Quit participating in “Fast Food America” (which encompasses more than just food – mental health is important too), and focus on keeping yourself healthy (regular exercise, carefully sourced good food, etc.). Since I started doing this in 2003, I’ve had 2 colds, and nothing else.
]]>After being given a seizure he was then put into a coma and the entire thing just went to hell. I could not believe that nobody else could see what was happening…their insistence on overcomplicating everything nearly cost my brother’s life.
They were insane, but I felt like the insane person because I was the only one that could see what was happening.
We need more writers of your caliber Jon, keep it up. Maybe someday we’ll be able to meet or talk. I am a huge fan, and am knee deep in the independent research as well.
]]>During a meeting on the over use of antibiotics, an administrative doctor leans over in front of everyone and says to the group. “Just to be clear this reduction in antibiotic use doesn’t have anything to do with the public’s input, this is all based on science and data?” What was clear is that they were changing a policy that many in alternative medicine and (recent modern medicine), have been saying for a long time.. that we’re using way too many antibiotics. He had to announce his teams superiority over that knowledge and domain even while updating the policy to what other people have been doing for a long time.
It clear that all of the tv ER dramas are about keeping up an imagine that a hospital would be a place where competent people looked after you. I have not observed that yet.