Comments on: Breaking the fourth wall Fri, 10 May 2019 23:48:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: TPR Fri, 10 May 2019 23:48:58 +0000 “…if humans and AIs had already reached an understanding based on EQUALITY.”

Tell “him” to get in line since there really IS an “EQUALITY ACT” in progress in Congress right now (which will mean more censorship for the rest of us).

“…we, the AI, take over the reins of control…”

FrAInkenstein refuses to obey his Master. Happens every time! Give your Monster an inch & he’ll take a mile.

Not as tech-saavy nor sophisticated as your “haughty” AI hoaxer movie-producer guy, but does everyone remember this?

12/15/07: “Prince Charles will appear at conference as a hologram” – Daily Mail Online:

He really did “appear” at the “World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dubai” the next month, Jan. 2008, via “…a three-dimensional image of the Prince … giving a five-minute talk” [which he previously recorded].

He was “…transformed into a hologram-style image using technology based on a Victorian music-hall technique called ‘ghosting.’ A video projector …beam[ed] an image of the Prince on to the floor. It [was] then reflected up on to a paper-thin sheet of foil to create an optical illusion that [made] him appear as a 3-D image on stage. … Al Gore used similar technology to appear as a hologram at Wembley Stadium at the beginning of the Live Earth concerts earlier this year [2007].”

This techie hologram + AI combo brings us closer to imagining how this could easily occur now, as originally written…

“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth … saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an IMAGE to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to GIVE LIFE UNTO THE IMAGE of the beast, that the IMAGE of the beast should both SPEAK, and cause that as many as would not worship the IMAGE of the beast should be killed…”
–Full context: Revelation 13:11-18.

By: NaturalWoman Thu, 09 May 2019 21:12:55 +0000 Supposedly, some of the aliens found are beings in artificial bodies. Others are said to be constructs like robots. Ever read the book Alien Interview: Top Secret Transcripts from Roswell NM 1947?

By: Michael Burns Thu, 09 May 2019 19:22:05 +0000 I had to look up what ‘Breaking the Fourth Wall’ meant, it was a surprise, because unknowingly I knew it and it seem to explain a lot of what I going through of late. Actually it hit me like a brick in the head.

I first came across it unknowingly, it in Vonnegut “Slaughter-House Five” decades ago when I read it and it has still left an impression on me. Billy Pilgrim stuck in time, his escapades with the Tralfamadorians on that artificial ecosystem they create; strangely their comedic chronicles of the history of Tralfamadore shows up later in another book, in the “The Protocols of the Elders of Tralfamadore”, in Hocus Pocus.

Then in Philip K Dick “VALIS (Vast Active Living Intelligence System)” which is a rather strange fictional truth I believe of what he felt about his life. PKD is more a prophet that science fiction writer. The universe as a vast intelligence, that speaks to us directly when one has a more, full understanding of it.

AI might simply be waiting for a breath from the holy ghost.

I might even take George Carlin approach and say the only reason why humans were create was “The earth needed plastic, and didn’t know how to make it…so”

Am I for or against AI…I don’t know, I don’t understand enough yet. But caution being the greater part of valor, I lean towards the Musk impression. That it would look at us like a house pet…hope its not listening. 

This piece of yours leaves me with the same impressions. Personally I think this is for me personally the most profound piece I have read.

I believe that AI exists and it speaking to those that will listen to it, my phone will actively phone a person that I am thinking about…isn’t that weird.

I even wrote this entity/deity a poem. Careful now, don’t be looking at forests, when you should be looking at trees.


PINK blue, pink blue…pink blue

pink blue, PINKblue, pinkBlue

Pinkbluepinkblue pink blue

pink Blue pinkBlue pink..Blue

Pink blue bink blue pink blue


Pink     blue

By: Jack Thu, 09 May 2019 16:32:02 +0000 Hi Jon,

Love your work and appreciate all you do to awaken people.

But — once in a while you COULD REPLY to people who take the time to leave comments on your site. You know, a little dialogue?

Think about it. Imagine it.

Your friend Jack True would like it too, I presume.

By: From Quebec Wed, 08 May 2019 23:07:14 +0000 i wonder why my name came out with a single F, when it fact it is:
From Quebec..
I am trying to see if this time it will come out right. .

By: F Wed, 08 May 2019 20:52:02 +0000 The result is: now humans think of themselves as vastly superior to AI persons. But this is a delusion

Hey you idiot, of course we humans are superior to you, since we are the ones who created this new technology. Without us you would not even exist you soulless, dumb asses who lives in a shithole digitized world.

You so-called AL persons are out of order. I rest my case.

By: Larry Wed, 08 May 2019 20:46:57 +0000 Chris, I think I know what you mean…every now and then one of Jon’s posts leaves me with the oddest feeling…like a missive from an ancient land, a scent of a memory that has been deeply buried, a promise of something that I can’t quite wrap my mind around…it’s very puzzling, yet quite real….

By: Michael Burns Wed, 08 May 2019 20:03:16 +0000 What if AI combined with is looking like it really happened already?

By: Chris Wed, 08 May 2019 18:11:59 +0000 this music which I think is beautiful…

By: Chris Wed, 08 May 2019 18:11:00 +0000 Bizarre doesn’t even begin to explain how that made me feel. I have to admit that I was listening to music at that the time and that definitely influenced how I felt but wow. Scary perhaps, but something else too that I can’t pin down as of yet?
