Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: Illusions of the ordinary mind Sun, 07 Apr 2019 15:43:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: truth1 Sun, 07 Apr 2019 15:43:11 +0000 Jon, I have been thinking about this. I have been giving more thought to the subtle differences between TV and Movie entertainment as opposed to real life action and behavior. A casual viewing and acceptance of TV will leave one very ill-informed and lied to. To be wise would require that one break down and analyze what it presented as plausible. Emotions often do not represent the real emotions of people in real life situations. But you would never notice this if it were not for making comparisons and analysis, between TV and real life, They are 2 very different patterns.

So it would be my opinion that logic, that you often promote, and making an analysis of life, are the most important things. Imagination is great for engineers, but analysis is vital for everyone, even though most do not do it. You referred to the personal “national security” policing we have in our minds, And it is a very good metaphor, too. it is what makes us terrified of doing any analysis or investigation of life. but because the mental security force inside us is so strong and reinforced, it is not likely that many will overcome their internal security/defense and venture into analyzing life, which one might only consider doing if one was detecting some contradictions in the world they were living in.
So the first step would be a level of alertness that one would acquire thru birth and parenting. Without that first step of investigating a contradiction, no one can advance till that is done and accepted, and then more analysis to follow. Its pretty much a case of luck and circumstance as to who will pursue it or not. But comparison and analysis are primary. I say that comparison and analysis will lead to imagination, which is rather instinctive, any way.

By: Terry Adams Sun, 07 Apr 2019 14:23:32 +0000 Our imagination is what makes us different… and – from what I have read – desirable. I rarely watch television these days, preferring instead to listen to old radio programs. What I can envision in my mind is always better than what is presented to me. People laugh when I say this but when MTV came out I didn’t like being shown what a song was purportedly about. When I hear a song, I have the meaning of it playing out in my head – I don’t need it to be interpreted for me, much less to me..
