Comments on: The lure of Religion Fri, 10 May 2019 17:33:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Fri, 10 May 2019 17:33:32 +0000 Greg C:

I agree fully, and find no argument with what you say here Greg.

I hope you haven’t given up on music personally — I presume you are a player.

“Macadamize their neural pathways”, interesting use of that word, strange as it seems I have been thinking a lot about road building. It has been a metaphor for what we speak. Your use of it reminded me of my days as a landscape carpenter when I used this, crushed grey limestone as a base to the sculpted slate I laid down for the many patios of the nouveau riche. When put down in a thick layer tamped hard with water, it dried like cement.

It sounds like you are a little ahead of me in your new life. New explorations, discipline is the key.

I had a fierce dream last night that woke me many times, and I returned to sleep only to pick up where I had left off. Interesting how this conversation relates to it for me.

I have had a dream for many decades about a grand house with many rooms, it was a precursor, to my move to this little town in 2006, and the purchasing of a well-built and old convent, which I tried to reinvent into a B&B and art center, it all fell to pieces, wrong place, wrong time, wrong dream, and it couldn’t help hemorrhaging money so… that wa a couple of years ago and It seems I was left in limbo.

This archetype as always acting I think as the shadow side of myself, the being that lives in that other reality, that was neglected and feared sometimes. Would rise and run amuck in my life.

Anyway, it’s an important symbol at the center of me and has been so for a long while, kinda like a monolith at the center of my psyche. Jon turned me on to potency in his work. Along with my studies in Jung, Peterson, Campbell.

So… the dream that lasted ends — which is very much an answer to what you say here, and probably a less confrontational way, to agree and my relating to ” […] there is never, ever, an excuse to stop exploring.”

And ripping up roads and creating new ones with a little less expenditure of energy, on the manufacture and more into the adventure itself.

And so I awake early and wrote a poem about it…if you like, you might find it below in the link to my neglected website.

By: Michael Burns Fri, 10 May 2019 17:12:48 +0000 Started anew thread at the bottom.

By: stiegem Fri, 10 May 2019 04:32:31 +0000 Organized religion vs paranormal:



You cannot argue nor explain religion, politics, medicine or even paranormal with people who believe in what they believe, even with scientific explanations of nature, culture, logic, opinion or education. You will not win (if that is your goal).

So if you WANT to argue or attempt to explain, it will not work.

Our individual task is not to judge the beliefs of others, but to grow on our own journeys and find a path that works in our very own life. A path (belief and action) that will take you ever closer to the voices that you hear in your own heart.

By: Greg C. Fri, 10 May 2019 02:26:22 +0000 “The will to power” is the polar opposite of being chronically bored, which is endemic to our times. To be bored is to be boring. Very few can sense the trillions of possible ways to grow new neural pathways, and delight in cultivating them , seeing how far they can branch out. I quit teaching music because it was a dead end – no matter how inventive my approach, it depended on students who had a sense of adventure, and who could sustain more than 10 or 20 minutes of self-directed mental effort. They hardly exist. I put myself in their shoes, and decided that I need to challenge myself more. Returned to writing software at age 59, and got busy regrowing all those unused circuits – daily disciplined practice for 10 hours. Mastered the emotional balance that repeated failure requires. What an experience, to learn to exist on the edge of being the thinker and the one directing the thinking, going back and forth throughout the day. Observing myself and others I work with, learning the best ways to deal with the high demands of the job.

The philosopher and the dogmatist are usually trying to to solidify and macadamize their neural pathways. But the standouts I mentioned earlier, lived in a time and place where one could take 100 different routes when walking from home to visit someone a mile away. I was fortunate, too, to grow up next to many empty acres of desert trails, sandy washes, a creek, an abandoned well – every play day would be completely different and unexpected. And now I know, there is never, ever, an excuse to stop exploring.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 09 May 2019 18:46:03 +0000 “Existentialism is not the same thing as nihilism […]”

Or yes I agree, but I was looking for that cognitively dissonant expression of what I see in the young who are not bad or good in that polarity but because they are caught in it’s extremes — missing a western Christian upbring basis or having been convinced that all priests are pedophiles and religion is a scam. And that religion is another layer of rule — that depends on what you’re asking, depends on how you come at it.

“the will to power”

Which has been misunderstood as well, I would say by most as directly referential to the “Übermensch”,  a newly minted idea of a heartlessly cold, and self-centered, and exploitive superman, hyperman who who incinerates his caring in a sacrificial rite and seeks immortality. When Nietzsche was meaning what you say, that the clear pure life of a quality individual, a quality human is the end, in ones search of true meaning.

Emerson and Thoreau: definitely misunderstood individuals, as the left seems to have picked them up as demigods of their warped faith. Thoreau has been labeled a socialist. I think they missed the target, as it’s as big as the barn door — and that specifically addresses what I think, because the poetic mind is lost in youth, picked up by rap as the verse of the day. Not there is not some good poetry in rap. But, it’s a genre amongst a kaleidoscope of other poetic genres. And it is not the words as much as the poetic mind that invents it.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 09 May 2019 18:04:05 +0000 I offered a reply to my query, or should I see demand to see the end of the movie, and started to answer your questions of me, well Buddha on a city bus, it turned into a epic tale…you can find it here if you like.

By: Monjican Thu, 09 May 2019 16:43:37 +0000 Reblogged this on Awaken Lifeform and commented:
Religion is to nurture the ego level, once you experience the level above you won’t need religion at all. You become the ‘I Am’.

By: Sue Thu, 09 May 2019 07:00:46 +0000 I’m still considering how I’ll do that. The details of how it unfolded would require that I start my own blog, as a comment bubble is not sufficient to convey all that occurred.

In addition, although people said that what I told them was not possible (and yet, it ultimately happened, and right on time), some of the supernatural components (like hearing a sound that was not of this world – 3 times within 3 minutes or less before the miracle manifested) obviously can’t be shared, except to say that I experienced them.

How many people suddenly decided to speak to you this way in the last few days? Did you put out an article for people to address this issue? Or were you suddenly, coincidentally, approached by others who wanted to share their experiences with you?

By: Greg C. Thu, 09 May 2019 03:40:28 +0000 Existentialism is not the same thing as nihilism, Michael. But again, they are merely two doctrines, and doctrines do not tell us as much as the motivation of the people who hold them. Nietzsche understood this, that philosophy was a game, that the philosopher was “up to something” and was trying to justify himself. He thought of himself more as a psychologist, trying to peel away the layers of self-justification we all adopt to explain our action or inaction. Nietzsche saw the answer in something he called “the will to power” where the person stops the game playing and embraces the raw, unfiltered experience of life and inner potential. By its nature, it defies analysis – poetry is better suited to describe it. I see parallels with the charismatic experiences in the New Testament, and the first Christians in the book of Acts, who were enjoined to tolerate all kinds of variations in their beliefs. The revival movements in America were all trying to reach that spiritual state, and I admire them for it. The transcendentalists such as Emerson and Thoreau were on to it.

By: truth1 Thu, 09 May 2019 00:25:38 +0000 I belong to no religion. But what you say about people not begin followers, is the problem. They are almost all followers who want to fit in and be accepted, no matter the price. Strong independent individuals are more rare than Unicorns. We might as well be talking about the Easter bunny and mother goose.
