 22:22:59 +0000 The cause of this so called syndrome was an is anti life biotics taken daily by the hand full and poppers that were inhaled. Rare forms of cancer developed from the popper use called KS , end of story .

By: gladiatoro Mon, 07 Jan 2019 22:05:24 +0000 Fauci is a prime example how utterly corrupt allopathic medicine has become . It’s not life style ( drugs ) that is killing people it’s a mythical creature just like the ogopogo monster that lives in lake Okanagan in British Columbia , never found but we know it’s there somewhere of course.

By: Tim Mon, 31 Dec 2018 16:09:02 +0000 Anthony Fauci. A representative of orthodoxy in medical science. Promulgator of the myth.

Someone that knew full well that immuno-suppression can be caused in many ways.
1975 article
“Alternate-day prednisone therapy and human lymphocyte subpopulations.”

“…4 h after the administration of prednisone, there was a profound lymphocytopenia and monocytopenia, with a differential depletion of thymus-derived lymphocytes as well as various functionally defined lymphocyte subpopulations. Lymphocyte kinetic studies using a radioactive chromium-labeled autologous lymphocytes showed that the lymphocytopenia was due predominantly to a transient depletion of the recirculating portion of the intravascular lymphocyte pool. …”

Fauci knew full well that ‘AIDS’ could be induced in many ways, and wasn’t what was being sold to the public. Chemically (many different chemicals) induced, radiation induced, etc.

