Comments on: Lone shooters, terrorism, and semantics Fri, 23 Aug 2019 19:11:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: NaturalGal Fri, 23 Aug 2019 19:11:40 +0000 Yes, thanks for this detailed info, CA.

By: Roxy Fri, 23 Aug 2019 09:35:35 +0000 To add to the previous post regarding disdain towards patients; them, vs us: I recently pointed out to my doctor that pharmaceuticals are on the rise, close to beimg the #1 cause of death. She cited that this is due to the patients taking their meds improperly.
I watched a video posted by a doctoer who said the drug insert pamphlets to the doctors (not for distribution to us outsiders) actually advise them to not explain things like side effects because it was far too complicated for us to understand. That doctor in the video had to leave the country in order to keep practicing. Apparently she wanted to be a real doctor and wouldn’t play by their rules.
I’ve found it’s not just the doctors who blame the patient. It happens at the front desk, the billing dept., appointment scheduling, etc.
A family member, an RN, who worked in the ER at a major metro county hospital had to keep an eye on many of the doctors to be sure they didn’t screw up on their rounds. She told of one especially egotistical doctor who they had to push to follow protocol. She finally had enough and he did it his way and his patient would have died had she not stepped in and taken over.

By: arcadia11 Thu, 22 Aug 2019 17:44:36 +0000 thanks so much for the public service announcement.

By: Mister Luddite Sat, 17 Aug 2019 14:52:13 +0000 Western “medicine” is a steaming hot pile of absolute garbage. Doctors and Surgeons playing “God,” antibiotics that help to develop antibiotic resistant bacteria, vaccines that create the illusion of “herd immunity” etc.

Quit participating in “Fast Food America” (which encompasses more than just food – mental health is important too), and focus on keeping yourself healthy (regular exercise, carefully sourced good food, etc.). Since I started doing this in 2003, I’ve had 2 colds, and nothing else.

By: Benjamin Hetzel Sat, 17 Aug 2019 03:34:11 +0000 Unfortunately critical thinking such as Jon’s is nearly extinct, at least here in America. I know you have heard these types of horror stories before but I have another one: My family member had antibiotic resistant E.Coli, was in Bellin in Green Bay and then transferred to Madison…the “best in the world”. Within hours of being there he was driven into a grand seizure by the technician, whom I had to resist the urge to strangle on the spot.

After being given a seizure he was then put into a coma and the entire thing just went to hell. I could not believe that nobody else could see what was happening…their insistence on overcomplicating everything nearly cost my brother’s life.

They were insane, but I felt like the insane person because I was the only one that could see what was happening.

We need more writers of your caliber Jon, keep it up. Maybe someday we’ll be able to meet or talk. I am a huge fan, and am knee deep in the independent research as well.


By: Laura Sat, 17 Aug 2019 00:48:42 +0000 From a CNBC article: “A recent Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000.” And I have to wonder if all the vaccine damages are included there, since they don’t publicly admit vaccines harm and kill. Even at the conservative estimate, say 345,000 “healthcare” caused deaths in a year, and using the probably trumped up figure of 40,000 shooting deaths per year (from 2017), it appears doctors and “healthcare” are far more dangerous than guns. Then there’s all the antibiotic abuse in animal farming, threatening us with super bugs that no antibiotic will be able to treat. Those same pharmaceutical companies supply those to the slaughter farms to the tune of million$ and million$. Where’s the media outrage? Oh, I forgot, they get billions of advertising dollars from the medical/pharmaceutical industry, but nothing from gun sales.

By: Scott Fri, 16 Aug 2019 16:38:18 +0000 It took me several years to finally acknowledge the real reasons for my extended medical ordeal during the 2000s. Because of bad doctors, their bad advice, and really bad prescriptions drugs and their side effects. That was between 1999 and 2008, and I finally wrote about it earlier this year.

By: SM Thu, 15 Aug 2019 21:27:21 +0000 These statistics always remind me of the Doctors strike in Israel in 1973 and a similar strike in LA in ’76 when the death rate dropped 35% and 18% respectively until the Doctors returned to work and the death rate ‘normalized’.

By: CA Thu, 15 Aug 2019 20:52:38 +0000 5) New procedure at the hospital to combat c.diff (antibiotic induced clostridium difficle)… is to have to stop testing for c.diff. (you read that right) The reasoning was if the test came back positive for c.diff the hospital protocol algorithm will trigger a recommendation to administer a further round of antibiotics. The doctor expelling this to me was all excited about a trial that a different local hospital did, where they gave every patient who got antibiotics yogurt and the rates of c.diff dropped 50%.
I asked “I’m surprised that there isn’t a medical grade probiotic?” He said, “the problem is patient education” and then asked, “so if I told you to take a probiotic with your antibiotic when would you take it?” I said “at alternate times so that the good floral has time to replicate” He said, “well yes, actually”, but “most people would take them at the same time.” “So there is a lack of education”.
So instead of simply telling them to take them at alternate times, they never tell their patients about probiotics. The doctor said that his approach of not testing for c.diff “saves the hospital money, whereas adding probiotics or yogurt with antibiotics would cost the hospital money.”

During a meeting on the over use of antibiotics, an administrative doctor leans over in front of everyone and says to the group. “Just to be clear this reduction in antibiotic use doesn’t have anything to do with the public’s input, this is all based on science and data?” What was clear is that they were changing a policy that many in alternative medicine and (recent modern medicine), have been saying for a long time.. that we’re using way too many antibiotics. He had to announce his teams superiority over that knowledge and domain even while updating the policy to what other people have been doing for a long time.

It clear that all of the tv ER dramas are about keeping up an imagine that a hospital would be a place where competent people looked after you. I have not observed that yet.

By: CA Thu, 15 Aug 2019 20:52:16 +0000 4) General observation: A lot of doctors really hate the public and their patients. They treat and view them as cops view the public as “civilians”, people “other than”. They have the authority and knowledge that they enact on the public. Question them at your own risk. Doctors stay in a very safe space, standing on the pillars of their education until a patient asks something or presents a complicated symptomology that reminds the doctor of their inferior knowledge. They hate the patient for this. How dare they. “Everyone needs to stay in their lane”, the doctor repeatedly said today. People bring up of the flu shot and ask if its really safe etc, this is such an inane question for a doctor who’s has stopped questions vaccine safety 30 years ago when they were first taught and built their careers around that they were safe. According to the doctor the patient knows nothing. Often their symptoms cant even be their symptoms because they would go against the established science. They are simply ignored. I’ve seen this countless times.
