Comments on: How I put together Power Outside The Matrix Mon, 29 Apr 2019 07:30:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: groet Mon, 29 Apr 2019 07:30:54 +0000 Jon,

As white pope Francesco Bergoglio has put it recently: there is no heaven, only hell on earth!!

This “the elite creation of reality” is what I consider psychological and social engineering operations have as a strategy and a goal. We as a people are maltreated and let ourselves be maltreated by limiting our concepts of reality in any field whatsoever.

We now have an explosion of agressive belief systems of which global warming, climate change as a result of human kind’s activity and even existence, gender confusion, green left fascism, agenda 2030 police state regarding all our conduct and behaviour, eco-terrorism to create scarcity, continuing wars against global terrorists like Al Quaeda, ISIL, IS, ISIL, North Korea, agressive expression of only opinion without any argument on social media, war and struggle and fight all over the place et cetera et cetera

Groet, Jan Ligthart
