Comments on: 9/11: The Gold and The Minders Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:25:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Judith Pecho Wed, 25 Sep 2019 07:20:20 +0000 We are being controlled by foreign agents in all positions of government and read that they have to give up their American citizenship in order to have those jobs. The courts are the most dangerous as they are rogue and not constitutional and will see that any trouble makers get put away in an appropriate resort of sorts.
They have to take an oath and post a bond. So next time you are stopped asked the police for their oath. We have been taken over. They are supposed to serve us, but why as foreign agents, and that they work for the IMF, to raise money. Anyone else hear this theory. Actually there is a Registration Statement that they must complete, at all levels of government including police officers, that is required under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended. They are obligated to produce it to you upon demand, right to know if yoyu read the act and rules. Reference Rule 5(d)(1), 28 C.F.R.SS 5.5(d)(1) and Privacy Act Statement 22 U.S.C. SS
More info I have heard recently is that we are now under a fascist government, and that they are fakes in their authority, and one needs to learn how to expose them, as they usually back off. They are no longer citizens when they take the oath and complete the Registration. This applies to all our congress and representatives, court officers, all government workers since all government are corporations registered in Europe. For this my father fought in WWII.

By: m.angel Thu, 19 Sep 2019 17:24:42 +0000 Am I allowed to print out Jon’s articles ? I used to be able to do that but it seems I can’t any more.

By: Brian Haver Thu, 19 Sep 2019 00:33:33 +0000 The elite have studied it well, Propaganda applied properly does indeed indoctrinate the majority of the masses, Bernays would be proud.

By: Dean Windlan Wed, 18 Sep 2019 11:16:26 +0000 Mike, I feel exactly the same way as you. The typical Merikan brain seems unable to connect the hundreds of events of that day that clearly show that it was a conspiracy that involved the government, Pentagon, the mayor, etc. It is scary to the Nth degree that so many are so gullible. The ongoing psyops, vaccinations, fluoride, drugs, inferior education, etc. have made any kind of deep thinking impossible for a huge portion of the population. People are too easily distracted by comparatively trivial things.

By: Paul Tue, 17 Sep 2019 17:05:30 +0000 As always, thank you for your excellent reporting!

By: Alyssa Mon, 16 Sep 2019 19:28:44 +0000 There was News footage of I believe 3 Brinks type trucks caught driving away from 9/11 most likely via helicopter shot footage. It showed I truck being stopped and driver running away and abandoned his truck full of gold upon realizing the Copter was following his truck on live TV. Another truck drove off and a 3rd truck was already abandoned (Stuck in traffic jam).

By: Cherry Misra Mon, 16 Sep 2019 18:18:00 +0000 the military industrial complex, after wrecking death and destruction in many parts of the globe, now turns on its own people. the beast is hungry. Let the citizen beware.

By: Paul F Austin Mon, 16 Sep 2019 18:06:00 +0000 Hello Jon – I am English but have a great respect and belief in the USA, its people and its basic Constitution.
Your messages are a constant enjoyment to me, and your insight is most edifying.
To anyone in the world who has ‘been around’ the tragedy from the outset smelled to high heaven; not only was the entire tragic WTC a horror of unparalleled magnitude – but the subsequent fiasco of the so-called ‘inquiry’ was even more horrendous, if that is at all possible.
It has taken eighteen years for a considerable number of independent and dedicated experts, worldwide it seems, to finally begin to expose the extent of the deceit concerned with just ONE of the buildings within the scenario of that infamous day – for which many of us, expert and layman, can only give them enormous credit for their ‘unpaid’ service to the USA.
I am confident that with people of your quality working on the side of your fellow Americans the ‘truth will out’ but I am sorry to say the entire episode will in no way enhance the reputations of the key figures in your National Services and Security ‘family’ who have let down the vast majority of Americans by whom they are more than adequately paid to protect and support them.
I feel certain that eventually there will be a reckoning – but too late for any true justice to be imparted to those unfortunate victims and their families who surely deserved much, much more.
Thank you Jon

By: by- Victor Mon, 16 Sep 2019 16:26:56 +0000 Mr. Jon all i can say at this time” Is keep up the good work! Eye’s are being opened,,,

By: D. Johnson Mon, 16 Sep 2019 16:24:20 +0000 The University of Alaska Fairbanks study of Building #7 will be published soon but a news release states it could not have been brought down by fire.
