Comments on: The deeper reason for drug ads on television Thu, 21 Feb 2019 10:18:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: G Michael Thu, 21 Feb 2019 10:18:29 +0000 Also, interestingly enough, the lawyers are right there with their own commercials. I have noticed that most of the new meds. being offered are, almost from the first ad, being sued for the side-effects. Some are quite severe and others are deadly.

By: trishwriter Mon, 18 Feb 2019 05:01:39 +0000 I think that happened with Standard Oil, deemed a monopoly in the early 20th century, but broken up into smaller companies, with the Rockefellers and their investment cronies reaping the benefits.

By: maidinamerica Sun, 17 Feb 2019 01:39:31 +0000 For sure P P and pHARMa are hand in glove in their mad-scientist gigs. I think we forget about the City of London, the privy council and the Royal Crown’s involvement of the demise of the US and investment in the chemtrail poisoning our air and water and ground and availability to Viit D. Also, in this article It lists 60 companies that fund baby murder and inside the article you will see 243 more companies that support 3rd party groups that fund Planned Parenthood. Baby murder seems to make the world go round: our utilities, our credit card, our clothing stores, and gas and oil and of course Starbucks, huge pHARma and your basic usual suspects. Very sickening. We can see why it is very hard to orchestrate change.

By: Chris Sun, 17 Feb 2019 00:46:58 +0000 Why the media blackout on infanticide abortion laws? I get the focus on guns when the mass shooter is invariably on big pharma’s SSRI drugs. I get the avoidance of discussing ending our policy of policing the world bc Raytheon, McDonnell Douglas might stop advertising…Planned Parenthood, the biggest oxymoron out there, implicated in the federal crime of trafficking fetal tissue for major profit…crickets…MSM stopped pandering to awake individuals long ago.
Is big pharma also lobbying for infanticide abortion laws? Somebody is and the MSM in this case wants nobody caring more than it wants ratings.

By: TPR Sun, 17 Feb 2019 00:34:25 +0000 Great story, lol. You should have replied, “The TV MADE ME ask!”

By: TPR Sun, 17 Feb 2019 00:31:32 +0000 @Erika, excellent info to know as, wow, I had never thought of that before! It makes perfect sense that the Medico+Pharma+Labs Industry would LOWER what is considered “NORMAL” test results in order to sell MORE “medical services,” drugs, interventions, “treatments,” etc.

“They” don’t call us “Consumers” for nothing. They literally want to CONSUME us mind, body, spirit, money, possessions, etc. in one way or another.

And the push for “Early Testing” for Everything, yes yes! That had been on my mind of late because I’d heard a lady I knew in the 1980s had died (1 year older than me). She was terrified even way back then of Breast Cancer & would have been exactly the type of person to go faithfully every single year for 30+ years & let “Big Rad” smash & RADIATE her breasts &/or take whatever drugs they would recommend. (I went ONCE & said, this is baloney, I’m NEVER doing this again, & never have. Ditto for annual GYNs. And now they have everybody duped re “Early Colonoscopies.” NO thank you.)

I have no plans to be visiting any medicos for anything. But if I ever do, I will remember what you wrote re their LOWERING the NORMAL ranges in order to push drugs, so thanks for that!

By: maidinamerica Sun, 17 Feb 2019 00:26:35 +0000 Thanks for all these medical articles and sources, Jon! It gets my blood boiling!! Just watching the commercials and the mind-control brain-washing is unbelievable! To think that the person that doesn’t qualify for medicare/medicaid and wanting to take the Opdivo med can spend $112,500 out-of-pocket for 9 months! But if on insurance, no worries- all of us will foot the bill for these over-priced calamities with our own health insurance and over-confiscated tax-dollars. You’ll note that all the “patients” in these faux ads have a really nice house, nice car, nice vacation or recreation spot, and a perfect family that remains patient, loving, and willing to cough up whatever it take$ and emotionally driven tavistock musical background to further inoculate any common sense out of us.

By: TPR Sat, 16 Feb 2019 23:45:18 +0000 Big Oil birthed Big Chem.
Big Radio birthed Big TV.
Big Chem birthed Big Pharma.
Big Pharma & Big TV met & together they birthed Big Lawyer TV Ads. 😉

Haha, a little humor there, but I did wonder if Big Pharma Ads & subsequent Injuries from their druggery birthed Lawyer TV Ads.

I can’t recall the exact timing when things changed, but attorneys/lawyers were still not even allowed to advertise in any way except in phonebooks through the 1980s (at least in my State).

Then I do recall Jay Leno (he took over Johnny Carson’s show in 1992) being often aghast, horrified, disgusted, & then mocking Big Pharma TV Ads & their rapid-fire-monotone “fine print Side Effects” warnings at the end of the ads. He would shriek, “WHO would ever take any of those drugs after hearing all THAT!” It was hilarious because it was TRUE.

So maybe Big Pharma TV Ads came first in the earlier 1990s but by the latter 1990s I do recall Big Lawyer Ads on TV (which were equally as obnoxious as the drug ads & late night TV Used Car Salesman ads, lol).


Great point (which I had not thought of) re Big Pharma drowning the TV with Ads to basically “buy the soul” of the Networks/Stations so Big Pharma could then also call the “shots” re the devolving programming. The CIA & Big Pharma must be connected behind the TV Screen, then, since the CIA is heavily involved in TV Propaganda as well.


Lastly, FYI, Ted Broer mentioned your name & talked about your above 2/14/19 article on the 2/15/19 Hagmann Report radio program. Ted was on through the 1:35-hour talking re all kinds of health topics as usual, but he mentioned your name/article probably within the first 1/2-3/4-hour or so. Hagmann 2/15/19 Link:

By: Erika Fri, 15 Feb 2019 20:25:34 +0000 They are lowering the standard metrics of “disease as well. By that i mean they are lowering The numbers for what constitutes “high blood pressure” , “High blood sugar” etc to sell more drugs and destroy health.

They did this with cancer too. The death rate per capita has remained the same throughout the decades. BUT they have convinced everyone that “early testing” has saved lives, when in reality, these are people who would never have died in the first place.
The death rate from heart disease has not decreased either despite all their horsehockey medications and bogus interventions/

I actually stopped watching most mainstream TV because i am sick of the peurile programming and i am sick of drug ads.
(don’t listen to radio either.)

They want to rent space in my head they are going to have to PAY ME for the privilege.

By: anonymous Fri, 15 Feb 2019 19:39:47 +0000 Listening to all those side-effects will make you sick. Not listening will only make them more effective as subliminal suggestions. Mute the sound at least. Or turn the channel. I sometimes wonder if the kind of programs that drug companies sponsor are themselves unhealthy.
