Comments on: Leaks, fake news, and hidden agendas Wed, 11 Sep 2019 13:30:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Scott Wed, 11 Sep 2019 13:30:01 +0000 Sadly, critical thinking skills have been squashed in the schools and we now have members of the mainstream “news” media who merely repeat what bureaucrats tell them, without question, without any substantive investigative research to see if there is any other information that challenges what Bureaucrat is saying. (Although there are some members of the media who do know the truth but just play along to please their friends in the government, and act as intentional propagandists.)

For these reasons the Internet needs to continue to be free and without any government regulation or censorship. However, the corporate “de-platforming” as a way to censor the truth is concerning.

By: NaturalWoman Tue, 10 Sep 2019 14:20:07 +0000 Brilliant, as always, Jon. You are a souce of truth and sanity in a world of lies and insanity.

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