Comments on: Why hasn’t the History Channel been shut down? Tue, 27 Aug 2019 01:44:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry C Tue, 27 Aug 2019 01:44:44 +0000 There ya go, Rappoport….being all logical again. Hasn’t the government banned logic???

By: Erika Sun, 25 Aug 2019 21:00:33 +0000 Certainly the government’s conspiracy theory about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has resulted in 1 million Iraqis genocided and the longest most expensive “war” AND occupation in US history..funny that is not called a “conspiracy theory” is only a “conspiracy theory” when it disagrees with official propaganda.

By: Kathy Wed, 21 Aug 2019 11:40:23 +0000 I have “The Men Who Killed Kennedy” on DVD, along with the disk/chapter,
“The Love Affair” – the one that was banned from being shown again or sold. It is about Oswald’s love affair with Judith Baker, that one is ‘the smoking gun’!

By: John Barlicorn Wed, 21 Aug 2019 07:16:58 +0000 As I grow older, I slowly come to the conclusion that there is no freedom, no democracy, no justice. All the countries are more or less like that. The latest ban on the media in the usa, the ones discussing vaccine adverse effects, that was the final blow. America is nothing more than a dictatorial country, very aggressive one.

By: James Cayon Mon, 19 Aug 2019 14:12:56 +0000 … I understand it, they got their hands slapped SOUNDLY for ‘The Men Who Killed Kennedy’ (as the late Jim Marrs was WELL aware, it was a number of different resentful groups but especially, Texas oil men who underwrote it) – am a BIG watcher of their less-brutalistic programming and yes, the document in question certainly confirms his growing comity with Khrushchev, desire to share UFO-related data, DID contribute…..
