Comments on: 5G: Harmful effects of a new technology Mon, 03 Feb 2020 01:45:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Thu, 28 Feb 2019 04:53:56 +0000 “The Technocratic Internet of Things decides how, at any given moment, to regulate traffic flows. Humans learn to be passive.” — Jon Rappoport

I can’t see the connection here, can you expand on these conflicting ideas? How can regulating traffic flow teach passivity?


Is this their aim, or are there other reasons, like cost of energy production; careless users who waste resources needlessly? Devices left on all day to vampire energy — granted they, the consumer, are paying for it, but…”studies” have shown that the average household throws 40% of the produce they purchase in a week, out without eating it. Seems like a waste to me, and supply and demand drives industry pricing. Furthering the expense. And furthering the lack of supply.

Maybe 5G is necessary because we consume too much, and don’t ride the bicycle enough, don’t go for a long enough walk more frequently. And think wrongly about it, maybe studies are not telling the truth?

How can you pick all this from the other pollutants and toxins and climate change, and food additives and no sex on Wednesday anymore…

” • DNA single and double strand breaks • oxidative damage • disruption of cell metabolism • increased blood brain barrier permeability • melatonin reduction • disruption to brain glucose metabolism • generation of stress proteins”

“Studies show this to be true?… Thousands of studies?”

Okay how about this…

“Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Marcia Angell is the author of The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It. But more to the point, she’s also the former Editor-in-Chief at the New England Journal of Medicine, arguably one of the most respected medical journals on earth. But after reading her article in the New York Review of Books called Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption, one wonders if any medical journal on earth is worth anybody’s respect anymore.” –The Ethical Nag

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” — Dr. Marcia Angell

“A 1994 study found that low-level millimeter microwave radiation produced lens opacity in rats, which is linked to the production of cataracts.” Jon Rappoport


A study that informed addiction for years, and decades, was based on a rat study.

The rats, little beady eyed bastards that they are, were in cages, alone with two bottle of water to drink from — one bottle carried water with heroin in it, the other was simply water. The rats drank the heroin water and became addicted and the onslaught of addiction, brought on ill-health, depression, weight loss, the refusal to eat and eventual death.

Conclusion: heroin is addictive and addition is this…

On the other hand, a fairly new study was performed, in the last few years, to test those underlying stigma that drugs are addictive and dangerous and caused by the drug, furthering the war drugs and legalization. The original rat study was contested.

The new study, put rats of different ages and color and sexes in the same cage, a sort of rat park —  a fairly good living condition with food and toys and little tiny rat laptops (sic). 5G and …Lol. No, there was no 5G lol.

Anyway… there was the same two bottles of water, one with heroin and one with plain water.

Occasionally rats would get high with the heroin water. But they did not become addicted. They did not do it all the time. Why?

The study found that when a rat is happy and living a quality of life, when it in amongst its own and with younger and older cage mates. The quality environment, and the toys, the rat park situation and loving caring friends, that addiction was nil. Not saying that it never happened.

Interestingly the same original rat study from the, I think in was the fifties, was performed on single rats, who became addicted. Then they were taken and put in the rat park with loving friends and a quality like with the same bottles. Strangely, rat park influence helped those addicted rats kick the addiction.

The study actually inspired the Swiss government, a fairly conservative stiff assed people to legalize heroin, well, clinical morphine, and give it away for free. It cost the Swiss government less money, and the crime rate dropped like a rock.  That punishing of addicts — of which is what is done in American society — we punish addicts and make them pay for their addiction. We abuse them and reject them. Furthering addiction.

My point is…What I argue here is that not all studies are good, they are not all true. The rat park study can be contested as well — life is not a rat park. And that study can ease the stress and improve the outcome. But, it is not perfect, and is biased when seen in reference of a real society.

I ask you this, can feeling bad about 5G, can the knowledge of what you write here be detrimental to its actual condition. Can The body’s placebo be hijacked by the individual because they think a certain way about it. Can one over come the influence…

By: arcadia11 Wed, 27 Feb 2019 20:36:21 +0000 : – }

lol. i will ever remember my brothers Michahel then, won’t i.

well..i have been this way and that – sometimes at once – hopefully not unlike a large portion of the population at this time.
i have not had a lot to say – it’s pretty much all been said, re social/political consciousness, and i find myself preferring isolation, sometimes defensively.
processing and mastering the whole time track (albeit rightbrainedly) before i leave the earth plane is for me an urgent necessity and the ultimate accomplishment for an earth plane incarnate. i want to know. i want out.

it has its ups and downs.
sadly, there are some things you can’t google (duckduckgo).

thank you for asking. i was almost startled to see a comment directed
to me. i have been feeling semi-invisible. but you know what? it was comfortably grounding.

and you? what is foremost right now? i am always interested.

love to you and your family & a giant hug and tummy rub for desmond.


By: petergrafstrm Wed, 27 Feb 2019 16:24:46 +0000 Your Cia lying propaganda nonsense accusing others of what the Us is actually doing isnt worth commenting on.
And If the chinese add some backdoors it will be because the Us coerced them by threatening to block their businesses. Since knowing about the Us/Uk five eyes spying it is commercially advantageous for any firm to offer privacy, you bet they would be willing to use such an argument in their marketing.
Like I indicated all radicalism now taking up a prominent place in western public life is originally created and subsequently funded controlled opposition. By the Us/Uk oligarchy, not by Moscow as Senator Joseph McCarthy was too late to realise. They often know nothing about it but simply perform the role of useful idiots destroying their own nations.
The smarter ones among the leftists may have got it but dont want to give up their lifelong struggle for the imaginary socialist delusion so they continue supporting your AA oligarchy fake historical narrative and continue doing the bidding of the current empire, whose purpose always is to weaken competition. Never to encourage you to be smart and creative. Your enemies at home fear you if you are smart and competitive and can challenge their might. They want you dumb and in your case they have had some success if you believe any of the ignorant nonsense you are peddling!

By: petergrafstrm Wed, 27 Feb 2019 16:00:48 +0000 You sound like a mediocre Cia-puppet with some staple delusions about the world, and your guesses about me are absolutely ridiculous. The Us allowed the british system to be applied on the Us population and economy with the result that you lost your jobs and the middleclass has been partly wiped out for you. Friedrich List (who was positively influenced by the Us) guided Germany’s rapid development and Britain’s response was to arrange the world wars. After WWII you dominated the world economy but your elites wanted you dumb and incapable for independent thinking so nothing came of it. Your enemies are at home not in Russia!!!!
You could have been popular instead of rightly hated worldwide but the Pentagon parasite doesnt want americans to have a strong competitive civilian sector capable of competing fairly instead of by sabotaging development everywhere. If you had that you could releave yourselves of the huge burden the military is causing.
You have no enemies, the military is just a bunch of hired thugs in service of your otherwise not sufficiently competitive industry.
Your oligarchs guided by the stupid liberalism are a complete menace to the world. They control opposition so everything leftist is influenced by those monopoly capitalists via their control of what comes to peoples attention. Since the leftists have been brainwashed/handicapped not to believe in conspiracies they, at best, believe there where some good capitalists who had some involvement in the spread of communism. But they are blind to any such thing going on today. Real opposition is struggling in the margin. The bulk of Leftism is weaponised for the empire by destroying nation states.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 26 Feb 2019 16:58:07 +0000 :)))) Hi! its me remember… your brother Michael. How ya been?

By: Michael Burns Tue, 26 Feb 2019 16:55:29 +0000 How can you think with that crap in you’re head? You’re a fear porn salesman, who runs a conspiracy theorist website.

There are no demons, except the ones in your head troll.

“DUMB”, “demonic warlords”, ” sterile”, “useless eaters”, “sheeple”, “DNA storage banks”……………..

Wow, that’s a fir good selection of buzs words, so what you’re saying is give up, don’t struggle. Resistance is futile.

I think you make victims as your bread and butter. Personally, I’d give the ole three stooges two fingers in the eyes for such nonsense.

You sell fear porn, you are the National Enquire… *yawn*…………here read this and stop already.

“Conspiracy theories are ways for someone to understand what is going on in the world and try to restore some sense of control in themselves.”
― Oscar Auliq-Ice Junior

“The mentally disturbed do not employ the Principle of Scientific Parsimony: the most simple theory to explain a given set of facts. They shoot for the baroque.”
― Philip K. Dick

A JFK conspiracy theorist dies and goes to heaven.

When he arrives at the Pearly Gates, God is there to receive him. “Welcome. You are permitted to ask me one question, which I will answer truthfully.”

Without hesitating, the conspiracy theorist asks, “Who really shot Kennedy?”

God replies, “Lee Harvey Oswald shot him from sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. There were no accomplices. He acted alone”

The conspiracy theorist pauses, thinks to himself, then says “Shit! This goes higher up than I thought…”

By: Michael Burns Tue, 26 Feb 2019 16:22:10 +0000 More of the same from you…America bashing as usual. Piss off, you ignorant bastard. I am tire of your useless virtue signaling left-wing arguments.

We as a nation have had enough of this third world diatribe of yours and the creepy left socialists that infect us like a godam cancer…Edward Snowden is a spy and traitor who would say anything to save his own ass. He gave the Kremlin kleptocracy everything he knew, and now lives training Russian hackers and makes $200,000 a year advising and training GRU and the FSB and SVR RF.

Between him and the other cowardly idiot who got him into Russia using a backdoor from Hong Kong; the other hacker traitor Julian Assange who trained APT 29 (CozyCar) and APT28 (Strontium).

They both have a lot to say about the US, but never anything about Putin and his ilk and billionaire human filth. Or Putin’s shadow criminal economy that equals 43% of Russian GDP. Never anything about Russian censorship, and the new digital Iron Curtain going up. Nothing about the decoration of opposition.

“The encryption of Chinese phones makes it harder for big brother to sneak in through the backdoor which they do with other products.”

Nice buzz words, and the lie — the whole Huawei and ZTE system is a spy operation, aimed at North Americans, stop reading and gaining your information from The Nation, they tell lies about us… 

So shove it!

By: Michael Burns Tue, 26 Feb 2019 15:45:43 +0000 I am tire of the whining America bashing, the denigrating of the west, the demoralizing by jealous societies of what has been achieved on a global level, by the US and the west. Just by this singular country. The technological advancement achieved by a few has set the world free. 

Granted there are some problems but no use throwing the baby out with the bath water. By assholes like you who achieve nothing in their life, the left, the bleeding heart liberals who think we should allow other nations to rise and kill us and steal what we have achieved. Fuck that. There are blacks in South Africa crucifying whites and stealing their land. 

You as a swede, and are subservient to your Russian masters and it has been that way since Peter the Great…so he took some land and wanted a seaport? Stand up and be individual or become part of the beige collective.

China cares nothing of its people or the world, it is a communist power that uses capitalism like a blunt instrument. China is a land that has eaten up its own resources and has nothing left, so it exploits using capitalism and a stealth of politicking around sensitive issues. Its right abuses far exceed any nation on earth. Their military expansionism, along with Russia, desires the world island.

Get use to it America and the west is exceptional; the Internet; the computer; atomic power; the light bulb; electricity’s application…get use to it. We are and always will be the greatest nation in the world.

Why don’t you look at the skeletons in your own nations closet. Ah..but your not exceptional as a nation.

We are individuals here…step aside. And fuck your virtue signaling.

BTW the Russians are the ones in a military expansion along with China, get the facts right. Do some reading for a change.

The whole idea of Venezuela is Russian expansionism. A russian military base and Russian and Chinese dominance of that economy.

By: Theodore Tue, 26 Feb 2019 03:39:01 +0000 see also…

By: Smart Sun, 24 Feb 2019 21:18:44 +0000 “An experiment conducted by the Medical Research Institute of Kanazawa Medical University found that 60GHz ‘millimeter-wave antennas can cause thermal injuries of varying types of levels. The thermal effects induced by millimeterwaves can apparently penetrate below the surface of the eye’.”

Military applications of this tech already exist. Check out “Active Denial”
