Comments on: The lure of the physical body Tue, 07 May 2019 14:29:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Tue, 07 May 2019 14:29:26 +0000 That alien feeling…I know what talking about…it moves so fast that it nauseates with how quickly it moves…

Hyperliminal: had to look it to remember what it is…it brought a smile to face — the fire, the consuming, the burning up


I like time.  It cuts it all up in easily chewable pieces — some like days, and other weeks and months and years. Me, I do the time between this comma, and the end of this sentence. And then I start again.

This constantly forgetting myself, so many years lost to the final result. And I am not completely proud of that fact.

It is snowing again, and entropy is the end they say, and soon is will snow all of the time. Until a million years is packed up layers that reach for the sky.

I saw a story of the end. A zillion trillion years ahead of us, and the last photons spark out of existence and the void takes hold.

How many times has this happened?

Me, I have a another view, if I were to believe in such nonsense. It is like a great breath out, and then the inhale and a breath back out again. The recycling and recycling of a finite.

The forgetting inbetween

By: Michael Burns Tue, 07 May 2019 14:03:52 +0000 “[…]Shades of the prison-house begin to close
Upon the growing Boy […]” –Woodsworth

Sometimes poetry is the only language I can understand. Today is one of those days…

” […] Open closed open. Before we are born, everything is open
in the universe without us. For as long as we live, everything is closed
within us. And when we die, everything is open again.
Open closed open. That’s all we are.[…]” — Yehuda Amichai

By: Franklin Beenz (@F_Beenz) Tue, 07 May 2019 11:56:21 +0000 If I may, the term ‘soul’ correctly refers to the Psyche, which has nothing to do with the (immortal) spirit as is commonly designated in Old and New Age religious and/or non-religious thinking. The soul is a material part of the human body consisting of the nervous systems and nerve centers.

The (immortal) spirit on the other hand, i.e. the spirit-form of the human being, is of pure creational-energetical nature and has nothing to do with the consciousness nor with the brainwaves, which are able to be perceived and measured. Since time immemorial, the consciousness is erroneously referred to as the ‘spirit’ of the human being, although the spirit however is of a completely different nature than the consciousness. The spirit, that is to say, the spirit-form of the human being, is purely creational, whereas the consciousness is a factor of the human being and responsible for the fact that thoughts can be created from it, whereby also the entire rationale comes forth from it, so therefore also intellect and rationality. The spirit, in other words, the spirit form, however, is solely the creational-natural pre-given energy, which gives life to the human body.

By: From Quebec Tue, 07 May 2019 07:10:29 +0000 The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind

Caroline Myss

By: stiegem Tue, 07 May 2019 00:41:39 +0000 “A frog in a well cannot be talked to about the sea.” – Chuang Tzu (Chinese philosopher)

By: NaturalWoman Mon, 06 May 2019 23:56:02 +0000 “Birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. . .” Wordsworth
(From a long-ago HS lit class)

By: Michael Burns Mon, 06 May 2019 19:17:26 +0000 It doesn’t make any sense at all, what you write. And I have a thousand reasons for that — none of which are here.

I read the first comment by Steve C about Steve Covey and then went and read about him and his self-help books and his unfortunate bike accident, going too fast down a hill…banged his head and died. Read his eight habit of the “The Seven Habits of Highly effective People”..

“Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs.”  — Steve C

And have recently come to understand that most people don’t understand what they talking about when they use the words: spirit and soul. 

Too many times it is used in dogmatic tribe speak about nothing; the right and wrong way of approaching and understanding some truth about a religion; a way, and the organized and group pursuit of it. 

Spirit really is about when you have allowed yourself to drop all the bullshit, and play. That is all…just play, play seriously. Put everything you got into, for no reward no benefit, no self-help. No psychology. No magic understanding. None of that.  Just play, play because you love it immensely, and you, do it naturally better than anything else you undertake in your life. That’s a spiritual undertaking. A great spiritual undertaking. You don’t have to drag rocks uphill or wear a funny outfit or being excepted into a special club.

But this nonsense of pretending you’re not an eagle a mile up in a blue sky, but are walking around on unused wings like a chicken amongst coyotes, and the crows and magpies or standing on a ladder with amnesia changing a lightbulb is total nonsense.


Immortality wanting mortality; tic-tac-toe; crawling up a mountain. Poppycock Jon!

Maybe there are not 8 billion souls here, maybe there is only a few of us. Maybe you have to grow one? A soul that is..

Maybe you have to not give a shit about any of this and go it your own way and play.

Maybe the only reason a soul is here, is to play……

By: Craig A Mon, 06 May 2019 18:55:50 +0000 Love these notes and the questions they present. Thanks, Jon

By: Erika Mon, 06 May 2019 17:38:27 +0000 The body is like putting on a size four shoe with size ten feet..(probably worse than that)

I nearly died as an infant a few times and i believe i revisited that experience in dream form in my early twenties…still very vivid.

In my dream I had realized i had died and was leaving the universe, gaining speed as i i flew through the solar system i went faster and faster, ALL the questions i had ever had were answered as knowledge simply opened a hyperliminal way, and now i am realizing that this is what i get when i get “intuition” while i am in the body (which feels like being on the receiving end of a firehose of info)..except this was the normal way of “thinking” and communicating . Not Thought, which was VERY slow and cumbersome..In fact this felt like my true natural way of being and like being released from something very confining.

I remember as i came back into my body, trying to hold on to the knowledge which was luminous like a flame. All the things i had ever wanted to know about why things were the way they were, especially the physics questions, i wanted to bring back…were flickering in my grasp like a living thing, and as i compressed and it got tighter and heavier, i could not hold on to it..i woke up trying desperately to hold onto what i had just known.
and was devastated when i could not…i was too heavy and the knowledge was too fast and light.

Many of us have had experiences like this.

Alot of us don’t talk about these experiences for fear of being locked up.
I am tired of keeping my mouth shut just to avoid being ridiculed by a bunch of control freak “scientists”.

I can get into that high flow state and believe imagination is spiritual
(a good reason to be careful of what you watch on TV) as is intuition.

Creativity, imagination and intuitive knowing are like a fire.
My problem: how do you keep yourself from burning up ?

By: don wleklinski Mon, 06 May 2019 16:39:57 +0000 Imagination = I forgot to remember to forget.
