Dr Dipesh Bhalani Ghoda Doctor, Rajkot
]]>I have said it before (somewhat endorsing the comment above) and I’ll say it again, evidence (i.e. DNA interference) seems to point to a radiation cause emitted by technologies that deliver ultrasound.
However, there is much we don’t understand about the physics of the body and how it relates to nature. A “supposedly” extra-terrestrial group of beings have reported that our bodies are a vibrational “extension” of our atmosphere, Under those terms, planes (in the way they cut through the atmosphere) play havoc with our nervous systems.
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn on Pregnancy and the Dangers of …
]]>The Jim Webb text sounded so familiar so I’m thinking I may have read it previously at Jeanice Barcelo’s site, Radiation Dangers: http://www.radiationdangers.com/ultrasound/
She had already written one book, Birth Trauma, which can be found at her other site, Birth of a New Earth. And for the last several years she has been working on her second book, The Dark Side of Pre-Natal Ultrasound (maybe she first learned about that from Jim Webb(?), but due to her family, herself, & her parents becoming very ill from Smart Meters & CellTowers/EMFs (in NY), she is struggling to finish her Ultrasound book (she has said it’s been the hardest thing she has ever tried to do).
A few weeks ago Jeanice sent out an email saying she didn’t know if she’ll ever be able to finish the Ultrasound book so she was offering to release the first half of it if enough people were interested. (Not to detract from your article & Jim Webb’s book! but just to let you know there is another person/author out there also very interested in the subject.)
Lastly & as always, excellent comments from your readers! Educational, Historical, & with some humor thrown in. Always a pleasure. 😉
]]>It is all resonance. An understanding of the impacts of frequency upon the human body relies on a comprehensive understanding of electro-magnetic physics. It is known that blood creates a type of static electricity to move itself through the vascular system. The application of wi-fi to blood cells causes the cells to ‘stick together.’ Is this what raises the propensity for heart attack when exposed to strong wi-fi? The oxygen molecule carries a unique frequency signature; the ‘internet of things’ frequency includes that of oxygen and is known to interfere with the bonding of oxygen to red blood cells. Frequency further alters water, i.e. loss of hydrogen atom from the molecule, increased solubility propensity, and more. Your body is 70 percent water; this should be of major concern to the medical and scientific communities.
The medical field must get educated in physics – and do so quickly – to be able to properly identify and remediate symptoms associated with EMF’s, or doctors will end up killing even more people than they currently do as they erroneously attempt to treat with chemicals an issue that is purely one of ‘energy.’