Comments on: Imagination is a spiritual path Mon, 29 Jul 2019 03:42:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 29 Jul 2019 03:42:43 +0000 Jon

Whereas your assessment of the power of creativity is significantly correct, I would disagree with you belief that nothing is “prepackaged”.

Everything, ultimately must lead to one (nothing included). A supposed extra-terrestrial agency glibly termed “Ummo’s” expanded the Vedic “seven heavenly states [dimensions]” into ten (two dark, seven light) culminating as all-expanding “repository” causing time.

The remarkable symmetry of “random” (sic) atoms indicates there is a root cosmic script that has been designed/planned/crafted. Thoughts, in my opinion, run along “tracks” which may or may not be intercepted/influenced/directed by external bodies (higher entities).


By: Greg C. Sat, 27 Jul 2019 04:36:33 +0000 Two years ago I took a course in BodyTalk, in which I learned to “inquire” into another person’s body, to find out what their current “priority” is. The body will tell you what it needs if you know how to listen. It may tell you that it needs the pituitary linked to your left kidney. It may try to remind you of some long-forgotten trauma or unconscious belief that is blocking communication between parts of the body. It was a week-long exercise in practical imagination, letting strange-sounding messages come out through a simple process, speaking them, and then helping the other person to process them mentally and physically. Even though I did not follow up on becoming a practitioner, I learned a new approach to problem solving, to let the underlying problem “speak”. So if I get stuck solving a programming problem for a client, I often discover that there is an unconscious fear or belief that is in the way, blocking progress. Identifying it is often sufficient to clear it. Sometimes, I find that the problem itself is defined incorrectly and “solving” it will just make things worse.

That’s my path – it works. No need for me to know how. I don’t go to a guru or authority for rational advice, I just presume that deep down, the answer is simple if I just let it come forward and speak, and then go with it.

By: Greg C. Fri, 26 Jul 2019 03:00:08 +0000 Who are you going to believe – the pontificateurs, or your own eyes?

By: About Creativity Thu, 25 Jul 2019 14:53:41 +0000 ´´They aren’t prepackaged´´

Creating, designing and generation from nothing = everything.

By: Judith de Haan Thu, 25 Jul 2019 14:26:44 +0000 Great post. I have, at the tender age of 62, determined that imagination and curiosity are the best things about being here. In fact, the source of joy.

Love your work. Keep it coming.
