Comments on: Psychiatry in charge of gun control: utter disaster Sat, 21 Dec 2019 16:40:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Viktoria Sat, 21 Dec 2019 16:40:19 +0000 I have already diagnosed people that wrote and created the horror shows like the Exorcist, Rosemarys’ Baby, HellRaiser, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Books on Demonology, Communism, etc., etc, as having a preponderance for violence and are severely mentally ill, deranged lunatics. There is your pre-crime. Add the Sabbatean-Frankist death cult scum who are added to the terrorist watch list who believes in slavery(all forms), moral relativism, moral solipsism, androgynous and deserves to have their asses kicked and hauled into the I.C.C. for international war crimes, tried, and summary executed. They are also responsible for the bombings in this country. Burn their trash art masked as porn, demonology books, DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manuals I-IV-brainwashing manuals) and horror flick filfth. American needs To WTFU and quit being naieve, spineless jellyfish enslaved to this these trash, scum, non-humans who put out this filth. Take the confrontation to them for once.

By: Viktoria Fri, 20 Dec 2019 20:50:50 +0000 One more thing Jon, Psychiatry is a horror show using patients and converting them over to human guinea pigs for immoral, human science experimentation unwittingly. Where’s Agent Mulder and Scully from the X-Files? ANYONE…ANYONE….ANYONE……..One more thing I would like to add to those that continue the immoral paycheck collecting causing harm in the name of psychiatric experimentation. What ever comes around, goes around. Kharma is a BIAATCH… Thanks Jon for having a courageous spine and best endeavors!

By: Viktoria Sigrun Fri, 20 Dec 2019 20:34:38 +0000 Psychiatry-The Science Of Lies….The Science of 2,000,000 negligent homicides. How about we disarm the psychiatric, brainwashing death, cult poisoners and end the psychiatric regime of brainwashing, mind-control with false labels and biochemical TORTURE cleverly camouflaged as medical and therapy? Psychiatry makes the Rev. Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacres, the heavens’ gate cult, Chairman Mao, Stalin, and Hitler pail in comparison. It’s an experimentation in brainwashing and biochemical torture getting populations to destroy themselves without out use of firearms. END the Psychiatric, Solzhenitsyns’ Gulag Archipelglio, mind-control experiments!!!!!!

By: JOHN S. Sun, 08 Sep 2019 01:16:37 +0000 As long as the rulers run Hollywood, with the barrage of violent, sick, perverted movies, TV mind rapes, etc. Put ” bad sick “, not fully human CREATURES as leaders, rulers, players, etc. this can not be fixed!! Maybe a mass round-up of these dangerous liberals
who are NOW recommending Cannibalism to answer our future food needs might make for a study of Satanic Eaters that convinces the masses to STOP PRODUCING children on THIS NONE SAFE World as ET’S
commence to Hybritize certain races for elimination, using terms like Chattel, Sheeple says it all. Science has seen Kuru Disease such as The
Clintons are infested caused by eating other humans spreading worldwide

Think that until we can clarify just what and who are defective by birth. Or whether subversive Radio/Microwave machines are the main cause of these selected shootings that can CAUSE this ANYWHERE in U.S.

Notice the patterns of fixed False Flags each time these shootings go down like selected EVENTS, way too ongoing to be blamed on just citizens.

It’s like a parasite infection of minds for this many fake actions repeated over and over by employees of various unknown gov’t agencies,
with secret budgets we civilians are often targeted by and shows the cruelty we are facing. If unable to survive these streets than export
this problem back to its inventors

By: Sunshine2 Sat, 07 Sep 2019 17:35:03 +0000 I hope so as well. I really hope this is one of those instances where President Trump is using his platform to shine a spot light on psychiatry to expose the corruption. Or at the very least to bring attention to how all of our devices record, collect data, and already share it with anyone willing to pay.

By: From Quebec Fri, 06 Sep 2019 23:02:02 +0000 What is the point to have the Second Amendment if every time there is a mass shouting, your guns are at your house in a drawer SOMEWHERE

The solution is patriots to have more concealed carring guns.

And TO abolish EVERY Free gun zones.

By: Greg C. Fri, 06 Sep 2019 21:01:54 +0000 “Psychiatry is: fake, fraud, pseudoscience from top to bottom. It’s complete fiction dressed up as fact.”

Agreed, all modern science has lost its roots because it lives in its parents’ basement, figuratively speaking. Funding is everything. Gone are the days of scientists doing independent investigation.

There were great minds 100 years ago contributing to our understanding of the psyche, none of whom were in the least bit interested in using chemicals to alter behavior. Variation from “normal” behavior was appreciated as a natural process of development, maturation, or correction in each person’s unique environment and life situation.

By: Michael Freeman Fri, 06 Sep 2019 16:55:40 +0000 I concur Alexis. I certainly hear Rappoport’s concerns. Yet Trump is not Obama. We seem to live in the times of “impossible” things cominging true. Part of psychiatry’s dark power (very much like the fictional Sith in Star Wars) is to make us all look through a glass darkly. Too much darkness, negativity and lack of the idea that evil like this can be vanquished. What a relief it will be !

By: Scott Fri, 06 Sep 2019 02:55:50 +0000 Most big internet businesses are just fronts for the CIA as are social media and search engines. We live in a police state. welcome to 1984.

By: Alexis Thu, 05 Sep 2019 21:19:06 +0000 This apparent decision by the Trump administration certainly does seem horrifying in its implications. However, rational people must admit that unless the trajectory is changed our society seems destined to end in a fit of suffering and death. I like to think of Trump as a person very similar to the Biblical king Jehu. Jehu executed a spectacular double cross on some very wicked people. That is what I believe we will see here. The white coated “priests” of pharma are about to be removed from power, I believe.
