Comments on: Prozac mass murders: the truth comes to light Tue, 08 Oct 2019 15:50:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Viktoria Tue, 08 Oct 2019 15:50:54 +0000

C.I.A.’s official document stating psychiatry is to be used as weapon on friendly nations.

By: Jonbo Mon, 07 Oct 2019 05:55:36 +0000 Both SSRI’s & SNRI (also affect neuro-epinephrine? uptake)
Sadly SSRI for understandable Exam stress, which mindful breathing could have assuaged, wrecked my seat of emotion, leading to lack of ‘joy’, motivation shot, I was no more than a meat puppet, going through those actions in life, I couldnt avoid, such as work etc, whilst holding a mask of “sanity” whilst doing the “Anti-Catch 22″a coined by my self.

By: Marilyn Steffen Sat, 05 Oct 2019 18:35:04 +0000 I got very sick when I took Prozac so I stopped and my daughter used it and committed suicide.

I have been using wild yam cream for 12 years and it is helping when prescriptions never did. And for any mental issue, 12 step programs (AA or Al-Anon) work better than therapists or prescriptions. I went to probably a dozen therapists and got no help at all.

By: Bj Sat, 05 Oct 2019 14:40:24 +0000 They will not look at the drugs as the cause of the mass shootings because our media, politicians, are controlled by the drug companies/cartels. Love of money talks and until this country makes decisions based on Biblical right and wrong, this will continue. Until we get the secular psychiatrists out of our public schools and put God back in – problem #1 was in the 80’s when they took God out and put these secular psychiatrists in. It was baseless job creation that turned our kids toward self instead of God which as we can see was and is a disaster. Our schools have gone downhill ever since. They have become prisons instead of Godly learning institutions. The psychiatrists turned children to self and drugs instead of God. This was a great money-making proposition for Big Pharma and the medical profession. The money was flooding in like crazy while our adults and children were being damaged. Open all our eyes, Lord, so we can move back in the right direction and get back on the right path and fight this monstrous evil.

By: Bj Sat, 05 Oct 2019 14:27:21 +0000 Yes, I want to know, too. We need info out there circulating to others to warn them of the dangers. It might be because of the repercussions that might ensue because it is truth. The country is in a spiritual battle right now where truth and lies are battling it out. the lies/liars are offended when truth comes knocking at the door. We see it in our politics, our schools, in our government, our state leaderships. Truth must be told and fought for whether it is welcomed or not.

By: Bj Sat, 05 Oct 2019 14:19:07 +0000 Very well said. We have been made to believe that the pharmaceutical company is the only answer to our health problems and when that happens that means we have held them up as a god bowing to anything they say or command. They have become such a giant that if anyone wants to go against them, there are consequences. This is with our drugs and our vaccines. The only way to cut off this giant is to stop fueling them with our money. They for decades have tried to destroy anything and anyone that might have answers to healing health so they could remain the only go to for answers. They have destroyed and still are destroying our children and our families. America needs to wake up or we will continue to sacrifice our children and ourselves on the altar of evilness and satanic practices.

By: Bj Sat, 05 Oct 2019 14:10:42 +0000 Never think you can’t get off the SSRI’s. After reading a book by Dr.Ann Blake Tracy titled, Prozac: Panacea or Pandora, I was horrified as to how these drugs are allowed to go on. No one hears about the numbers of people destroyed by these drugs. I consider the manufacturers of the drugs and the doctors who push them as criminal. This has got to stop. It has and still is ruining America including our children. Our children has had Ritalin,Adderall XR,Concerta, Metadate,etc.pushed on them only to find out later it has harmed the brain receptors which is just as harmful as the SSRI’s. We were not meant to take these drugs. Our bodies react and reject them all the time. Parents need qualified alternative doctors that can check the body’s levels and can make proper changes naturally that your body will accept without harmful side effects if used properly. I am sure it is worse to treat if meds have already been taken and you will go through an up and down period but there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Dr. Ann Blake Tracy walks you through how to detox off these drugs but it is very slowly, very, very slowly. Some doctors even withdraw at once which causes a major bad reaction which then they try to tell someone they need to stay on the drugs. So sad. I would get someone fully qualified to help you and I am sure Dr. Tracy could help you as to how to go about it. Think in the book there are lists of who you can contact for help.Stay away from the doctors who prescribed these meds. We have known about these drugs for a long time but so many still do not know the dangers. Tell your story and help others not to go that route. It is much easier to help the body before the drugs have already been put in the them. Best to you.

By: Jim Fri, 04 Oct 2019 12:56:40 +0000 Expose them relentlessly. Above all, reject their products. They’ll be gone when they go broke.

Focus instead on getting your basic nutrition right – there is plenty of advice out there, but you have to use your common sense. We get ill from inadequate nutrition, from toxicity (pollution, mass medication (eg: fluoride), weed and pest killer residues etc etc) or from hammer-on-thumb events – but we don’t get ill from a lack of pharmaceutical products.

By: EJS Fri, 04 Oct 2019 05:40:45 +0000 The propensity to violence to self and others with these drugs occurs mostly in young males. If you do some simple math you will come to realize we have thousands of ticking time bombs walking around at any given moment. The number of people prescribed these drugs is staggering. WHY is this not looked at with the increase in mass killings. Im sorry! there is a connection and no one is allowed to talk about it. MONEY and GREED!!! How about this? You cannot be prescribed an SSRI without being under the care and supervision of a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist must complete a thorough mental health and risk assessment before, during and after treatment. If you are prescribed an SSRI by a psychiatrist you can be immediately considered for a red flag gun ban. You cannot and will not be prescribed these medication by a general practitioner. These drugs are dangerous! period end of story!

By: Phil Thu, 03 Oct 2019 18:28:54 +0000 Better question might be why is an enlightened person still using F-book?
