Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: Getting in the creative flow Wed, 17 Apr 2019 18:37:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: ErnieM Wed, 17 Apr 2019 18:37:50 +0000 i disagree with this. You don’t choose what to create next. The creations happen, springing from the subconscious. Like Picasso said, you are not looking for something, just looking–you don’t know what will show up, or when. There is a multiplicity but not really a flow. Creations are sudden and unexpected, breakthroughs.

By: Erika Mon, 15 Apr 2019 01:20:45 +0000 I know what you are talking about Jon..
People with a natural proclivity to these ecstatic flow states seem to also often have extremely intense emotional states, ability to focus , many somatic sensitivities (chemicals, foods, sounds, fabrics, etc), and an intense vivid imagination..

Having experimented with it, i think it may be the ability to tap into some causal level.
You can drop things into “manifestation” by a very intense emotion, focus, intent (especially speaking).

That is a two edged sword.
If you are tapped into this level, you can be in a state of ecstasy where entire blocks of knowledge are dropping into you, and your heart is wide open, you are in the ecstatic flow..and magical things happen. BUT if you are not grounded in your body- it can feel like hell when someone (or something) knocks you out of this state.
OTOH if you are in a state of deep anger, despair and are focusing you can accidentally drop out some hideous consequences…i know because i have seen it drop out very fast in both cases.

For those of us that have this going on, probably the real battle is to stay in your body instead of wafting off on some cloud of imagination…and being able to channel it effectively instead of haphazardly.

By: Greg C. Sun, 14 Apr 2019 01:07:36 +0000 I think flow is what we all are after, mostly in a clumsy fashion. We try to find similar things we can formulate – like efficiency, cash flow, drug-induced flowing sensations, music, movies – all of which can remind us of being in a state of flow, but cannot cause it to happen. The usual default state is to block the flow. Disapproving, proscribing, clinging to memories, old ideals, looking for definitive answers. A fortunate few will reach a point where they figure out what they are up to, have a good laugh, and drop all of that.

When was the last time you heard someone have a good long laugh? What is your personal record for a laugh? Five minutes? Half hour? An inspired laugh starts with seeing the silliness of what everyone wants to take so seriously, mainly, blocking their flow.

Ayn Rand was on to something when she wrote the first sentence of the Fountainhead, “Howard Roark laughed.” She described the way he forgot himself entirely in his work and everything else he did. But, she went too far in trying to reduce what she called a sense of life to a belief system. She assumed that since bad beliefs can cause a bad life – stopping the flow – then correct beliefs lead to a good sense of life, when it is really the other way around. The flow comes first, the sense, the knack of opening oneself to all that is possible. Beliefs are needed only to study what can go wrong.

By: futuret Sat, 13 Apr 2019 19:12:00 +0000
