Comments on: Bayer and Monsanto are facing the music Wed, 24 Mar 2021 18:13:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: paschn5167 Thu, 09 May 2019 01:47:18 +0000 Sounds rather pedestrian doesn’t it?


Michael Burns says; May 7, 2019 at 1:42 pm

“Mackinder” Its Mankinder…

Can you catch the irony precious? or, as with the (self) chosen, mistakes in semantics/conjugation of verbs is only applied to Goim?

many of the sleazy “plants” trained/sent to social media have very, very poor lessons in the written word of the particular country they’re sent into to spew the most ridiculous pablum I’ve ever read – So, I took the opportunity to not only expose your “training” but also allow you to see just how silly picking apart word structure/spelling is..

“We have exterminated the property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America
(The Jew, December, 1925, Zinobit)

Quote from “You Gentiles” by Maurice Samuel;
“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. (Pg 155)

By: petergrafstrm Wed, 08 May 2019 21:53:45 +0000 The reason I do bring up the negative is that it is overwhelming. We cant choose to ignore it since the Us big thug bullies the whole world.
Our subservient european leaders are competing to please the master by destroying our own living conditions.
The Us has rivals but not enemies that would motivate the enormous military expenditures. The Us has a sham democracy, it is with respect to other nations a military dictatorship and the freedom of speech is being seriously undermined for those who challenge the official narratives.
The character of a Us police state has evolved to make the stasi seem tolerant.
And that Orwellian character is likewise imposed on the vassal EU.
But the deprivation of freedom doesnt hurt the corporatocracy like it hurts the common people.
You are an entrepreneur according to what you have said before so maybe you are doing well in the current conditions?. If so good for you but that doesnt change the overall impact the Us/Uk have.
You are a big brother asset whether or not you are hired or do it voluntarily. You have all the signs of someone whose task it is to uphold the chauvinist and extremely evil program that the angloamericans with British masterminds have been imposing on the world for many generations. The British also imposed it on the Us in the form of the so called Us civil war which like the so called french revolution wasn’t an internal affair but a foreignimposed conspiracy which is such a common trait in all things originating from the British elites and their partners. Germany contrasts and Leibniz believed that the winning concept was mutual development of all nations.
The german banker Herrhausen was murdered because he wanted debt cancelling for poor nations. Couple of years later another german banker was likewise asassinated because he wanted to milden the effects for the eastgermans when the unification of Germany took place.
The absurdity is underlined by the Us/Uk using leftwing people as scapegoats in some asassinations against people who want to help the poor.
While the British concept so established in the Us even is AGAINST selfdevelopment. That aspect is hard to believe when you first read about it. But in my former comment I gave you an example where the Us sacrificed both useful inventions, profits , jobs and not to forget even goodwill and the admiration and gratefulness of humanity. Secrecy was more important.
But I only picked that subject because I happened to want to bring it up right then. So I could say something encouraging for a change and because I consider the subject very important. There are many war veterans and young athletes apart from ordinary civilians who would benefit. So I used the phrase of yours ‘I cant see’ as an excuse to bring it up.
I can understand why you asked about autism or some other condition if you felt that I misunderstood the meaning of that phrase.

People who fight against conspiratorial realists are in company with the Cia who invented the concept conspiracy theorists in connection with the denial of the jfk-murder being a conspiracy of the mighty.
To deny the conspiratorial interpretation of many historical events, is to deny that the elites would use deception. Despite the fact that the deception brings the deceptor immense advantages. Crushing several rivals without getting the blame. This was the strategy of Venice for many centuries and as they migrated into european nobility in Switzerland Holland England etc the mindset migrated with them.
Unfortunately that evil mindset is behind most world events and the Us/Uk or their proxies are virtually always the culprits. The conspiratorial deceptions that you want other readers to doubt abound.
The Us/Uk pretend to fight terrorists who actually are their mercenaries.
Leading figures in the Us even confirm it in weak moments.
But we both know we will have no effect on each others views so I wont dwell on it although it isnt difficult to give many examples.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 08 May 2019 20:18:57 +0000 Lol yes seriously. Snowflake? C’mon you can did deeper than that, there got more pain down there that superhero, something better than snowflake. Ahahahahhaha fucking awesome.

By: paschn5167 Wed, 08 May 2019 18:50:23 +0000 Seriously, Snowflake?

“It okay I understand,…”

“that meant to make feel better.”

etc. etc.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 08 May 2019 16:59:44 +0000 petergrafstrm:

It took me a bit sleuthing, but I think I have a picture. I am trying to understand you.
Which brings round to the real damage of Farben and Bayer and the Nazis upon an unsuspecting planet. 

Are you a bit autistic? It okay I understand, I really do.?

“You are blind and [I] can’t see […]”

Well…this is a typo, that I have made — but it made for an interesting conclusion on what I might need to say to you, to stop this banter.

It was meant to say “You are blind and can’t see, […]”

So a mistake leads you think I am blind, and question. A stimulas effect and the big soft grey organ begins to engage… which leads you to the query from the monolith in your head, “Using text to sound conversion”, which implied a handicap — so therefor I have difficulty. Which means I might be paralyzed — and that led to “amurcas science sector” which led to the U.S. and neuroelectronics and the U.S. edge on such a matter and therefor the elites are involved and suppressing such advancements, and that would employ ” […]technicians and engineers [..]”, for “God’s sakes”. Where they could help many millions of injured people, and I begin to hear pounding drums and the naked beautiful virgin is sacrificed on the altar to the belief, and to the monument of CONSPIRACY at the center of your mind and the cycle continues with spiral down instead of up. 

I have been researching you and the jew hater paschn, who is a Nazi prick, and have seen were you go and what you read. You are feeding a beast inside buddy. It puts a halter on your intellectual genitals, and squeezes them and stops you from gaining something of your real potential. You are left in a zero-sum fight with many that you speak to. 

You are a very smart guy, capable of his own thoughts. very profound thinking, but… You always spiral down into the negative and conspiracy — I see, and, I know how that is… Its is a set of colored glasses that stops a more real vision.

Let me explain…

Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) people are brilliant — they are autistic and fact driven and solution driven. They have a tendency to have a weak drive to “Central Coherence”, a dependency on a single channel input of data, as compared to NT (neuro-typicals), who have a multi-channel input, and a stronger drive to Central Coherence. They (AS) see things out of context and fail to gain the gist of the matter. The complete picture. It a matter of seeing trees instead of a forest. Or sometimes vice-versa in the specific argument.

It is not wrong, or mentally ill, it is just different.

You are an older man, are you not?.. and I quite understand, you might not have been undiagnosed as yet. My studies show a greater percentage of older autists as undiagnosed. Anthony Hopkins was 70 before he found out — that meant to make feel better.

The drive for “Central Coherence” is a state of ‘theory of mind’, of using varied and numerous sources of knowledge to gain a higher learning, a higher state of consciousness, and the relevance of data in the context of greater whole. It is fully matured thinking. It speaks to the physicality of arrested development. 

This central coherence thing is a mirror neuron problem; an underdevelopment neurologically. An organic answer to a DNA glitch. No big deal, I imagine you have had to use the self-taught skills you have aquired to over come certain things over the years but, you are caught in a rut and the bad boys you hang around with, are cramping you own style; your own originally.

Your own voice.

By: petergrafstrm Wed, 08 May 2019 09:03:57 +0000 So “Michael Burns cant see”? Seriously? Using text to sound conversion? That explains why you have trouble seeking good sources. If so I understand your difficulties.
Whether or not you meant it, that reminds me of my concern over amurcas science sector. The Us has had an edge in neuroelectronics for many decades but has abstained from actually bringing it to full blossom since the elites have put the prority on secrecy. There are some uses both for twarting pain , for artificial vision and for repairing broken spines for eliminating paralysis. But the organisation has been lacking. It appears that scientists have obtained too brief funding so for decades it has been a series of too weakly organised efforts. In addition due to the secrecy newly started projects in the 70s, 80s, 90s etc has not had full access to already existing, tested and tried equipment.
Classified technological developments are often highly compartmentalised so the separate strands dont know about the parallell projects.
Moreover those neuroelectronical methods also compete with already existing profitable medicines – painkillers and this may have held back good uses.
What regards the elimination of paralysis I am not sure if there are motives about handikapped people being more profitable. The wheelchair industry? I dont think so. But no matter what the motives, the Us could long ago have launched several modern medical applications without the sideeffects of pills. That would have created a need for a variety of technicians and engineers and many millions of injured people would have benefitted worldwide.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 07 May 2019 17:42:23 +0000 “Mackinder” Its Mankinder…

“Germany’s (grossly unfair) war reparations were effectively switched off by Wall streets series of new loans.”

No!. the economics were understood as in there consequence and so a new set of principals was enacted. You twist to suit your conspiracy. To sacrifice to your god named CONSPIRACY.

” […]Hitler would never even have become a chancellor.”

Farben and only Farben made this possible through the Brown shirts and the Reichstag fire, and a poor bastard named Marinus Van der Lubbe.

You are blind and I can’t see, I cannot help you so I will leave a poem by a greater poet…a thinking man, a man who has thought deeply about something.


On my desk there is a stone with the word “Amen” on it,
a triangular fragment of stone from a Jewish graveyard destroyed
many generations ago. The other fragments, hundreds upon hundreds,
were scattered helter-skelter, and a great yearning,
a longing without end, fills them all:
first name in search of family name, date of death seeks
dead man’s birthplace, son’s name wishes to locate
name of father, date of birth seeks reunion with soul
that wishes to rest in peace. And until they have found
one another, they will not find a perfect rest.
Only this stone lies calmly on my desk and says “Amen.”
But now the fragments are gathered up in lovingkindness
by a sad good man. He cleanses them of every blemish,
photographs them one by one, arranges them on the floor
in the great hall, makes each gravestone whole again,
one again: fragment to fragment,
like the resurrection of the dead, a mosaic,
a jigsaw puzzle. Child’s play.

By: paschn5167 Tue, 07 May 2019 14:04:04 +0000 Why, YES and YES! Let us throw MORE innocence into prison for the (self) chosen’s “cash chamber myth”! For the Jew has been slighted and the kosher wagons must circle NO MATTER the cost;
Poor, miserable “thing”! Does AIPAC have direct deposit or must you slither ’round to the local chapter to receive your compensation?

No matter. Once the perennial victims order the implementation of Noahide Law, you can ZOOM, right to the front of the line and begin “purging” those not worthy;

Then, perhaps one day when sleep refuses to allow you a few hours respite you and all those tortured/murdered Christian/Muslim faces begin leering at you from the shadows, tell us all how we MUST pay/whimper/grovel and DIE for a fantasy occurrence while IGNORING the +/- 60 million REAL LIVE PROVEN victims of just the FIRST Kosher bankers’ world war

Let’s place a value of 1,000,000 lives per “X”, can you handle that?

unproven 6,000,000
because of threat of


PROVEN 58 to 60 MILLION UN- challenged
NON-Jew & NON- combatant European victims
of the 2nd kosher bankers’ world war;


My, my. Does it seem JUST A TAD RACIST/SUPREMACIST of the poor…”victimized” Jew to DEMAND the SPOTLIGHT, FINANCIAL RAPING, IMPRISONMENT for the UNPROVEN 6 while literally FORCING AMNESIA upon the weak-minded for the PROVEN body count of NON-Jew VICTIMS of a war THE JEW WAS KEY IN STARTING!??

Since you have a (standard) mind-block, I’ll post a few interviews from decent, moral Jews who, deigning phony victim-hood tell THEIR “tales”, tales Steven Spielbucks decided to LEAVE OUT of his (most recent) whimper to bleed an increase(?) S5tA4UVGj_Q

An can just continue to IGNORE those Jews who OBJECTIVELY and HONESTLY use SCIENCE to expose the cash-cow

Leuchter comes to mind as does Roi Tov, Benjamin Freedman,

Sigh, okay young lady… If you promise to stop your screeching and help me to decide WHICH “six million” ‘Im to beat my chest and FOREVER lament and PAY for, I’ll focus my limited resources and dig into the ONE you choose, k? xiREVCP2o5M

Amazing how you snowflakes/shills ALWAYS insert HATE into the narrative. Being a non- Zionist Christian, I hate no one. I simply have an affinity for steaming piles of feces.. whether spewed by the (kosher) media or butt-hurt little fools such as yourself.

Head of British Psychological Warfare Executive (Propaganda), Victor
Cavendish-Bentick in a handwritten note, wrote on Aug 27th, 1943, “We have had a good run for our money with this gas chamber story we have been putting about, but don’t we run the risk eventually we are going to be found out and when we are found out the collapse of that lie is going to bring the whole of our psychological warfare down with it? So isn’t it rather time now to let it drift off by itself and concentrate on other lines that we are running.” Public Record Office Document F0371/34551 revealed by Stephen Mitford Goodson, ‘Inside the South African Reserve Bank’.

Please, go home and tell your mother she wants you… you irritating little twit.

By: petergrafstrm Tue, 07 May 2019 10:08:19 +0000 You are an ignorant, fed with the official court historians meagre soup of lying by omission or lying outright. But your constant stream of ad hominem is a sure sign of someone who is fumbling for arguments.
‘Hitler was winning’ – yes because he was the attackdog Britain wanted and needed for her ol’ balance of power strategy. They wanted to sit on the fence while germans and russians bled, seeing the Mackinder project fulfilled.
Germany’s (grossly unfair) war reparations were effectively switched off by Wall streets series of new loans. Without Wall Street and London’s decisive support- economic – industrial – and political – Hitler would never even have become a chancellor. The german people didnt even vote him into office in the last free election, where the nazis lost 4% of the total votes. Instead he was selected by the convenient new law to that effect.
But your ignorance of what really happened the century before when Britain’s Israel project as well as Britains back-stabbing of the jews together with Britains buildup of the cults behind nazism and also Britains creation of christian zionism took place explains your surprise about where satanism came in. The masonic satanists like John Nelson Darby and Alistair Crowley were simply exponents for the ruling class. Darby was an East India Company agent and other christians in the Us have listed all the differences compared with the bible and discussed how Darby’s variant is connected with the new world order.
Relatively recently (around 1990) adherents of British Israelism from Britains establishment have both confirmed that they gladly join seances of satanism and believe that the real jews are anglosaxons and celts.
The lost tribe…
Satanism means you distance yourself from the teachings of Christ and many biblical teachings. You know the comparison about the camel going through the needle’s eye and the rich going to heaven.
Is it surpricing that the rich are less enthusiastic when they hear that they wont come to heaven? And that therefore they show sympathy for the other guy…

By: petergrafstrm Tue, 07 May 2019 09:31:30 +0000 I said hard facts just to tease you a bit. But logic is very powerful and the official narratives present history as scenarios that just happen and not because it was planned that way. And presents lame explanations regarding Hitlers logistics that dont stand up to logical scrutiny.
But historians are bought by the victors. Rockefeller bought the rights to WWII history and the low quality of the court historians has rendered their whole discipline to a laughable mockery of science.
You sure as hell sound like a cognitive infiltrator in another comment in this thread. Everything you say supports the official line culling the guillible into the sac so they may exploited again and again.
But these are hard times for honest critics like Jon. His own critique of the corporate elites might lead to reprisals against his work.
So he might benefit from your servile praising of big brothers line as a counterweight.
The Us was a masonic conspiracy from the very beginning and there are millions of them in the Us. Sworn to secrecy and encouraged to break the law when the Order is threatened.
But oh no you dont see any conspiracy.
