Comments on: Why I write Thu, 18 Apr 2019 06:21:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 18 Apr 2019 06:21:57 +0000 Interesting piece, Jon.

Perhaps that is why I am a poetic journalist; the “finest” or “worst” of both worlds?


By: TPR Thu, 18 Apr 2019 01:08:50 +0000 Here’s hoping your “first love” since boyhood (trees) & the beautiful surroundings of a forest of many trees will be at least some solace during this time of great loss of your “second love,” your beloved wife. Imagine her clapping for you through the trees every time you do something you don’t FEEL like doing without her (housework drudgery, grocery shopping, making dinner or making beds, etc.)

Go outside & say out loud to the trees, “Clap for me, my darling! I made it through another day & another chore!” (You might even end up laughing at yourself & feeling lighthearted, if even for a little while.)

Just an idea (imagination), hope it helps.

By: TPR Thu, 18 Apr 2019 00:42:11 +0000 “Eventually, I saw that my tree had several basic branches … Both branches of the tree were vital.”

Indeed “both branches” are a necessity. A tree cannot “clap” in appreciation for you & your work with only one branch:

By: mindymaucelli Wed, 17 Apr 2019 14:34:37 +0000 Thanks for being a true journalist, you’re appreciated in this world of deceit.
Thanks again Jon ????

By: karunaveg Tue, 16 Apr 2019 21:14:36 +0000 Thank you Jon! And heart-felt condolences on the loss of your amazing life-partner!

By: Kathleen Donnelly Tue, 16 Apr 2019 17:16:58 +0000 You write because you can see what is happening.. and your words are true.. Thankyou.. and I hope you are straying strong after the passing of your dear wife.. She will be proud of you…

By: judgingjudi Tue, 16 Apr 2019 17:07:44 +0000 I am so sorry to get this sad news today. I have forwarded it on to my facebook page and wrote my condolences there as well. Take care of yourself and may God shine on you and give you the energy to get through the days and weeks ahead. Sincerely Judi Day

By: Jan Andrews Tue, 16 Apr 2019 16:59:51 +0000 P.S. Jon this is Jan again. My dear friend Will Duvall, who was friends with Manly Hall, is a close friend of Elvis Presleys. Will used to be a singer in Las Vegas when Elvis was. Will teaches t’ai chi and Elvis likes karate. Will was friends with Liberace and Wayne Newton too. Will is an actor cousin of the famous actor Robert Duvall.

By: Jan Andrews Tue, 16 Apr 2019 16:49:50 +0000 Dear Jon,
Job well done! You are amazing, kind, loving and so dedicated. You are a humanitarian and spiritual. Thanks for everything. It is hard for me to believe Laura passed away so young? Give my condolences to her family. What happened? Did someone interfere and add fake news about her passing away to your letter? She ate healthy. I’m so sorry – probably it is true though. God loves you and loved Laura, and I do too. Talk to God. He is the holy comforter. Read two books. One is How to Talk to God by Paramahansa Yogananda. The other is Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch. Meditate on God with love using visualization for an hour tree times a day. Watch for the subtle pictures and moving pictures He/She gives you in your mind’s eye. A picture is worth a thousand words and a moving picture is worth even more. Listen for God’s quiet loving voice within. Read the book The Way Out by Joseph Benner. Elvis Presley, who is still alive, is on the spiritual path. He was friends with the philosopher Manly Hall and listened to Manly’s lectures. So did Priscilla Presley. Elvis gave the book The Way Out to friends. In meditation you don’t talk to God like when you pray. Meditation is God’s time to talk to you. This loving meditation is the key to Cosmic Consciousness, plus loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. This devotional meditation opens up God’s phone line from Heaven so you will be able to talk with God every moment if you wish all day and evening. But you must meditate three hours or more a day every day of your life to be able to talk witih God every day. God loves you personally more than you know! Happy birthday Jon. I’m thinking of you and missing you and Laura. I talk about you and Laura both to my spiritual students and friends quite often because of your great work together. Please email me your phone number right away. I’ve been suppressed by enemies of our country who for one thing stole my address book.
Love and peace always, your friends,
God and Jan

By: Sue Tue, 16 Apr 2019 15:05:59 +0000 I, for one, am very glad you put your writing (and reasoning) skills to good use; educating people how to think for themselves, and not succumb to the ever-present stream of fake news.
