Comments on: If hidden technology were exposed for all to see Fri, 03 May 2019 15:42:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: targetedindividual Fri, 03 May 2019 15:42:21 +0000 The US Air Force has a system to supress whistleblowers, opposition to the government and other “undesirable” persons. It is called “Targeted Individual Program”. More info about it:

By: Jay Scott Wed, 24 Apr 2019 18:36:45 +0000 Well, it seems one reason, or technically two, Jon filed this under fiction is that there doesn’t appear to be a town in Texas called “Twin”. There also doesn’t appear to be a newspaper called the “Twin Clarion”. Hopefully someone else can prove this wrong or file it under “hidden” too.

By: Jizmo Onyabhuti Sun, 21 Apr 2019 15:06:36 +0000 I always like to ask people; If hydrocarbons are a result of biologic decay, then how can other solar system bodies produce them absent life, and if they do, why is it unreasonable to think that the earth does the same thing?

By: From Quebec Sun, 21 Apr 2019 04:41:41 +0000 I find the word TECHNOLOGY a bit scary/

So far, we have robots replacing humans

Smart meters and cell phones. that fry our brains.

Self driving cars who make us useless and defenceless.

And what about the new 5G WIFI coming that will KiIl US all.

I do not trust these so-called technologists geniuses.

By: RJ Sun, 21 Apr 2019 02:05:17 +0000 One other note and link:
RI: What does the world look like when you’ve commercialized the SunCell?

RM: Everything will be powered by the SunCell. Solar, wind, bio fuels, and nuclear will all be replaced. The grid will be unnecessary. Utilities will be unnecessary. There would be no pollution and limited energy regulation. As the SunCell is fully autonomous, energy delivery becomes impervious to disruption from war, terror, and natural disaster. Importantly, underdeveloped countries will have the same potential lifestyle and productivity as the developed world. Each SunCell could also serve as a self-powered, autonomous node in a mesh network that could replace the Internet.

By: RJ Sun, 21 Apr 2019 01:36:38 +0000 Goldbug – I don’t think this is about Tesla’s work at all. Jon is likely talking about Brilliant Light Power company, and it’s inventor Dr. Randell Mills. This man has discovered the “hydrino,” which is a smaller stable form of hydrogen. If you take common hydrogen from water, put it through the process Mills has developed, a massive amount of light and thermal energy is released, something like hundreds of times more energy than oil-based products. Apparently it is fairly simple in practice, and as the engineering gets better at controlling such massive power output, it’ll be dirt cheap power for everyone. Just as Jon talks about above, it’ll totally decouple the grid and oil infrastructure. It’ll also eliminate the need for solar, hydro, wind and other sources of power. It’s that promising.

Here’s the website:

Here’s a “business presentation”:

Dr. Mills had d*mn sure better have backed up all his research and prototypes to multiple repositories around the world… TPTB will most certainly smash him totally, if they haven’t co-opted him yet. And it appears he’s a maverick who sincerely wants to make his invention happen for everyone. Keep your fingers crossed…

By: Von E. Ives Sat, 20 Apr 2019 03:44:06 +0000 FINALLY – the ‘spot light’ is gradually and slowly being uncovered on what Nikola Tesla KNEW and others , yours truly included, KNOWS from personal experience!  I have discovered two different ways of doing what is described below as well as a third way by a  retired EE, Jim Murray, and others.  It has been previously unaccepted by governments, academia, & industry because a rational explanation of the energy source wasn’t yet available.  But a retired Lawrence Livermore  Lab scientist HAS explained it as real with Geometric Algebra, to be revealed in July at the Extraordinary Technology conference in Utah.  It is sobering to watch such a device, whether mine or others, perform doing what is supposedly impossible by conventional standards. The NEXT energy future is just around the corner! NO fuel or batteries will be needed primarily!


By: Sam Fri, 19 Apr 2019 23:54:41 +0000 At the beginning of this article you state, “Note: I have couched this piece in FICTION, which is a convenient way to pinpoint hidden trends…” Fiction? Yes, at least on your part, but to what extent may it actually be fiction? This reminds me of years ago when Bill Cooper had his program “Hour of the Time” on short wave. He would frequently say technology is between 10 to 100 years ahead of what the public was aware of. The PTB’s would definitely want to keep a lid on something like what you have shared in this article, for the world’s benefit/for our protection, of course.

By: Terri Fann Fri, 19 Apr 2019 23:04:52 +0000 ok, I’ve read about Tesla’s “free energy” but if it really existed and people could use it free of the grid why wouldn’t people be using it? I’ve seen diagrams, but they make no sense. So John, great article, but why couch it in fiction if it exists? Do you know something we don’t know?

By: Not So Free Fri, 19 Apr 2019 21:12:23 +0000 Sounds like you are describing a thorium reactor.
