Comments on: Mayor of New York is Karl Marxing again Tue, 22 Jan 2019 03:49:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 22 Jan 2019 03:49:41 +0000 That’s an assumption, MB

In fact history has proven you wrong. Check out details on the South Sea Bubble and how it defeated Newton’s “impeccable” gold standard sometime.

By: Larry Tue, 22 Jan 2019 01:21:26 +0000 Thus speaks the fastest one-handed typist in the Known Universe.

By: Laura Sun, 20 Jan 2019 23:30:55 +0000 Natural Woman: You did all the right things to be independent, not a burden on society, and this is what you get in return? Awful. Eminent domain is another horror perpetrated by “humans.” That’s when fake conservative companies (strictly ruthless opportunists) join forces with government to screw over, dump on and devastate good, law abiding citizens. Government is elected by and representative of the people. The mob rule of democracy is horrible, where a majority of doofuses totally influenced by slick tv ads, decide on policy for everyone.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 20 Jan 2019 19:20:04 +0000 Dale Carnegie?

By: Michael Burns Sun, 20 Jan 2019 18:45:48 +0000 An orange to someone who has not tasted or seen an orange is worth more than to someone living in an orange grove.
What wrong with profit..its a law of physics…

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 20 Jan 2019 04:42:50 +0000 MB I am not sure your logic here. I am not anti-money or aggregated systems of trade. I am anti-profits.

If an orange is worth $1 that is its price, not a penny more, not a penny less.

Of course, fiscal systems need to accommodate that. Capitalism exploits it and the only realistic outcome is INFLATION. Could I devise a fiscal system to replace capitalism. Given sufficient time, I think I could.

p.s. I have been paid 3 cents an hour for my book. Is that FAIR?

By: Michael Burns Sun, 20 Jan 2019 04:21:45 +0000 Your a socialist delusional.

The evidence is beyond a doubt I’ve read and seen the facts. I feel bad for him and he was naive politically.
His problem is he should have come out honestly to the American people — they would have admired him for it — and he should have stated that the Russian Cozy bear and Fancy bear hacked the DNC and found the Podesta link got Hillary emails and gave it to the traitor Assange, who had a axe to grind in pulling down Hillary Clinton.

I don’t like that answer, I don’t like those facts, but cognitive dissonance is not my forte’

She clearly won on votes, and I am afraid that he thought a re-election would be called…and so he kept quiet. And that is the sin that Putin has been using against him… And Putin knew this and has used it to manipulate Trump geo-politics. Trump has tried my other ways to compromise, but Putin is a master spy, and a zero-sum game specialist. it is how Berlin and Hungary were kept in line during the Cold war.
Now the Russians have be fuck-ups for a long time, especially this little Stalinist fuck,and this is not the first time they have interfered in American politics. This time they had the Internet and a growing dissent in the west which they have capitilized on..

But Putin is a kleptocratic thug, and he thinks he has had the last laugh, I’m not talking about a nuclear war, here… but I am saying this SOB, need a black eye, and a fat lip a serious can of whoop ass that knocks him and his gang of ill repute out of the running, and puts him where he belongs; in the garbage can of history.
The Russian people need to be encouraged to free themselves, they want it, they need it, they deserve it, now if the world blows up fighting for freedom and the light so be it, I’m spiritually set…how about you?

And I don’t like extortion in any form.
Trumps negligence is Putin gain…

But we as free people cannot be coward by a nuclear threat from a punk. He is dangerous and arms Americas enemies with illegal weapons.

Ever heard of MAD…Mutually Assured Destruction? Because he has…he does not need an excuse he is a student; the golden boy of Andropov, who is the only man to consider an actual first strike on the united states, and he had to be talked down. he was that fucking mad.

” […] our lovely little blue-water marble […]”

Our? Lol…ten thousand years after all this shit storm ends, a whole new reality starts minus these humans…a different consciousness arises; a whole new, new. You think man is the best this planet has produced. There have been thousands of wars, nuclear and with technologies we are incapable of understanding as the present.
Giants walk on these lands, gods lived and left eons ago, and populated the cosmos.

We at present are the trailer trash of this local system.

“We could have been a contender …”

We is a tired old movie that needs to end.

We? Whose We by the way?

In my world there is only “I”, there is no WE.

We?…fuck we. We is the problem.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 20 Jan 2019 03:31:08 +0000 Postscript:
Ozzie you speak as if your investment into what do wonderfully, is not to gain a profit, even if that profit is not money, but something of equal value. And in that we find value for ourselves, amongst other ways…
Are you a hypocracy? Even if you ask for donations for your books. That is a double standard.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 20 Jan 2019 03:24:51 +0000 “Those that worship double standards are equally false.”

Do you sell your books?
Your DNA consultations…they are free?
Your public speaking and radio programs…you are not paid?

By: Michael Burns Sun, 20 Jan 2019 03:06:21 +0000 “[…] pushing ISIS [..]” Like they need motivation, and the Muslim brotherhood and sunni jihadism isn’t the intent here.
How about a political countermeasure on the way out the door.
