Comments on: Welcome to the Medical Matrix: the Flu isn’t the Flu Sat, 19 Jan 2019 20:38:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Adam (Atom) Briner Sat, 19 Jan 2019 20:38:32 +0000 Great article Jon! Keep up the awesome reporting that you do! May God Bless You and Yours!!!

Atom Briner

There is some type of outbreak here. They are calling it the flu but idk. They are always raining dust on us. I have to use wiper washer about once every minute or so while driving in the rain. It’s dirty rain with billions of particles floating in between rain drops. I didn’t mean to write a book rt now.

By: futuret Sat, 19 Jan 2019 16:12:52 +0000 HEALTH AND PROPERTY THEN NEXT IS OUR SOULS:

By: Mike Bollinger Fri, 18 Jan 2019 20:25:41 +0000 So you would vaccinate 100% of people, to possibly save 14% from getting the flu? That is insanity on its face. Pneumonia cases are maybe secondary to an initial diagnosis, but what percent of pneumonia cases started off with an actual test showing influenza?……………………………./// [According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.” EIGHTEEN CASES WHICH THEN MOVED INTO THE LUNGS AND CAUSED DEATH BY PNEUMONIA. 18 out of 300,000,000, would you buy that lottery ticket?

By: Michael Burns Thu, 10 Jan 2019 18:11:58 +0000 I think vaccines are the equivalent of having Indians sleeping in the same bed as the sick, or eating the scabs of plague victims.

Mercury, Aluminum and chicken embryos do not belong in the human blood.

By: Chris M. Wed, 09 Jan 2019 17:53:37 +0000 According to the reporting to the Centers for Disease Control, for the 2018-2019 flu season so far, 18,096 of 308,266 (6%) of influenza tests were positive for influenza, and in the last week of 2018, 3,636 of 26,603 tests (or 14%). So while true influenza cases are currently on the rise, they do cause the minority of influenza-like illnesses. The other common causes of influenza like illness are other viruses such as respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza viruses, human coronaviruses (including the virus that causes SARS), and human metapneumovirus. However, influenza arguably causes the most severe influenza like illness and deaths on a yearly basis.

It’s best to take the 2005 and 2013 Peter Doshi quotes/journal articles with a grain of salt as now in 2019 we’re miles away from that information on flu testing as you can see by the number of tests above, which incidentally are the ones done by clinical labs and don’t include all of the flu tests done in doctor’s offices, urgent cares, etc. So while it has not always been the case, today a diagnosis of flu is made by a test and not just the symptoms.

So, yes, the flu vaccine does not protect against all influenza like illnesses but does provide fairly good protection against influenza infections and better protection against severe influenza caused illness and influenza-related deaths (including pneumonia secondary to influenza infection).

By: gladiatoro Tue, 08 Jan 2019 15:53:01 +0000 In Chinese medicine infectious disease does NOT exist , correct , practises for thousands of years . There are only 3 things that make people sick . 1 extreme chemical toxicity 2 extreme malnutrition and finally 3 extreme STRESS.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 08 Jan 2019 02:09:50 +0000 All of the above and more…Anthony.

Could it be, that the TPTB are capitalizing on a natural immune system response to aggravants…
Minor aggravations that elude a typical immune system response, that might not be enough to heal it, nag and impede at a healthy, immunity.

Sometimes, the body is plagued by many small intruders, in the gut, in a cut, the nasal passages, bowels or urinary tract, the ears and the eyes, skin and glands. Any number of places.

Low grade infections in the bottom of the lungs because of a lack of deep breathing, or sweating — sedentary people are open to these — a child who has kennel cough from a daycare, school, carries it home and it can plague all members of a family involved.

And so a scorch earth policy is adapted by a healthy body…

A flu is brought on to raise a high body temperature into a fever, ph value of the blood increases, creating an acidic blood — and lack of appetite. A flu will also cause mucus and phlegm, to form’ coughing’ running nose; watering eyes. These are carrying intruders out. Sweating and chills detox skin.
Vomiting; increased urination sometimes (that is why is necessary to take in fluids during a flu); diarrhea to clean the bowel.

Fluids lots of fluids, without sugar, sugar feeds.

By going with the flu, and it is uncomfortable, a body purge happens and takes the intruders with it. Something is gained during this during this…

Point to note: if you go with it and stay still, relax, drink fluids and aid the body, your time can be shorten, made easier dependant on how healthy you are… sweats and cleanses helps — again fluids, pure water, flushing is important.

Temperature kills invaders, phlegm and mucus have anti-bodies and chemical agents to kill and expel the interlopers. Muscle and joint aches are significant of minor inflammation to burn down the hiding spots.

Everything wants to ride your transformer for free Anthony. And so…you must understand you are a colony of organisms, that have come together as a human.

Now if you know this and the public at large does not…viola’ you get to capitalize on a natural short illness as a viral infection..

Weakened immune systems can cause this to be amped up a bit…serious illness in immune compromises elders and can manifest. But surely not worthy of a vaccination every single year.

But then yet again, vaccines weaken and, and over a course of years obliterate a healthy immunity. shortening lifespans.

Have you ever noticed that after going through a flu, that a few days after you have fully recovered, you feel lighter, charged up…your apetite is up. things seem clearer.

Beware the over the counter remedies, they place obstacles in the way — they make you feel worse.

A nettie pot aids in the congestion and packed nasal passages. Salt is lost, mineral depletion.

By: Eliza Ayres Mon, 07 Jan 2019 21:46:36 +0000 Indeed. The truly DARK ages of medicine.

By: Anthony Mon, 07 Jan 2019 21:45:17 +0000 If not the flu, then what exactly are people getting sick from? Bacterium, mycobacteria or something we can’t even detect?

By: futuret Mon, 07 Jan 2019 17:05:20 +0000 BEWARE, BEWARE, BEWARE, AND PLEASE MAKE VIRAL:
