Comments on: Education and the dismantling of the mind Sun, 04 Oct 2020 19:40:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: george Sun, 04 Oct 2020 19:40:10 +0000 Missing the point completely. The parasites that control America today, want to destroy western society. The schools do this job perfectly. as does media. They are creating a mass of sheep that will do everything it is told to do. They are just epsilons described in brave new world. Good enough to operate the machine.

Your article would make sense if the state was trying to really educate people. This is not the case.

The invisible man story was good for six thousand years, now there is technology to implement a better form of control.

By: JB Fri, 15 Feb 2019 14:49:42 +0000 My father was transferred to a Catholic school when he was 8, 1924. After grammar school he attended pub-ed until he “graduated” in 1933 at the behest of his father in the principal’s office. In middle school he was taught by his soon-to-be father-in-law, and was a poor student.

1945 he entered a junior college and managed to carry a B avg in Humanities and Social Studies.Then he entered a university and managed to obtain a B.S. in Social Sciences, with a minor emphasis in English, at age 32. None of his coursework entailed physical sciences, mathematics beyond basic algebra, or Philosophy. What little hard science and math he did have he was a mediocre performer.

The year before (1947) gaining his bachelor’s, his father-in-law retired from public education because he could not handle the stress of teenagers who were allowed to act out their lack of good parenting caused by the War. His greatest complaint was that kids did not know how to work.

Fast forward forty years. Reading the reminiscences of my father, and older siblings who attended pub-ed in the 50s and 60s, I discover their writing ability is atrocious. All of them had spelling errors. They had grammar errors. None of them could write a simple, well-constructed essay. And to my knowledge none of them ever went beyond Algebra II, took Physics or Chemistry, or related hard science subjects. Only my oldest brother did so, and that was after his military technical training.

I attended the same schools growing up, and had a few of the same teachers. I studied English out of the same worn out tomes that were extant when my father was in H.S..

The upshot to this abbreviated account is that pub-ed has been deficient in the basics since the beginning of the 20th century at least. It has never performed well at turning out intelligent and informed students.

Take JFK, who was afforded some of the best schools money could buy. What did he learn about Abe Lincoln? What did he learn about the moneyed interest in the 1860s? Not enough, and he lost his head over it.

By: NaturalWoman Sun, 03 Feb 2019 19:21:37 +0000 Something else to consider about education–the emphasis on “diversity” means lowered standards, which mean teachers become less knowledgeable, etc. There is a brave book about this from St. Martin’s, The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture by Heather Mac Donald.

By: Aron Sun, 03 Feb 2019 02:00:35 +0000 Well said. If all parents could send their kids to the school of their choice (including home-schooling) without interference from governments that dictate ciriculuum from on high, education would improve naturally. An education voucher system could possibly help in this regard.

As each school’s success would be dependent upon providing the highest quality education as possible, high caliber teachers would be in great demand. You’d probably start seeing people from a wide range of the private sector (business people, scientists, musicians, novelists, farmers, etc.) with teaching abilities start entering the profession because of the real-world experience they’d bring to the table. Eliminating teacher unions in the process would also provide the means for under-performing teachers to wither away and encourage competent individuals to rise in the ranks.

By: Larry Wed, 30 Jan 2019 23:30:18 +0000 YOU DA MAN….er….Babe!

By: truth1 Wed, 30 Jan 2019 20:05:49 +0000 Awesome video!

By: truth1 Wed, 30 Jan 2019 19:58:38 +0000 LA county was full of nefarious Satanic Ritual Abuse being done on the kids in the 80s. And the preschools were making porn with them and prostituting them to networks up and down California. The DA said that kids who had been abused in the 70s could not testify, as the statute of limitation had run out. This was the McMartin trial. I did not know kids were held accountable to the law. To the best of my knowledge, they can not be held accountable until they reach the age of 18 or 21 or whatever that was in Cali in the 70s and 80s.

My opinion is that men were paid less and inflation jacked so that kids would have to be turned over to “professionals.” that’s another code word for Satanic rapists, if not murderers according to the childrens’ testimony. I suspect that it will not be much longer before public schools start “doing it!” the kids will likely be horrifically programmed and conditioned with MK Ultra Programming. the sickness and madness that has taken over, has no bounds. Welcome to the brave new world.

My advise to all! Do not have kids anymore. for their sakes!

Call me Mr. sunshine. I rain on parades for a living.

There is so much that did not come out about the McMartin trial. 3 people were killed to keep them from testifying. the kids were brutally bullied on the stand by ruthless defence lawyers and neither the DA or the court stopped it. there ain’t a hell hot enough!!!!!!!!!!!

By: From Quebec Wed, 30 Jan 2019 06:24:46 +0000 WOW, just ran into this video tonight. This woman think just like I do about raising kids . Great video she tells it like it is.’

URGENT ALERT! Oregon Law Will Silently Begin Invasive Home Visits For New Parents!

By: trishwriter Wed, 30 Jan 2019 04:15:40 +0000 When I was pregnant with my first child, almost 19 years ago, I fully intended to place my child in daycare. It was what all good mothers did, as I had been taught by society, trendy women’s magazines, and government schools. I remember going to a couple of those daycare centers in Santa Monica, where I was working at the time, Sure, they were excellent as far as daycare centers go. They were highly recommended and cost a whole lot. Still, I just couldn’t imagine the baby inside me being placed in a crib all day, wondering where his mother was. That was the beginning of my journey to stay home with my kids. I’m so very thankful that I realized that no amount of toys and loving caregivers could take the place of the mother, the one who’d brought them into the world.

By: Nick Rasoi Wed, 30 Jan 2019 03:04:20 +0000 Read the 10 planks of Communist manifesto They are implementing it diligently for long time I was born and raised in a communist country This is the result
