Comments on: Power Outside The Matrix: Your power in a decaying world Mon, 15 Apr 2019 00:21:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Mon, 15 Apr 2019 00:21:56 +0000 Sir,
I’ve been following you for 4 years or so and reading your thoughts and articles has changed my life for the I’m am so sorry to hear about your wife and send my kind regard.
I’ve always been a rebellious, somewhat anti hero type of individual and prided myself for not confirming to norms and group type thinking.But you have connected the dots for me and given me hope when I needed it.
I’m dying of a genetic disease called V H.L and it runs in my family and I know I have it.I have a adrenal mass that’s been called a Pheocromocytoma, I have hamangiomas- blastomas on my back and liver.I know I have these growths all over my body, and I have the same symptoms as my family who’s had this disease.But despite this I cannot get a 100% diagnosis of it.If the medical cartel was to give me this diagnosis they would look liabil to helping fix it.Which would be expensive hospital stays and multiple surgeries.
I’m left in pain without enough proof to even convince my family how bad I am medically.And not able to get enough pain relief.
I have filled out a health Directive with a Law firm so I can get certain things controlled that I want done. And I will be getting a PRIVATE autopsy done after my death so I can prove V.H.l and my parents can sue them for pain & suffering.The U.S medical cartel is horrendous and callous.I believe I’m being stopped at the imaging level and administration level at multiple hospitals.Sounds impossible, but it’s true..
Thank God for people like you and a real, unbiased, objective, light shedding, compassionate view of what’s really going on.
