Comments on: Your power in an Exit from the Matrix Sat, 07 Sep 2019 17:07:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sunshine2 Sat, 07 Sep 2019 17:07:17 +0000 Seems like they are deliberately trying to tank the garden. That’s sad. I’d find another way to protect the plants (from them). How about renaming ‘locks’ to something like ‘open sharing moderation system’? You could even generate official guidelines for the open sharing moderation system. I’m not trying to make light of this, and hope it doesn’t appear that way. Just throwing out ideas so the garden can continue being successful.

By: NaturalWoman Fri, 06 Sep 2019 13:42:21 +0000 This concept is so appropriate to our nation as well as to me personally.

We have a new layer of unelected bureaucrats overseeing the gardens in my town. We have minimal and fair rules established over 40 years ago that worked. Yet instead of learning about how things work, these collectivists who have never raised food themselves, want to impose a whole lot more rules, including that we should not be allowed to lock the cages we’ve installed to keep out varmints. That way anyone could harvest from our vegetables we worked to hard to grow. It’s so hard to deal with such stupidity from people who have convinced themselves that they are doing good.
