Comments on: Bayer and the ownership of all life Tue, 18 Jun 2019 17:11:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: petergrafstrm Sat, 04 May 2019 10:33:31 +0000 Are you sure the Us/Uk financial and corporate sector didnt invest in the german part of IG/Farben? That would have been odd since both sides secured profits with the cartelled arrangement.
They were very anxious not to bomb them as reported by Martin Peters in his book All honorable men.

Are you paid for keeping up a face? Or are you imagining that what you do is patriotic?
Dont you count Germany as the west?
Germany was the hope for humanity before the evil angloamerica masterminded by Britain imposed destructive irrational cults on several countries. For example communism was assisted by the Us to take over Russia China Cuba and Nicaragua. In all cases there were promising alternatives modelled on the Us itself, which were undermined by the Us.
So you really have a very sick system. Acting in complete contradiction with official policies.

Germany was a hope for development and peaceful trade, spreading the better sides of what the west may represent. Science and culture. The Ottomans welcomed modernisation. If Britain hadnt stood in the way we would never have had to experience a world in disarray like we have since then. Germany in the days you point to was both economically technologically and ideologically a result of angloamerican power. And like I said masterminded by Britain.
The British began working them a century before and eventually the prince of Wales was a key figure, who managed to manipulate the young inexperienced Kaiser to sack Bismarck.
The WWI was an extremely evil conspiracy by Britain’s elites with the openly stated purpose of crushing and humiliating Germany, whose only fault was that they were more industrious than Britain. Another openly stated aim was to sink the german merchant ships before they built more.
Britains economy was too much dependent on parasitism. Today the Us/Uk both are dependent on improductive economic mechanisms.
Your patriotism if that is what is determining your focus is patriotism for a system which is rotten to the core. Real sound patriotism would put the emphasis on having that rotten system changed. I believe China is more than willing to play a constructive role, should the Us elites come to their senses.
But unless the Us/Uk elites recently changed their minds, they are both malthusians meaning, they want China India and Africa depopulated.
Back to nazism. They intimately collaborated with their admired inspirers in Britain. Hjalmar Schacht was Norman Montague’s pupil.
When you consult the anglogerman review from before WWII you will see how much the british side felt comfortable about the nazi outlook.
That is no surprise since nazism’s pathbreaker in Goebbels words was a british agent of influence, just like Lawrence of Arabia was for the arabs.
Nazigermany was in every way an angloamerican project. The Us produced a series of new loans to them so they never had to meet the full impact of the malicious and unfair Versaille conditions. The Us/Uk needed a strong military in Germany to make germans and russians bleed thereby executing Mackinders geopolitical program.
The Us provided nazigermany with licenses to use their best patents for making warplanes, the Stuka I think?. The subsidiary of ITT was involved in the production of Focke Wulf. And even after Hitler formally declared war against the the Us, the american subsidiaries continued with business as usual. The only change was that they had to reinvest the profits inside the nazicontrolled zone. Towards the end of the war the profits were transferred abroad. Switzerland was designed for the purpose of making European wars run comfortably for the enemies of continental Europe.

By: Michael Freeman Sat, 04 May 2019 10:27:31 +0000 Massive nuclear option strike against big pharma takes out entire base –

By: Michael Burns Fri, 03 May 2019 07:06:24 +0000 As usual you haven’t clue what you are talking about…you are blinced by your hatred of the west.

There was no Nazis without I. G. Farben — Farben invested 80 million Reichmarks into the creation of the Nazis. They needed and created the Democratic Socialists. The brownshirts the whole bit. It is all their creation. Farben was thinking about globalism and world dominance, the creation of the EU back in 1925. And this go back further, with Von Weinberg. and the old republic.  We have spoke about this before but your ignorance is astounding.

It is not Auschwitz, it is I G Farben, Auschwitz, Globke set the racial laws of the Nazi party so that, that would happened. Globke was the grey cardinal behind Adenauer and Hallstein and the EU.

You think because the war ended that Farben, even though it had been split up, gave the idea up the idea of world domination?.
No it continues to this day, and the new beast Bayer/Monsanto will reach for what was planned back in 1925.

The EU is the plan of Farben and Hans Globke, one Europe, one currency, one corporation. Managed health from cradle to grave and control of pharmaceuticals food and seed, oil.

The founding President of the Brussels EU Commission was the Nazi law professor, Dr Jur. Walter Hallstein. 

The EU is the wet dream of IG Farben. Had nothing to do with Western Elites

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 03 May 2019 03:38:05 +0000 Jon

Bayer certainly wouldn’t take a $56B hit in a heartbeat (I’ve done business with them in the “real world”). I have also already outlined my opinion on the direction their world is heading currently (i.e. vegan terrorism the excuse for govt imposed “limits” on meat manufacturing with GMO as the subsidy “answer”)

I think Mary Juana is their “magic bullet”….boy, check out those shares…..!

Talking of the real world, interesting feedback on Auschwitz. I wasn’t aware of that history…makes sense.


By: Michael Burns Wed, 01 May 2019 20:40:27 +0000 Excuse me if I correct you, but, Fritz Ter Meer spent only four years in jail and was chairman of the Bayer Supervisory board ten years after he was sentenced as a Nazi war criminal. He was making greater decisions then… His time in jail was not what you would think, he was well taken care of in the manner of which he was accustomed, fine meals delivered, he was taking a hit for the team, quite like golf jail is for Ponzi schemers.

What is interesting is that he was there in the decision to merge under a new banner in the U.S. as MOBAY in 1954. Jail did not make him miss a beat. Picking up were he left of…in 1925 Bayer was worth 11 Billion Reichsmarks and had 80,000 employees and was thinking global control back then. Ter Meer was continuing that game plan minus the Nazis.

The remake of a new company of Monsanto and Bayer as one chemical company to another, even though he (Ter Meer) knew full well that Bayer had been forbidden to do business in the United States and the west in general. The plans made during the Reich was still going on after the war. Much was given to Monsanto to aid their monstrous gains in business and profits. Beginnings to research that started back then, during the war, and would culminate fully, under Monsanto’s restructuring with Mitt Romney and Bain Capital in later years — 1977 to be precise — giving them the clear globally competitive  edge.

Research that would have been illegal and in fact would be prosecuted in the United States was implemented into their business model. Bayer was an outlawed company. So they might unleash the research gained from the concentration camps pertaining to things like chemotherapy, and its use as a radioactive Halogen. The chlorinated and brominated and fluorinated plastics and chemicals that came from that initial research in the camps on humans.

The production of Agent Orange, which rights were sold to other companies like Dupont during the Vietnam war, and came directly from this dubious research. Polyurethanes, and PCB’s enabled large income for Monsanto. Research gain under twins studies and the like aided Bayer later dealings with pharmaceuticals and antidepressants.

What astounds me in this game of life, is the plot, the neatly fitting into place like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. It appears scripted, it is scripted, there is a pattern that when looked at one can see into the future. A terrible and dystopian place of this ever-growing giant that makes slaves of even those that work for it. It is highly troubling to me that an organization like this will gain AI, and that contribution to its business model and…one can only imagine.

Besides the swallowing whole of a global level mega corporation like Monsanto, one is awe-struck at the absorption of such a large entity by what? Something larger still? Much to the dismay of 55% of the voting stockholders that did not have a decision in this…and so, who controls.

Monsanto had many, many assets that some might remember at one time being free from this company. Organizations like, which at one time was a force for good and has now turned to become a propaganda organization for pesticides. This is now owned by Bayer. Assets within the U.S., within the U.S. government; the Monsanto Protection Act, which is an irony in the fact of Bayer’s outlawed beginnings here..these assets are not lost because of Monsanto being absorbed. Monsanto also gains a footing back into Europe. as Bayer is a European citizen.

The breaking the world into these massive organisms that swallow each other — profiting from assets gained; and loosing history of malfeasance; that both grow food and the fertilizers; possess the seeds and their genetics; that administer to the sickness caused by those foods and the management and exploitation of the resulting lifetime illnesses and the management of life itself.

Fritz Ter Meer is a lesser character in the beginning of this really, and that does not take away from his sins, he was a bastard of the highest order. But one must pay attention to the Grey Cardinal, the eminence grise himself , Hans Globke.

Now Globke was in the Ministry of the Interior of the Nazi Party dealing specifically with the Jewish problem. And now one can understand how these deals are made. After the war he became the Secretary of State and the Chief of staff in West Germany from 53 to 63. So the CIA were given special rights as he oversaw German Intelligence which enabled him to ask special favor in return. He was liaison to NATO. His affiliations with the Nazi party were suppressed and only small bits known, But the dealings with Bayer and its match-up with Monsanto were careful constructed in those days and easily implemented. He was the top aide to Adenauer. And the monies changing hands in a new construction of a totally destroyed Germany wishing to become a world power again was the exact carrot needed in these types of negotiations along with what the CIA desired in Germany.

Interesting relationship between this and the creation of the EU in particular! This story doesn’t end with a gobbling up of Monsanto…its a new beginning.

By: petergrafstrm Wed, 01 May 2019 19:58:50 +0000 I’ve got Jon’s message about this being a plot by the corporate elites to monopolise part of the (‘updated’) biosphere.
But when culpability is to be handed out, punishing the nazi thugs is all Jon considers in this case. Not the real movers and shakers in the Us/Uk. Whose oligarchs in addition were cartel brothers.
The Us/Uk still are the unpunished movers and shakers while Germany and the EU were designed in the interest of the Us/Uk. Who probably organised the murder of those german bankers who opted for decency in economic matters. Around 1988-1992
People’s minds are still held hostage by the Us/Uk elites.Breaking the spell about that and I suspect the rest will follow.

By: amnesiaclinic Wed, 01 May 2019 18:46:43 +0000 Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
He joins the club of the mass murderers doing rather well at the moment.
But things could change…

By: jandvig Wed, 01 May 2019 18:16:12 +0000 F-ing insanity.

By: Peter Meissnitzer Wed, 01 May 2019 15:37:10 +0000 Mass slavery and murder sounds about right.

By: Eliza Ayres Wed, 01 May 2019 14:31:24 +0000 Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.
