Comments on: Creating ADHD is the new education Fri, 08 Feb 2019 18:30:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: truth1 Fri, 08 Feb 2019 18:30:18 +0000 Great comment Rastafari. Trauma based is very honest and accurate.

By: Rastafari Thu, 07 Feb 2019 15:04:43 +0000 they haven’t used common core in awhile. they switched quietly to a new system called trauma-based education. 2015 i think.

By: Greg C. Mon, 04 Feb 2019 00:28:31 +0000 Michael,

I think we both agree that thinking is fundamentally an experiential phenomenon, driven by the results one wishes to attain. For the creative artist who needs to generate new ideas, thinking is a different process than for the artist who needs to solve a series of technical problems to attain his or her goal. There is also the thinking skills required to organize one’s thoughts and express them clearly. To understand distinctions in meaning, syntax, grammar.

All thinking can be used for good or bad. Divergent thinking can lead one to a sublime discovery or utter chaos. Convergent thinking can lead to successfully organizing and synthesizing oneself, or becoming a slave to someone’s presuppositions.

What lies behind thinking and thoughts is more mysterious. Where do thoughts come from? The conformist can only build on the thoughts of others, some kind of authority that says – “this is what is.” A non-conformist who can think clearly, though, can disassemble what is disseminated in his education and re-synthesize it, and discover what is missing from within his own mind. Synthesis of one’s perceptions, thoughts, and feelings is the challenge of individual existence. Having the skills necessary to construct one’s own synthesis allows a person to re-define one’s self.

– Greg

By: Michael Burns Sun, 03 Feb 2019 20:49:58 +0000 You have declared that in round-a-bout way. That we are a collections of our experiences; our Pavlovian conditioning; in early and middle school. We are a narrative that is first created, by our mothers, and that constantly is being reshaped, edited, added to and revised. We are an invention. Our minds are an invention. And that the world of education, should keep that entrainment continuing…via ABC..

ADHD is the state of boredom…

” […] You disrupt his ability to move from A to B to C. […]”

…is this not convergent thinking? A psychological construct for the purpose of what? Conformity?

 Better he diverges and wanders the creative side of himself and finds another reality — by accident he finds this reality, is more perfect than the one society demands he abide by…and for what.

English is a language of slaves Jon. It is made by slaves…it is added to by slaves. It is based on A to B to C. The subject–verb–object (SVO).

But there are other languages, millions of them even the true language of the self.

Convergent thinking is a sociopolitical event of one, were mirror neurons inform the mind of what the social taboos are…what the society, what the herd thinks and so an answer is obtains. The necessary filters that place d on truth, to make more palatable. But it is not learning, it obedience to a process of learning…leearning is the only think that we do. And each to his own way…

On the other hand, divergent thinking is a stream of consciousness so thing, a tapping into a gnosis — an inherent knowing, perhaps culmination of previous life experiences distilled down to what is important, and that the great well of creativity fuels into an unfiltered response to that same query.

In the end the little fellow decides whither he is either a team player, or he is going to go it alone as an individual allowing unfiltered truth to fall from his mouth. To have the courage to say the right things to wrong society.

In the beginning of such an exploration of reality, can cause extreme suffering and mental anguish. Anxieties sometimes in the need to be excepted, to be part of the great glob of mankind that really have nothing to offer but, will try their best to bring you down to their level. Humans are by nature in a competition.

Those who fly the divergent path, eventually see, the doors of perception yawn wide and the cosmos comes flooding in and the wonder of it all, is yours. And in that, you gain something unteachable, something; words or equations or history does not know of…something unique in understanding, something language dares not to try to explain. Because it fails terribly. Something of a poet is born here, real courage is found, for one realizes there is nothing really in this world to lose or to fear. In the fact the whole thing is fake…

“There was no getting around it. If the student balked, he failed.”

Failed? So final Jon, care to rephrase it…not that failure is a bad thing, in proper situations, but upon thinking about ‘balking’…an intelligent player might balk for a number of reasons. And surely they are not failure. Balking might occur from the enlightened response to being overly trained, being conditioned in a redundancy that was fully understood in the beginning, but is so tedious to repeat until spirit is releases slightly to accept finally the lesson. An elephant that was once chained when it was very young, may now be tethered then, with a thread then.

Might one profit more by asking that the child think about the solution and use an already available answer. Let face it John, your way, their way is that…you creates more robots and then complain when they haven’t larn to think. Your way does not create critical thinkers…critical thinkers are gained from risk, danger.

“For those students who have the [desire] to be in a classroom to receive instruction, repetition works.”

Who do you know desires to spend their youth, the wonder time, the magic time, in a fluorescent room stuffy from old flatulence and a droning noise at the head of the room, from a tenured school marm, or curmudgeon that can barely get up the enthusiasm to hand out the papered lessons for the day — and around you the yes people; the cowed eyes of your peers surround you. And the cheeky are drugged…

“Those that can, do. Those that can’t , always teach.”

You continue through your article to use this word: desire…have you forgotten what it means…

Let’s clarify…

Desire: to long or hope for, exhibit or feel for…to express a wish, a love an appetite; to feel a loss of something important and care to gain it back as quickly as one can.

In the end the best thing you can do for a child is never send that child to school, never enroll them, never allow a school teacher to infect their mind. Never allow a school nurse to inject poisons in their bodies.

In the long run, they are much better of, if they never ever go to school, their minds are easier to teach to educate themselves; if they never go to school…but who is that caring, who is that loving. Surely not you Jon with what you proselytize here. You speak as a sort of expert on learning…

“[…] because the vast majority of people can’t learn to read, write, or do math any other way.”

Are you sure about that? Is that becoming a cemented hardened symbol in your head; in your head.

The uninvented languages of the world, the uninvented theories of existence, the uninvented methods of counting and expressing and learning, the uninvented history…the newly invented reality of a new-born. Leave it alone.

“Think of it this way. Suppose you want to climb the sheer face of a high rock. You know nothing about climbing.”

The first thing you learn as a child is to climb… is to climb and climb…an it is as natural to you as the air that passes from lungs to atmosphere…have you forgotten?

Most climbers I know are self-taught, do I know a lot of climbers, yes…do I climb? Not the really big stuff anymore, but that thirty-five foot spruce outside my back yard… I regularly go up it, to toss crows out of every spring, I take offense to their noise, and murdering ways. They are noisy bastards at four in morning. I will not stop climbing trees, or going onto roofs, or ledges or short climbs…no. And the first thing I learned was to climb alone.

Sure there are courses and forums and rules and no-no’s. As in all things in a fake society, there are exploiters who will impress on you how ignorant you really are, and how climbing is dangerous, yes that right, life is dangerous…now you can go through this existence with a safety net and live a long riskless life, or live… really live and teach yourself. But feign ignorance, and plastic expertise, is of little help. And going from A to B to C, makes you into a machine, a robot.

No one can teach you anything, you only submit; you can teach yourself everything.

Convergent thinking is the type of thinking that focuses on coming up with the single, well-established answer to a problem….well established! A consensus; a group thought? What everyone else wants to hear… because society wants to hear the right answer — what the society wants — but it is not truth.  It is not your reality.

Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions…brain storming the real position of profound thought, the wellspring of critical thought and the beginning of wisdom…real knowledge. It about risk taking and daring to explore the forbidden.

What you express is obedience, you express subservience to ancient thinking, and not new ways of thinking Jon. You can teach a child to read and write and count in six weeks. And then another six weeks to teach that child how to think — then the world is opened by a child’s mind. Teach a child to be divergent first…convergence is easy, it is about conformity.

Nonconformists are divergent thinker; artists (the real ones) are divergent thinkers; risk takers and entrepreneurs are divergent thinkers, people who are in love with their lives and thinking and learning are divergent thinkers. Divergent thinkers are usually great book lovers and crave learning.

Be honest, be really honest about what-you-are, and no one can stop you from learning, no one can ever get in the way of that curiosity.

You preach obedience, that is not learning to think. And learning to think is the whole purpose of education. I not about facts, I am here to learn what you think you know of the world, we don’t live long enough as humans to understand this great thing…

There is obedience and conformity, don’t confuse what you say as education.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 02 Feb 2019 05:08:12 +0000 Jon

As you are aware, the product of “education” with scant exception today is either

Mediocre standards or

System parasites

“What are system parasites?” you may ask.

Good question.

These are copycats. Painters can only work by numbers now, following the template. They can neither execute nor think for themselves.

Incidentally, when I saw ADHD, I thought your article might refer to something different. That term is a joke (which you play on). Autism began its journey as Kanner Syndrome in 1912 after Leo Kanner’s diagnosis. ADHD is the 1987 “rebrand”.


By: Sunshine2 Fri, 01 Feb 2019 15:37:55 +0000 School is so very different now I do not recognize it. What is with the compulsion to group desks into 3s or 4s in elementary school? Half the class isn’t facing the teacher. What kindergartener wouldn’t be distracted by the person they are facing? As an adult I would be distracted. They did this at work with shared cubicles. Distraction.

By: Sunshine2 Fri, 01 Feb 2019 15:21:37 +0000 Bingo. Internet creates ADHD. How many tiny bites that rarely even relate to each other can a person hold in their mind? Throw in pop up adds and pages readjusting ad naseum and you have a perfect environment for getting nowhere.

By: Sean Thomas Fri, 01 Feb 2019 12:02:41 +0000 I attended a “beginners” Salsa lesson last night. We learned FOUR different moves in one hour. At the end of the class, the instructor told us we should be able to dance all night with just those four moves. Imagine that, we learned Salsa in just one hour!

I guess that’s why we see nightclubs packed with good dancers everywhere we go.

By: htiv Fri, 01 Feb 2019 09:37:58 +0000 I like that this post is condensed version of yesterday’s, suitable for those already suffering from ADHD.

By: From Quebec Fri, 01 Feb 2019 00:39:21 +0000 Repetition is the way to learn in all fields.of life

If you want to be a great guitar player, you have to practice everyday.
Same thing for artists.Paint everyday and enjoy your work.and see it getting better and better.

Same thing when you want to become an athlete or speak another language,.. and so on.

Repeat, repeat, the way to go.

Jon, I like your answer to whoever that guy was:( Oh,” I said, “you mean now the student and teacher both fake it?” ) (LOL).
