Comments on: Planning the Matrix Fri, 04 Jan 2019 19:14:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Fri, 04 Jan 2019 19:14:11 +0000 “[…] A word with torn edges of flame came rising up toward him, faster and faster:


And why have I choose this? I keep trying to forget myself. It never works. I always figure it out before the end. I’ve had to come up with a complex and fluid method to avoid the secret being learned far too soon. Death only supplies a pause to it…

I wonder if I can forget forever that I am?

These seconds between minutes, unaccounted for that I take advantage of, to come back to me.

I hear them blab on about this silly game of… “We really, really would like to become a type one civilization. And ah…”

Slipping back to the time before all this, the air was fresh and had never been breathed. The vastness of it all; the silence, that reigned for a ten thousand miles; still, blue and a yellow sun, a sharp and crisp reality, newly invented — hearing a ripple on a mirrored lake a mile from were I stood. To own everything, the whole planet, the whole starry dingle. My desire my possession.

They bore me now.

The first act of creation: someone like me, but more beautiful, rounded and robust with a tender smile and soft gentle voice to half the depth of mine. Fair haired, and shocking beauty, lucid green eyes to fall into and wet warmth of living flesh. Breathe like an infant scented in a hint of lavender. And laughter, rolling  as water over stone. And a unmeasured love.

The fascination with the animate.

And then another and another, and soon it was a crowd and I had children, hundreds of them. And the silence that was faded to a noise and this world began. It wasn’t important enough to tell them what I was — then they built the matrix.

I walk amongst them and they don’t know who I am…the names the past atrocities and malfeasance, the starts and stops, again and again; the anger and destruction, and fresh starts…again.

I’m bored with it all.

But I keep coming back again and again….I take ten thousand years off — go into a deep slumber, for a while and then…

You see, it is about how long you can forget.

By: Michael Burns Fri, 04 Jan 2019 18:25:32 +0000 Hello!… Details lesha…The war part, the sex part? It was the money part, right!

By: lesha martin Wed, 02 Jan 2019 18:23:18 +0000 I like this – a lot….

By: Tim Wed, 02 Jan 2019 17:14:41 +0000 “We’ll promote the idea that an individual reclaiming his own power and imagination is violating a natural law and trying to become a god against God.”

” And we’ll promote a false opposition set of movements, ID politics groups, that proclaim anyone can develop, grow, realize unlimited potential, within their movement! People won’t know they are being conned and deprived of genuine opportunities. The true door to immense personal power will be lost, obscured by proliferation, the thirty two flavors of ID politics and official orthodox false movements and religions. And all the while we are growing learned helplessness in the masses. The sensation of the moment will shoot them down! Hollywood is in sync. Icarus and Daedalus are not flying out of our matrix, on the wings of their own individual creativity. Individual creativity is road kill.”
