Comments on: Logic, imagination, and magic Sat, 05 Oct 2019 12:55:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Evans Sat, 05 Oct 2019 12:55:26 +0000 The Overlords of Strife

By David Evans

Before the dawn of this seductive universe.
Before the randy gods did first converse.
Before the first stars began to wryly twinkle
Oblivion did tremor and wrinkle.
And out of her womb a notion arose
For dancing particles to one another oppose
Locked in combat of cosmic strife
From which did spring the joyous loins of life.
And with this ‘Mad Hatter’ mutation
Arose a most twisted abomination
A pugnacious ‘God’ to help conduct the din and clatter
From the chaotic verse of atomic scatter.
With his white beard billowing high above the clouds
He did to mankind bequeath a mortal shroud
What kind of benevolent deity would bestow life’s sweet breath
Upon those who must contemplate their own death?
An act of cruelty without compromise
To reward an entire race with its own demise.
And from around his roaring and whirling axis
Arose a most distinguished praxis.
Creation of a universal logos
And the programmed minions of the Demiourgos
Who are bound by ultimate fealty
To a brutal binary reality.
They were to imagination and creativity blind
No more than algorithms of the mind
And even to this very day
They cannot hear the music play
Flailing their wispy tendrils of pain
Waiting to drive evolving neurons insane.
They awaited many billions of years
And alas found the well endowed victim without peer
Conceived we were as children of the light
A capricious contagion of mortal blight.
And so our atoms did dance a merry jig
While donning mythical leaf of fig
A fallen creation born in sin
Was our Overlords very clever spin.
They trembled in eager anticipation
Of having their first goose bump libation
And in their rapture they thanked the morning sun
And toasted the flesh of their juicy plumb.
They had no concept of imagination immortal
That could blow open the gates of eternity’s portal.
They applied all their sneaky powers of privation
To deny humanity’s quest for salvation.
So they placed a cross on the vestibule wall
To celebrate the children of Adam’s fall
Promising them that ‘God’ would save them one day
If they would with each others hearts play
And forgive each other’s gross corruption
While proceeding to heaven without interruption.
Accept your suffering and be composed
As ringed by thorns is the delicate rose
For man was made to suffer certain
If he wishes to pierce the immortal curtain.
Play that game of doom with the Overlords of strife
And, who knows, you may enjoy a better life
But do not ever come out to play
Unless you do your compassion slay
This earth cabal no more than a gnawing beast
Rising to life from freedom’s yeast
Captive host of tyranny’s folly
Where tolls the ghost bell of liberty
Hail your crinkled parchment paper freedom
Spreading its burnt ashes across this merry kingdom
And with the corrupt overlords of destiny
Came the paradox of life’s polarity
That squeezes patience and compassion dry
While advancing the great mortal lie
That we must abide this furnace of hate
And endure her cruel lottery of fate
Rise up! Rise up! My dearest mates
Let us from the cup of liberty our parched thirst sate
Time to end this earthly abomination
And the myth of God’s salvation
For until you are truly free
Nothing or no one can save thee
And over your heart place your beautiful hand
For there you will find the promised land.

By: Suzie Fri, 04 Oct 2019 15:57:55 +0000 Agreed!
I have being reading #Jon’s writing for few years now and he along with others like:#DrSebi #TyBollinger #JoelWallach
And many more visionaries like said one.

By: Suzie Fri, 04 Oct 2019 15:53:14 +0000 Agree!
At a crossroad now where I am being face with accepting ALLuminum into my blood-stream in order to get into nursing school. #DrSebi said our (my) bodies are #Carbon-based and NOT compatible with #acids.Had near fatal reaction once from the Flu vaccine 2014 when it was “trying” to cross the blood-brain-barrier;my 3 children also reported the same accurence.Will the school accept my “allergic-reaction!?” Or will I be barred from my dream/journey/goal of over 18 years?

By: Sean Garrisson Thu, 03 Oct 2019 23:27:53 +0000 Thank you for making me aware of the option of living through and by the imagination and creative impulse. I don’t think I would have without you Jon Rappoport.

By: Nicole Thu, 03 Oct 2019 18:05:35 +0000 Jon, I literally have tears in my eyes in appreciation and that indescribable feeling one gets when reading, viewing, experiencing great minds…the one voice out of the chaos that speaks to you and inherently know as truth. Vibratory Resonance. I feel bad for people who do not experience the universe validating your very soul via the great Messengers of this dimension.
Mad respect to you sir.

Thank You.
So much.

By: artemis Thu, 03 Oct 2019 17:46:07 +0000 I would like to reblog this, but i see not option for this. Is this because you do Not want it reblogged?

By: carmen bergeron Thu, 03 Oct 2019 17:06:06 +0000 Your writings are bar none, absolutely love your work. IS – People
are the curse of humanity. We do live in a Universe that has been hijacked by dark forces, and an evil spell is used to keep this ruse going for far too long. Thanks for being a bright light in such darkness. May everyone reflect that these are holly un-natural times, and than do something about it.
